Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 77 - Who Am I Saving Face For

"Why can't I get it right" said Jason in frustration as he pulled his hand from the body of the beast.

"Who knows maybe it just act on its own will" replied the bracelet as he was also confused about the situation.

"I am not sure that it acted on its own rather something must have triggered for it to appear" said Jason.

"So are you thinking of hunting more beasts until you find out how it works" asked the bracelet.

"Sure thing, I won't rest until I know how to activate it" replied Jason. 

"How about you focus on your training since you can't find a way to activate it" said the bracelet.

"After thinking of a way to achieve a breakthrough quickly with no result and now that I have seen hope in making a breakthrough into the foundation realm in a year time and you just want me to let it go" replied Jason with a frown. 

"Is not that I want you to let it go but you have not been able to focus on making a breakthrough ever since that event" said the bracelet worriedly that Jason will not be able to make it into the foundation realm by the time the ruin will be open.

"Just because I am looking for a way to use the glow does not mean that I have forgotten about my plans of making a breakthrough into the foundation realm" replied Jason.

Meanwhile, all this time that Jason has been hunting beasts all day long, some of the beasts are beginning to notice that the amount of weaker beasts has dropped recently making it difficult for them to feed. After hunting the beast down no stop for about three days, Jason was still nowhere near uncovering how the glow works and he was getting frustrated by it although all this time that he has been hunting for beast, he hasn't forgotten to cultivate after he was done for the day and was finally able to make a breakthrough into the seventh layer of tempered body which motivated him more on finding the clue to activating the glow since the only reason why he was able to breakthrough was all thanks to the glow. 

One faithful day Jason went out hunting as usual and this time his target was an aerial beast that looks more like a buffalo whose realm was seen to be at the early stage of the tempered body and is seen to be a young beast.

"Are you not ashamed of going after a calf with this cultivation base that won't be noticed by expert" asked the bracelet.

"That is the problem with you always thinking about keeping a face but let me ask you, who am I saving face for here in the wild" replied Jason.

"I am just saying that you should let it go since it is not safe to go after this kind of beast whose mother won't be too far unlike the horned leopard that lets their cub do their own thing once they are old enough to hunt for their food" said the bracelet.

It hasn't been long that the bracelet has warned Jason about letting the calf go when they heard a hoffing sound coming from behind. Quickly sprinting to the side as what was coming from behind passed the spot he was standing not quite long. Looking at the buffalo with a golden horn and two pairs of wings hovering in the air in front of him, Jason couldn't help but have a twitchy face as he said to the beast.

"Good thing you are here, I was just teaching your child how to fly quickly since you don't know when one would be attacked".

Seeing that its mother had arrived, the calf flew forward and hid behind the big buffalo.

"Haha, looks like you are in trouble" laughed the bracelet happily when he saw the calf hiding. 

"Why does it have to be today of all-day" said Jason with a sigh as he pulled the harberd from his back ready for the worst to happen.

Seeing that the human has a weapon in hand, the beast didn't hesitate as it let out steam from its nose before flying high up in the sky before diving down on Jason who quickly roll to the side as he avoid the beast attack before swinging the halberd at the spot where the beast is about to strike. As if the beast could read his mind, it quickly flipped its wing as it stopped it from falling before shooting to the sky again. The calf had already run off when it saw that its mother was about to fight. 

"How did I get into this mess in the first place" said Jason as he jumped to the side to avoid getting stomped on.

"If you were wise enough to heed my warning, you wouldn't have been in this situation right now" replied the bracelet.

"All you do is give advice like an old man but can never provide me with resources" said Jason as he was tired of being reminded of his mistake.

"I have already made it clear to you that you are too weak to access the treasures that are kept in space so don't blame but blame it all on being weak" replied the bracelet.

All that Jason did was shut his mouth since it is true that the reason why he has not been able to access the space within the bracelet was because he was too weak. But the problem he is having right now is quite troublesome for him since he doesn't have a way of fighting with an aerial beast then looking at his surroundings, he noticed that he has been fighting the beast in an open space with trees surrounding them and that is when an idea struck him as he turns away and ran into the thick forest while ignoring the beast giving chase.

"All I have to do is make it into the deep woods and all will be alright" said Jason as he focuses his attention on making it deep inside where the whole place is filled with trees.

"You know just because you gave up on fighting and decided to run away does not mean that the beast will let the matter slide since you went after it child" replied the bracelet.

"And who told you that I was running away" asked Jason with a cunning smile on his face.

"Why wouldn't I know since all you do is turn tail and run whenever you are up against a stronger beast" replied the bracelet.

"That was because I didn't have a chance of winning the fight unlike this dumb beast who keeps on chasing after me" said Jason with a frown when he heard the bracelet giving details of beast he has fled from. 

"So you have finally decided to face your fear for once" asked the bracelet with a light chuckle.

"I have never turned my back on a fight and this will also be the case when I killed this damn beast so stop talking and watch how your father teaches this dumb beast a lesson that will forever remain in its heart even till death" replied Jason.

"You know before you came into this world, I existed and you should be calling me great-great-grandfather but here you are claiming to be my father, you really have guts kid" said the bracelet.

"I was only joking and besides don't you want to know the plan that I have set out for that beast" asked Jason with a smile as he continued to sprint deep into the forest.

"I once had the intention of asking but not anymore" replied the bracelet angrily.

"Alright then" said Jason as he continued running until he was finally able to make it to the destination where he turned around as he waited for the beast's arrival but to his surprise, the beast had stopped flying and was now running like every other beast. 

"You gotta be kidding me, how can it still run at this speed when it is an aerial beast" said Jason in shock.

"The buffet is a beast that was blessed with the ability to travel on land and sky so why are you so shocked about something that was well known" asked the bracelet.

"How am I supposed to know when I did not have the time to study" replied Jason. 

"Oh I actually forgot about that but since you are now working for the grand elder, you should have the right to access information concerning the beast" said the bracelet.

"Well that will have to be for another time, but now I have to think of a way to get rid of this beast" replied Jason as he swung the halberd around before striking it on the ground as he pulled the fallen leaves and sand toward the beast in an attempt to get rid of it sight even for ten seconds.

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