"Xu Hao, thank you." Walking in the small alley outside Su Jing's house, Su Jing suddenly said to Xu Hao emotionally. Of course she knew that everything Xu Hao had done, was for her sake!

Seeing Su Jing's moved appearance, Xu Hao laughed and said: "Are you especially touched that you want to repay me with your body right now?"

"You're so annoying!" She shyly looked at Xu Hao, who immediately walked forward and ignored her.

Laughing mischievously, Xu Hao hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed onto Su Jing's small, soft, boneless hand. After failing to struggle free twice, Su Jing looked around guiltily. Seeing that there was no one around him, she let Xu Hao grab her small hands.

"Are you going back to school or to the store?" Sitting in the car, Xu Hao looked at Su Jing and asked.

"I have to go back to school." Su Jing thought for a while, then said: "I'll have to trouble you to send me to school."

"What trouble." As Xu Hao spoke, he started up the car and drove Su Jing to school. On the way, Xu Hao had agreed to let Su Jing show him around the school for a good tour. However, just as they arrived at school, before the two of them even walked in, they received a call from Bai Yan. On the phone, Bai Yan hoped that Xu Hao could quickly return to Vegetable Base.

"That's enough. If you have something to do, then go and busy yourself. Next time, I'll bring you around the school properly." Seeing Xu Hao's troubled face, Su Jing hurriedly said.

Xu Hao nodded helplessly, and said: "Since even they have to part, do you want to express something?"

"Huh?" Su Jing cried out in alarm, then said shyly: "Then turn around."

"Turn around?" Xu Hao was startled, what kind of operation was that?

Seeing that Su Jing was getting anxious, Xu Hao could only turn around. Just as Xu Hao was filled with anticipation, Su Jing walked forward and hugged Xu Hao.

wanted to turn around and embrace Su Jing, but Su Jing ran away bashfully. Seeing Su Jing's gentle and graceful figure, Xu Hao could not help but recall the feeling she felt just now. In this period of time, the silly girl's figure seemed to be getting better and better!


When Xu Hao drove back to the Vegetable Base, he found Bai Yan calling Jiang Tao's group over for dinner. Seeing that Jiang Tao and the others were all there, Xu Hao couldn't help but look at Bai Yan.

Bai Yan quickly stood up, walked to Xu Hao's side and hugged his arm. Of course Bai Yan knew, she would be angry when she saw Jiang Tao and the others, that was why she did not dare say what was happening over the phone.

"President Xu, we have come here today to beg for forgiveness." Seeing Xu Hao come in, Jiang Tao also quickly stood up.

As the proverb goes, if one does not hit a smiling person, Jiang Tao will lower himself. Xu Hao could really not say anything. Moreover, Bai Yan was still hugging onto his arm, winking at him non-stop, not allowing him to fight with Jiang Tao.

"Director Jiang, you guys came over today. It should be the results of the test, right?" Xu Hao said as he walked towards the dining table.

Seeing Xu Hao walking over, Jiang Tao immediately helped him pull out a chair. After waiting for Xu Hao to sit down, he said with an apologetic tone: "The test results are out, we were wrong.

Jiang Tao said, and immediately shot a glance at the other people in the purchase department.

Although Zhou Xinyu was not convinced, she was wrong. Therefore, she took the lead and stood up, raised her cup, and said to Xu Hao: "President Xu, we were in the wrong yesterday. As he said that, Zhou Xinyu lifted his wine cup and finished it in one gulp.

Everyone at the scene drank three cups in a row, expressing their apologies. Xu Hao's rage could only be suppressed for the time being!

"Alright, alright. Let's eat." Bai Yan also quickly said to ease the atmosphere on the table.

After everyone had sat down, Jiang Tao gave a general summary of the final results of the tests, and then indicated his purpose for coming here this time. Firstly, he wanted to apologize, and secondly, he wanted to establish a cooperative relationship with Xu Hao, hoping that Xu Hao's Vegetable Base could provide him with vegetables.

Seeing that Xu Hao's face was still unsightly, Bai Yan immediately touched Xu Hao's arm lightly. Today, Jiang Tao and the rest chatted with Bai Yan for a long time, and also sincerely apologized. Bai Yan was kind, so she accepted Jiang Tao's apology on behalf of Wangjiang Mansion.

That was why Bai Yan had helped Jiang Tao and the others to persuade them to accept the Wangjiang Mansion's apology.

"As I said yesterday, your Wangjiang Mansion needs a public apology!" Looking at Jiang Tao, Xu Hao said: "I do not have to apologize to you all on the front page of Jiangcheng Daily News!"

"Xu Hao, aren't you going too far?" Zhou Xinyu also had a stomach full of fire. She first apologized to Bai Yan, then took the initiative to apologize to Xu Hao. But, Xu Hao never stopped.

"Too much? You all know it's too much! " Xu Hao stood up immediately, looked at Zhou Xinyu and asked: "When you said those words yesterday, did you think of those words? Yesterday, when the Aunt Bai was misunderstood by you, did you think of that word? Did you think of that when we tried to explain yesterday? Now you're telling me that you're being excessive, are you even worthy? "

"You … "Incomprehensible." Zhou Xinyu said as she stood up and ran out crying.

stood up and said to Xu Hao: President Xu, I know we were in the wrong with what happened yesterday, if you have the anger, come at me! Even if we apologize on the front page of this Jiangcheng Daily, it won't count! Even if we wanted to apologize on the front page, Jiangcheng Daily would not agree. "

Of course, Xu Hao knew that it was impossible to apologize on the front page of Jiangcheng Daily. Jiangcheng Daily was the official newspaper with the most influence in Jiangcheng. Although these years have been under the influence of the network platform, but the daily sales volume is still very impressive.

"Director Jiang, I still have to say what I said yesterday. Your Wangjiang Mansion must be publicly apologized for. This is the least respect we can get for the fruits of our labour." Xu Hao said resolutely. Yesterday, when they were wronged, only they could understand how they felt, so Xu Hao had to apologize! He wanted to give everyone in the Vegetable Base an explanation!

"Let's discuss this public apology later, okay?" Now that Xu Hao was so angry, he naturally did not dare to directly reject him. Right now, he could only slowly eliminate Xu Hao's anger and plan his next move.

Today's dishes, were all personally prepared by Bai Yan. Although it didn't look exquisite, it still tasted good. Most of the ingredients for this table's dishes came from Vegetable Base and Longwan Village!

"Miss Bai, your cooking skills are quite good, even better than our restaurant's chef." Jiang Tao took a bite, and could not help but praise him, while the others also praised him continuously.

Although Bai Yan and the others were polite, Bai Yan was very happy!

"If it's delicious, all of you should eat more. There's no need to be polite everyone …" Bai Yan invited everyone to eat, but she was still a little worried about Zhou Xinyu. Standing up, Bai Yan apologized and then walked out …

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