Compared to the previous few times, this space did not change much. Xu Hao walked under the apple tree and sat down, then casually leaned against it. What Xu Hao found strange was that no matter if it was day or night outside, it was always daytime in this place.

Xu Hao raised his head and looked at the apple tree. The apple on the tree seemed to have matured, and as Xu Hao was feeling thirsty, he stood up and picked an apple. After wiping it casually, Xu Hao took a bite.

Just as he bit it, Xu Hao was stunned: It's too delicious! It was better than any apple he had ever eaten before, whether imported or domestic.

Very quickly, an apple was destroyed by Xu Hao. Almost without hesitation, Xu Hao picked another apple. After eating a few apples in a row, causing Xu Hao's stomach to be full, Xu Hao finally stopped. There was no choice, Xu Hao was afraid of pushing himself to death!

"Could it be that the taste of the apples grown in this space is even better?" Thinking about it, Xu Hao became excited once again. If these barren mountains could be developed into a large orchard, it would be difficult for him to not get rich!

With the motivation to earn money, Xu Hao was full of energy. However, Xu Hao currently did not have a fruit tree, so he moved all of the flowers and plants that his grandfather and grandmother kept before into this mysterious space.

After planting, Xu Hao even specially watered the flowers and plants.

After doing all this, Xu Hao was drenched in sweat. However, when he straightened up, he was completely stunned. The flowers and plants that he had just planted had all withered!

"What's going on?" Xu Hao muttered to himself as he looked at the withered plants in front of him in disbelief. Even if he wasn't used to it, he couldn't wither this fast, right? It hasn't even been half an hour!

Xu Hao could not accept this fact. Leaving the mysterious space, he went downstairs to the greenery and dug up a sapling before moving on to the space there. However, the miracle did not happen. The sapling was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Really?" Then the Aunt Bai's Orchard... " Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Hao was dumbstruck. If all the fruit trees in Aunt Bai's orchard withered, he would become a sinner!

Thinking about it, Xu Hao rushed back home and took out his phone to call Bai Yan.

When he picked up the phone, Xu Hao realized that his phone had already been shut down because there was no electricity.

After connecting to the charger, he switched on his phone, and very quickly, Xu Hao received a message from Su Jing: Xu Hao, all the soil have been sold. Call me back when you see the message!

Ignoring Su Jing's message, Xu Hao dialed Bai Yan's number.

Very quickly, Bai Yan's voice came out from the phone.

Hearing Bai Yan's voice on the phone, Xu Hao tried to say something many times but hesitated.

"Hao, what happened? "Don't scare Aunt, quickly tell Auntie …" Xu Hao wanted to say something but hesitated. This made Bai Yan very worried, thinking that something had happened to Xu Hao.

"Aunt Bai, Orchard... Is the orchard okay? " Xu Hao braced himself and asked. He was very regretful now. Why didn't he figure out the use of the soil first and then bring the soil back to the Aunt Bai's orchard?

"Child, you scared me to death. I thought something happened to you." "Don't worry, the orchard is good. Aunt is in the orchard right now!" Bai Yan's relieved voice came from the other side of the phone.

"That's good, that's good." Xu Hao was also relieved. He could only pray that nothing would happen to the orchard.

After hanging up, Xu Hao dialed Su Jing's number. However, a voice that was in arrears came over the phone. Usually, because Xu Hao almost didn't use his phone, other than occasionally receiving her express phone number and verification code, Xu Hao's phone never rang.

Therefore, he chose the lowest set meal, but didn't expect to call Bai Yan and tell his phone to stop.

"Forget it, let's make a trip to Su Jing's shop tomorrow." With that in mind, Xu Hao put down his phone and laid on the bed. Not long later, he fell asleep.

Early morning of the second day, Xu Hao woke up. Although he had only slept for a few hours yesterday, Xu Hao was full of energy. After a simple wash, Xu Hao left the room.

Right after exiting the door, Xu Hao met Huang Xin who was dressed in professional attire and was about to go to work.

After seeing Xu Hao for the past three consecutive mornings, Huang Xin was somewhat shocked. Could it be that Xu Hao had truly changed his personality?

"Good morning, Sis Xin." After greeting Huang Xin, Xu Hao quickly left the house.

Looking at Xu Hao who was rushing down the stairs, Huang Xin was at a loss for words. What was this brat busy with? Unfortunately, Xu Hao was already far away, and even if Huang Xin wanted to ask, he would not be able to catch up with him.

After going out and charging fifty yuan for the phone bill, Xu Hao looked at the little money he had left in his pocket and took the bus to the Jiangcheng and Flower Bird Market.

Because it was a morning rush hour, and there was a lot of people on the carriage, there was a beauty with a hot figure standing in front of Xu Hao. The sexy black dress perfectly revealed her hot body, his snow-white chest revealed a deep groove, and his snow-white long legs were exposed in the air. The pink jade feet were painted with red nail polish. "This woman perfectly explained the meaning of the word 'sexy'!

He didn't know if this woman was too sexy or not, but the men kept a distance from her on their own, which saved her from being crowded at the peak of the morning.

Seeing such a beauty in the morning, Xu Hao was in a good mood. In the end, just as the bus started moving, a fat person at the back unsteadily stood up and bumped into Xu Hao, who then leaped out in an extremely indecent manner and pressed his hand on the sexy beauty's body …

A sharp scream resounded within the bus, and everyone's gaze focused on Xu Hao. It was as if, at that moment, a single word had been written on Xu Hao's body — Pervert!

"Sorry, sorry …" Xu Hao immediately apologized, but the sexy woman didn't seem to accept his apology at all. She picked up her handbag and directly knocked onto Xu Hao's body.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Xu Hao did not resist and was beaten up by the woman.

"Too young to learn well. Shameless!" The woman stared at Xu Hao, and continued to speak.

Following the principle of not fighting with girls and men, Xu Hao did not argue with this woman, since he was in the wrong after all. When the bus stopped, Xu Hao quickly got off. He really couldn't stand the gazes of the people on the bus looking at him, especially the few girls who looked completely new, like they were guarding against sex wolves, which made Xu Hao speechless. With their looks, even Xu Hao would definitely not take them!

Seeing the bus drive away, Xu Hao helplessly shook his head, "Is this a profit or a loss in the end?" Thinking back to the soft sensation on his hands, Xu Hao also gave up on the idea of taking the bus. Instead, he walked towards the Flower Bird Market with his legs crossed.

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