Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 72 - Looting The Spiky Frog

The moment Jason rolled out of the way, the spiky frog slammed down creating a great disturbance. Getting up from the ground, Jason created a distance between the two of them in fear of the beast making that same.move that could turn him into a paste if it were to slam on him.

"It won't be an easy task to kill this ugly-looking beast" said Jason.

"It will depend on the approach you took during the attack and let me give you a piece of advice, the spiky frog has a liquid that is stored in its mouth and if it were to spill on anything or anyone, its spot will begin to erode" replied the bracelet.

"One trouble after the other" said Jason with a sigh before rushing forward once more as he slash the halberd at the spiky frog with brute strength.

Shooting its tongue out as it used it to wrap the halberd stopping it from moving forward in the process. Now Jason has to struggle to get the halberd out of the grip of the spiky frog but he just couldn't take the halberd out and he was beginning to get frustrated by it.

"What is wrong with this ugly frog, can't it just lay down and let me take its life instead of struggling with me" said Jason with gritted teeth.

"I can't believe that you are struggling with a beast that is as weak as this" mocked the bracelet.

"Hey do you think it is easy to beat a beast that is so sneaky and let's not forget that it still got my weapon held tightly with its tongue" replied Jason with a frown.

"If you are finding it difficult to take your halberd back then enforce your spiritual energy into the halberd to weaken its grip on it" suggested the bracelet.

Following the bracelet suggestion, Jason was able to get the halberd free from the tongue of the spiky frog as he swung it to the side to wipe the side to get rid of its saliva. After getting rid of the saliva, Jason struck the halberd forward as he coated it with spiritual energy to prevent the spiky frog from gripping the halberd with its tongue.

Once again when the spiky frog saw the halberd coming at it once more, it shot its tongue out to get hold of the halberd but the moment its tongue came in contact with the halberd, it was pushed to the side leaving its mouth wide open. Taking the opportunity that was before him, Jason stabs the halberd into the mouth of the spiky frog before swinging the halberd to the side destroying the jaw of the spiky frog in the process.

"Now let's see how you are going to use that tongue of yours to attack me" said Jason as he created a distance between himself and the spiky frog.

"You do know that this is a beast which is a realm lower than yours right" asked the bracelet surprised by the way Jason was acting.

"And what is the matter if it is a realm lower than mine" replied Jason.

"I am just saying since you are happy about fighting not to forget that it is taking so long for you to end the fight" said the bracelet.

"You think I am too weak to kill the beast in a single strike right, don't you worry next that I go up against a beast I will make sure to end the fight quickly" replied Jason before charging at the spiky frog out of anger.

Not giving the spiky frog the time to leap up, Jason threw the halberd toward the spiky frog as it was about to leap, bringing it down with a wound at the top of its head with some of the spike being destroyed. Now standing without a weapon with a smile on his face as he took a step forward. Seeing the human was advancing towards it, the spiky frog tries to shoot out the liquid out of its mouth but the moment the liquid was about to come out of its mouth, the spiky frog will scream in agony as the part of its mouth that was destroyed will be conflicting with the liquid.

"Looks like you are completely useless now that you no longer have a secret attack to help you out anymore" said Jason with a chuckle as he continues to move forward.

All this while he was walking slowly, Jason was gathering energy in his right leg and right hand as he was ready to attack the spot that had already been wounded. It didn't take him long enough to gather the required energy he needed for his next attack, Jason began to run forward with his fist head out front.

And seeing the human was charging at it once more, the spiky frog swing its tongue that has been laying on the floor ever since its jaw has been destroyed as it swang it at Jason who easily dodge to the side as he avoided the attack before continuing with his charge as the target was already in front of him. 

"You are free to struggle now cause this will be the last thing you will be able to see this place again" said Jason with a smile on his face as he leap into the air before raising his leg and slamming it down on the head of the spiky frog where the wound was as the spiky frog shook a little with the spiky that was protecting its head was been damage.

Not giving the spiky frog the time to catch it breathing, Jason threw his right fist forward and delivered a punch at the same spot where the phantom kick had landed, taking the life of the spiky frog as it fell to the side lifelessly. Making sure that the beast is truly dead, Jason throws another punch at the spiky frog again and again until the bracelet tells him to stop since he will be damaging the beast's body. 

"You can't blame me for hitting it since this damn beast is filled with tricks" said Jason as he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"How can a beast that is already dead be playing tricks on you kid" asked the bracelet.

"Look it could be that it is faking its death so that it will run away right after we are gone or attack me when I am not on my guard" replied Jason as he tries to justify his actions.

"If the beast is trying to take it death, wouldn't its abdomen be moving slowing and let's not talk about the heart, it wouldn't be difficult for you to know that it is alive if you place your hand on the region where the heart is" said the bracelet as he doesn't want to let the matter slide.

"Are you trying to start a fight with me here" asked Jason.

"Is not that I am trying to start a fight here but I am just letting you know where to check whether the beast is alive or not" replied the bracelet.

"That is much better, now I think I should search for my treasures before I get chased by another beast" said Jason with a smile as he went towards the spiky frog and pulled his halberd out of the head of the beast.

"I guess that the blacksmith made the best choice of forging a halberd for you else I wonder how you will be able to fight the spiky frog when all you will be doing is defending yourself all throughout the match.

"Even with a stone, the spiky frog will still be an easy opponent for me to beat so I don't see the reason why you should be laughing" replied Jason.

"Keep on acting tough kid when we both know how weak you are" commented the bracelet in disdain.

"I may be weak but it won't be long before all that will change, let's see if anyone among my peers will be able to stand on the same ground as me when I leave this place" Replied Jason.

"You are thinking of making a breakthrough here when you are not even ready to face the real deal out there. What a joke you really are" said the bracelet.

"Wait a minute, do you think the spiky frog is not powerful enough to be considered an opponent or what" asked Jason with a frown on his face.

"That spiky frog is not even one bit close to being called an opponent if we put your realm into consideration shut it boy" replied the bracelet.

"I wish there is a way to let you come out of the bracelet and prove to me that it is not considered an opponent by fighting it yourself" said Jason in rage.

"I would have gladly accepted it but it is quite unfortunate that you are too weak to provide me with enough energy for me to roam outside for a second" replied the bracelet.

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