Lying next to Xu Hao, Bai Yan couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Turning his head to look at Xu Hao, who was just inches away from him, Bai Yan couldn't help but remember that night where he felt at ease in Xu Hao's arms when he was lying in Vegetable Base.

By some strange coincidence, Bai Yan crawled into Xu Hao's blanket and stuck close to him. Bai Yan felt an unprecedented sense of security. Reaching out her hand, she embraced Xu Hao and she slowly fell asleep …


When Xu Hao woke up, the sky was already bright and the Bai Yan beside him was long gone. Only the fragrance of Bai Yan's body that was still in Xu Hao's embrace could prove that he was not sleeping alone yesterday.

Thinking about how he slept like a dead pig yesterday, Xu Hao felt extremely upset. Originally, Xu Hao planned to sleep together with Bai Yan after drinking too much, but he never thought that after drinking too much this time, he would not be able to wake up even after a night, and would waste such a great opportunity to no avail.

After waking up and washing up to eat breakfast, Xu Hao hurried back to his Jiangcheng. He wanted to complete the business registration of Dongping Agricultural Products Marketing Company as soon as possible.

Just as he went upstairs, Xu Hao heard the voice of a man: "Huang Xin, hurry up and open the door for me. You raised a pretty boy with your back against me at the Jiangcheng, don't think that I don't know! If you know what is good for you, then open the door for me right now. Otherwise, tell the entire village about the good things that I have done, and let them know what shameful things you have done in the Jiangcheng … "

Hearing the sarcastic words that came out of the man's mouth, Xu Hao's face did not look good. Xu Hao walked straight towards the man and said: "What are you arguing about, get the hell out of here!"

"Who the f * ck are you?" I'm looking for my wife, what's troubling you? " The man said to Xu Hao rudely.

Originally, Xu Hao was not in a good mood because he had slept until dawn last night. Just as he was about to vent his anger on someone, the man in front of him bumped into Xu Hao's gun!

Xu Hao punched the man in the face and said, "I'll say it again, get lost!"

"You … "If you dare hit me, do you believe me …" The man said as he weighed the strength of both him and Xu Hao. In the end, he didn't dare to fight back and left with his tail between his legs.

After the man left, Xu Hao knocked on Huang Xin's door and said: "Sis Xin, it's me. The person outside has already been chased away by me. "

After a few minutes, the sound of the door opening could be heard.

When Xu Hao walked in, he saw Huang Xin, who was wearing pajamas, curled up on the sofa. With both hands hugging her legs, she rested her head on her knees. Her eyes were glazed over, no one knew what she was thinking.

Walking to the side of Huang Xin, Xu Hao gently embraced Huang Xin and said: "Sis Xin, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

This time, Huang Xin did not reject Xu Hao's embrace. The current Huang Xin really needed a powerful arm to make her cry.

After comforting Huang Xin for a while, Huang Xin's emotions finally calmed down a little. Struggling to sit up, Huang Xin said: "You still haven't eaten, I'll go cook for you."

He pulled Huang Xin's hand and said: "Sis Xin, don't be busy, I'm not hungry, let's go out to eat in a while."

Huang Xin did not struggle much as she once again sat beside Xu Hao.

There was no need for Xu Hao to ask, as Huang Xin had already explained everything in detail. These things had been pressing down on her heart for a few years now. If he didn't find someone else to pour out his heart to, Huang Xin felt that she would go crazy.

From Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao roughly knew what was going on. So it turned out that the man outside was called Du Xiaoshan, the fiance of her child's bride. The money Huang Xin spent to go to university was funded by the Du Family.

Originally, Huang Xin had planned to marry Du Xiaoshan after graduating from university. This was also the intention of the two families' elders. However, the young Du Xiaoshan did not learn to be good, eating, drinking, and gambling. Facing such a man, Huang Xin naturally did not want to ruin her happiness. Thus, after she graduated, she steeled her heart and didn't return home, and hid within Jiangcheng by herself.

In the past few years, I gave Du Xiaoshan at least two hundred thousand dollars. This money far exceeds the money the Du Family gave me to help me get to university, but Du Xiaoshan is not satisfied with it yet. I was almost driven crazy by him … " As Huang Xin said this, she couldn't help but cry out. She had a sick mother and a brother who was at school. The family's financial pressure was on her. This was also why although Huang Xin worked in a foreign enterprise and had a high salary, she did not live a luxurious life.

"Didn't you mention anything about breaking up with Du Xiaoshan?" Looking towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked. In this society, let alone getting engaged, even if they got married, they could still get a divorce!

Huang Xin helplessly shook her head and said: "Du Xiaoshan is simply a scoundrel. He won't listen to anything I say. He told me to either marry him or give him a million as a breakup fee! "

"Shameless!" Hearing this, Xu Hao could not help but become somewhat angry. If Xu Hao knew about this earlier, he wouldn't have just punched Du Xiaoshan.

Looking towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked: "Sis Xin, then what do you plan to do? Just allow Du Xiaoshan to extort us? "

"I don't know …" Huang Xin said, and cried again. These past few years, she had been under a lot of pressure and was almost driven mad by Du Xiaoshan!

Lightly embracing Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "Sis Xin, it's fine, it's fine. With me here, I'll definitely help you think of a solution."

After comforting Huang Xin for a while, Huang Xin's mood finally became a little better. Looking at the time, it was already 3 in the afternoon. There was no need to ask, Xu Hao knew that from morning until now, Huang Xin had definitely not eaten at all.

"Sis Xin, let's go out for a meal. I'll think of a way to deal with this." Xu Hao lightly patted Huang Xin's back and said.

He smiled at Xu Hao, and said: "Xu Hao, thank you." With that, Huang Xin stood up and walked towards his bedroom.

Very quickly, Huang Xin who had changed into a new set of clothes walked out. Looking at Huang Xin in front of him, Xu Hao continuously swallowed her saliva.

Huang Xin wore a white woolen sweater that tightly wrapped around her slim figure, revealing a beautiful curves that could cause nosebleeds. From head to toe, every curve of Huang Xin's body was emitting an endless enticement, which made Xu Hao wish she could hug her and hate her so much. However, there was a hidden bitterness in her eyes, causing Xu Hao to be unable to ignore her.

Seeing that Xu Hao was staring at him like a pervert, Huang Xin could not help but roll his eyes at him. Then he said, "Put away your lustful eyes. Do you believe that I won't beat you up?"

"Sis Xin, you can't bear to part from me." Xu Hao said as he chuckled. He then quickly stood up, walked to Huang Xin's side and gently pulled her small hand.

She rolled her eyes at Xu Hao, who said: "You're not being honest again, are you?"

"Of course not!" Xu Hao smiled awkwardly, then quickly followed Huang Xin out.

After locking the door, the two went downstairs. Originally, Xu Hao wanted to bring Huang Xin to a better restaurant to eat, but Huang Xin had rejected her idea.

"Even if you have money, you shouldn't spend it recklessly. Just find a small restaurant nearby and eat." Huang Xin said as she walked towards a cheap restaurant.

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