As soon as he entered Su Jing's boudoir, Xu Hao had the cheek to lie on Su Jing's bed.

Seeing Xu Hao lying on his bed, Su Jing's pretty face suddenly turned red. He hurried over and wanted to pull Xu Hao up. Otherwise, if Huang Mei saw him this moment, he didn't know what he would think!

Su Jing reaches out to pull Xu Hao. As a result, Xu Hao, who is lying on the bed, falls straight down. At the moment of falling, Su Jing was completely stunned

Su Jing lies on Xu Hao like an octopus, and their mouths are close together.

Staring at Xu Hao who was pressed by herself, Su Jing was stunned!

Reach out and gently caress Su Jing's back. Xu Hao turns over and presses Su Jing under his body.

Feeling the soft body under his body, Xu Hao directly launched a comprehensive attack on Su Jing. Taking advantage of Su Jing's stupidity, Xu Hao's tongue pries Su Jing's shell teeth open and shamelessly extends into Su Jing's mouth

Until this time, Su Jing came back. Flustered, I want to push Xu Hao away, but Xu Hao is pressed on her. Su Jing, a girl, can't push Xu Hao away!

Seeing Su Jing crying, Xu Haoshi couldn't bear to continue bullying her, so he had to let go of the little lamb sent to his mouth for the time being!

Escaping from Xu Hao's claws, Su Jing hurriedly gets up, protects her clothes with both hands, and asks Qu Baba to look at Xu Hao. Su Jing didn't speak, so she asked Qu Baba to look at Xu Hao. Her poor little appearance really made me feel sorry.

Su Jing felt guilty. Xu Hao coughed awkwardly and said, "that... I didn't mean to."

Look at Su Jing. Su Jing still doesn't speak. Xu Hao scratched his head. He really didn't know how to explain what had just happened.

"Then why don't I let you bully me back?" Xu Hao said, making a move to lie down.

Seeing Xu Hao's Rogue idea, Su Jing suddenly smiled, looked at Xu Hao and said wrongfully, "you're dead, and won't let you come to my house in the future!"

"I didn't do anything." Xu Hao felt very wronged, that is, he kissed. There was no time for other things, okay!

With a very dissatisfied look at Xu Hao, Su Jing said, "anyway, you are bad. I ignore you!" as she said, Su Jing snorted, turned around, picked up a book on the table and looked through it.

Seeing that Su Jing really ignored himself, Xu Hao leaned over to Su Jing, touched Su Jing with his elbow and asked, "what book are you reading? It's so beautiful?"

Su Jing didn't even look back. She read a book for herself and ignored Xu Hao.

Seeing Su Jing's angry little appearance, Xu Hao simply stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Jing's thin waist. Then he leaned over, put his head on Su Jing's shoulder and looked at the book in Su Jing's hand.

Suddenly close the book. Su Jing looks at Xu Hao angrily and says, "you are a bad person, the worst bad person in the world!"

"Yes, I'm a bad man, OK?" at this time, Xu Hao naturally won't argue with Su Jing about this. Gently holding Su Jing's waist, Xu Hao said, "are you really angry?"

"I should have bitten you just now." after seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing said deliberately. In fact, when Xu Hao kissed her, her subconscious action was to bite Xu Hao. But Su Jing really didn't have the heart to remember that Xu Hao had a bad meal for a few days after she bit Xu Hao last time!

In fact, deep in her heart, Su Jing does not exclude Xu Hao. Not only do not exclude, but have a good impression of Xu Hao! But now neither of them has pierced that layer of window paper, so Su Jing is still more reserved, which stems from the girl's shyness.

Hearing Su Jing bite him, Xu Hao immediately recalled the pain of being bitten last time. He quickly opened the distance with Su Jing. He didn't want to experience it again.

Seeing Xu Hao's fear, Su Jing proudly raised her head and said, "next time you bully me again, I'll bite you!"

Hearing Su Jing's non threatening words, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. It's a big deal not to kiss you. Bullying Su Jing from other aspects is also a kind of fun!

"Why are you always looking at me?" she found that Xu Hao had been staring at her. Su Jing shrank back unnaturally, but there was already a wall behind her, so she couldn't retreat at all.

"Because you look good." as soon as Xu Hao said this, Su Jing's already hot cheeks were red enough to bleed!

Seeing Su Jing's shy appearance, Xu Hao patted his leg and said to Su Jing, "come, sit on my brother's leg and let my brother have a good look at you!"

"You... You..." looking up, Su Jing was ashamed and angry. She wanted to hit Xu Hao. Seeing the bad smile on Xu Hao's face, Su Jing stood up, stamped her feet, and said, "ignore you bad guy, I'll help my mother cook." then Su Jing wanted to run out.

Xu Hao can't let Su Jing go so easily. As soon as he catches Su Jing, he presses her on his leg. Su Jing sits on Xu Hao's leg and the whole person leans against Xu Hao's arms.

Feeling the amazing elasticity from Xu Hao's buttocks, Xu Hao couldn't help recalling the moment when he hit Su Jing's buttocks at school today. Now this feeling is obviously more obvious than before!

Trying to break free from Xu Hao's embrace, Su Jing stood one meter away from Xu Hao and said angrily, "you are really getting worse and worse! Dare to bully me in my family!"

Hei hei smiled. Xu Hao looked up and down at Su Jing and said, "you look good in jeans. I like it!"

"You... You rascal." Su Jing certainly knows what Xu Hao means. After all, she was sitting in Xu Hao's arms just now.

Reluctantly touched his nose, Xu Hao asked, "how am I a hooligan?"

"Ignore you, bad guy," said Su Jing shyly, turning and running outside. Su Jing's heart was about to jump out of her throat when she was molested by Xu Hao one after another. Until she ran out of the house, Su Jing could still feel the speed of her heartbeat. Feeling the "bang bang" heartbeat, Su Jing was ashamed and happy. After secretly scolding the "big villain", Su Jing happily walked to the kitchen to help her mother Huangmei cook.

Seeing Su Jing coming, Huang Mei couldn't help looking at her daughter suspiciously with an unusual flush on her face. However, seeing that the clothes on his daughter had not changed much, he knew that the two children probably made out in the room and didn't do anything special.

But even so, Huang Mei was surprised. She doesn't know how shy and shy her daughter is. Now her daughter is willing to be close to Xu Hao, which shows that the relationship between them is not ordinary. But why doesn't Su Jing admit that she is a boyfriend and girlfriend with Xu Hao? This makes Huang Mei a headache, but she doesn't dare to ask more. Who makes her baby daughter an extremely shy master?

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