Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 96 - You Greedy Bastard

Everyone turns to look at Jason after hearing him say he will be going his separate way, they felt pity for him since it won't be easy to walk in this place that is filled with danger on your own.

Walking back to pick the halberd as he turned to face the path he will be taking and as he was about to take a step forward, Austin held him down as he tried to persuade him to stay. 

"There is no way that I can leave this place with treasure if I continue to follow you all, so it is better I hunt for treasures on my own" said Jason.

"But it is not safe to walk alone in this forest with all the unexpected events happening one after the other" said Austin as he tries to convince him to stay.

"We are being sent here to train in the first place so going together won't be considered training right" asked Jason.

"Well it can't be considered training alright but still it won't be safe for you to walk alone, how about I come with you" said Austin.

"I appreciate what you are trying to do but I have made up my mind and you coming with me will not put you in a good position with your family member so I will have to turn you down my friend" replied Jason as he pats Austin on the shoulder before taking his leave.

The moment he left the group, everybody turned their sight back to the beast which was lying dead on the ground and they began to look at each other without saying a thing until Adam broke the silence. 

"So now that we have slayed the beast, how should we distribute it".

"Distributing the body part won't be a problem but the issue is who is going to take the core" asked Diana.

"Hmm, how about letting the family who contributed the most take the core" suggested Sam.

"If you are suggesting we should give it to the family that contributed the most, then the Fox family should be the one to take the core" replied Austin with a smile on his face. 

"And why should it be given to your family" asked Trace.

"That is because the reason why we could take the beast down was all thanks to Jason and since he is representing the Fox family then the core is likely to be given to us" replied Austin.

"There is no way we are giving it to your family since he is not from the family" said Adam with a frown as he disagreed with Austin's suggestion.

"Alright then since you are saying we don't deserve it, then who should be given it to" asked the eldest of the Triplett.

"If you asked me, I think that young man deserves it more than anyone here and it will be appropriate if we give it to him" said Diane when feeling the energy in the surrounding tense.

"I guess you are right about that, but how are we supposed to give it to him now that he is gone" asked Trace as he also agreed with Diana.

"Since two families have agreed to let Jason have it, we just need one more family to support the motion before discussing how to give it to him and I believe I represent the Fox family when I say we should give it to Jason" replied Austin.

"Don't just go saying you represented us, did we even agree to let that annoying boy have the core" asked Steven in anger when he heard they will be giving the core to Jason.

"I don't know about you Steven but I believe the others don't seem to decline about giving the core to Jason" replied Austin as he turned to look at the remaining members of the Fox family to see if anyone is against his decision and apart from Steven and Henry, the triplet was not against it.

Turning back to Steven with a smile on his face, Austin said to Steven.

"I guess they all agreed to it".

"Don't think this is over Austin just because they are on your side" replied Steven in anger.

Choosing to ignore Steven, Austin said to the crowd as he said at loud for everyone to hear.

"Since it has been decided that it should be given to Jason, then the rest of us will just have to share the parts among ourselves".

"You are still forgetting something Austin, how are we supposed to give it to him" asked Adam.

"Since we don't know where he is at the moment, I will have to hold on to it until we meet in the ruin" replied Austin.

"What if he did not make it to the ruin, then what is going to happen to the core" asked sam.

"I will advise you to stop looking at him as a weak person just because he let the core go without fighting it out with you guys. Making it to the ruin won't be a difficult task for him so you don't have to worry about having to argue with who to take the core" replied Austin in assurance.

"It seems like you really believe in his ability to survive" said Diana with a smile on her face. 

"Yeah, I have been with him for some time now and I have an idea of what he can do" replied Austin with a smile.

"How can someone who seeks protection from us brothers be able to face us all together" asked one of the Triplett with a frown on his face.

"Yeah answer to that Austin why seek protection from the Triplett if he's that strong" added Steven who found the opportunity to get at Austin.

"I don't I should answer to someone who can't even land a hit on him" replied Austin with a smile on his face as he looked at Steven.

"That is because I was holding back on my attack" said Steven in embarrassment.

"I wish is like you said but you still won't be able to beat him even if you were to go all out Steven so enough already" replied Austin as he walked past Steven before heading to where the beast is.

The Triplett were angry that Jason was playing games with them all this while and the eldest couldn't help but say in anger.

"I promise to kill you when I see you in the ruin you bastard".

"Looks like someone is going to be in a deep trouble hahaha" laughed Diana as she led her people towards another path and it was the same for the other family since it is the only way they could avoid conflict before entering the ruin where their training really begins.

Meanwhile, Jason was actually happy that they refuse to let him have the core since there is no way he will be able to absorb the beast's energy once he has killed them so left with no choice, he has to look for the ruin on his own.

"I can't believe you are not feeling worried traveling in this strange land on your own" said the bracelet when seeing Jason was carefree.

"There is nothing strange about this place except for the unexpected attack here and there" replied Jason.

"Since you have confidence in yourself, then I guess I don't need to get involved" said the bracelet.

"Where do you think you are going. Don't you know that you are my eyes while we are here" replied Jason.

"But I thought you are confident that you will be fine on your own" asked the bracelet.

"Of course I will and that is because I have you and not those greedy bastards who can't let go of a little beast core when they know full well that I was the one who contributed most in killing the beast" replied Jason.

"The greedy bastard is you and not them" said the bracelet.

"Shit, what did you just say" asked Jason as he stopped on his track.

"I said you are the greedy bastard trying to rob them of the beast core" replied the bracelet.

"Fuck you, you stupid bracelet. It seems like I am being really nice to you that you have forgotten that you are my servant" said Jason.

"You still have the guts to call me your servant when you can't do anything on your own" replied the bracelet.

"Why waste my time doing all that when I have someone to make it easy and besides I was the reason why they were able to kill the beast so how is that considered being greedy" asked Jason.

"Why didn't you ask for something else other than the beast core" replied the bracelet with his own question.

"Because I deserve to be given the beast core" said Jason.

"You see what I am talking about, you are a greedy bastard" replied the bracelet.

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