Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 98 - Power Of A Woman

Choosing to ignore the bracelet, Jason turned to Austin as he asked.

"So where you guys able to locate where the guardian is or you are still searching"

"We are still searching man, it is not easy to locate its hiding place" replied Austin as he let out a sigh.

"Since it is getting difficult to locate, why don't you guys try approaching the statue, since it is its duty to protect it, there is no way it is going to continue hiding" said Jason.

"We tried but it did not make any move" replied Austin.

"Then maybe you guys are doing it wrong" said Jason.

"What did you mean by that?" asked Austin as he turned to Jason.

"Tell me did the family mention what or how the guardian looks like" questioned Jason.

"Well, he said it looks like a giant cat" replied Austin.

"And you guys plan to trick the cat with such tactics" said Jason with a frown on his face when he heard it was a cat making him even helpless as to how to get it to show itself.

"And it is said that the key to entering the ruin is in the cat's possession" added Austin.

"I guess what you guys are requested to do is to catch the cat if you want to get into the ruin" said the bracelet.

"This is getting really troublesome" commented Jason as he let out a deep breath.

"Here I was told to give the beast core to you" said Austin as he brought out the beast core before handing it to Jason.

Jason didn't accept it instantly instead he turned to look at Austin with a frown on his face as he asked.

"And why are they letting me have it now, I thought they didn't want to give it out to nobody so why the sudden change".

"It was the only solution to avoid getting into conflict with each other since no one wants the other to have it, so we decided on it and since you are not a member of the family, it is more likely you have it" replied Austin.

"I don't think I have any use for it anymore since they don't want me to have it in the first place, then I can't keep it" said Jason with a smile on his face as he refused to take the beast core from Austin.

"Why must you make things difficult for me Jason" asked Austin with a frown on his face.

"Well I remember telling you guys to let me have it to avoid getting into a fight with each other but you all refused to give it to me so what must have happened for you to have a change of heart" replied Jason.

"That is because the only way we can resolve getting into a fight is to let you have it" said Austin.

"And I am saying I don't have any need for it anymore so you all can decide who should keep it" replied Jason.

Austin tried his best to get Jason to accept the beast core but he did not agree and the others could now hear their voice until Diana decided to go over to plead.

"You are Jason right" asked Diana with a lovely smile on her face as she approached them.

"Yes and you are" replied Jason with a frown on his face as he turned to look at who it was that was asking of his identity only to see that it was coming from a beauty.

"I am Diana of the Platton family, I have heard a lot about you from Austin here" said Diana with an innocent look on her face. 

"Really and what must Austin tell you" asked Jason as he turned to look at Austin with a proud look on his face.

"So many good deeds performed by you which is why I agreed we let you keep the beast core even when the others are against it, seeing you refusing to take, I came to plead on behalf of the others" replied Diana.

"I wasn't refusing to take the beast core, I was just asking my buddy here some questions concerning the core" said Jason as he took the beast core from Austin.

'Asking your buddy some questions my ass, how can you be this shameless as a lie when everyone could hear you refusing to take the core' thought Austin to himself with a frown on his face.

"Then I guess I misheard your conversation with him" said Diana with a laugh before walking out but before she could go back to meet with her family member, she turned back as she smiled while waving at Jason before saying.

"I will be seeing you soon in the ruin".

Jason replied with a warm smile on his face as he waved her off before turning to Austin who was looking at him strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that. Didn't I take the beast core from you" asked Jason.

"Yes you did after a word or two from Diana who you don't even know" replied Austin with a frown.

"It won't be very manly of me to turn down a beautiful lady like her" said Jason.

"Beautiful my foot, you pervert" replied Austin before walking out.

Jason has a shocking look on his face when he hears Austin call him a pervert before living and the bracelet couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"And what is causing you to laugh you dumb bracelet" asked Jason with a twitched face.

"I never knew you can easily be told to accept stuff without even getting seduced" replied the bracelet as he continued to laugh.

"And who told you that I was forced into accepting the beast core, I only took it because people are getting involved and that would be bad if they have a change of mind and decided to take it back" said Jason as he tries to justify his action. 

"What a liar you are boy" replied the bracelet as he didn't believe Jason.

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