Wang Yumin, with a smiling face, slowly became the image of a cunning fox in Xu Hao's eyes!

Looking at Wang Yumin, Xu Hao asked, "Grandpa Wang, do you know what you look like now?"

Looking at Xu Hao curiously, Wang Yumin asked, "what is it like?"

"Old fox! Wily old fox! Are you planning something in your heart?" Xu Hao said impolitely. Wang Yumin looked more and more like an old fox. Xu Hao is sure that Wang Yumin must have something in mind.

"The old fox is just the old fox. There's nothing wrong." Wang Yumin nodded with a smile and said, "but you're right. I do have a more mature plan in my heart. However, this plan does not depend on you and me, but on another person!"

"Who?" Xu Hao asked curiously. Can we say that we have to find other leaders for this matter?

"Yuwei!" Wang Yumin said: "You should know my identity roughly. To tell you the truth, before I retired, I was the executive vice governor of our central and southern province. I worked in our province for more than 30 years. There are almost no cities in the province where I haven't worked. Liyang is a rare city that doesn't have any intersection with me! Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, Yuwei's company opened in Liyang, a less developed city..."

Listening to Wang Yumin's words, Xu Hao is a little confused. What does this matter have to do with song Yuwei?

Looking at Xu Hao's puzzled expression, Wang Yumin continued: "Although Yuwei is not so close to our old couple, she is our daughter-in-law after all. Moreover, she is the only relative of our old couple, and we treat her as our own daughter! Therefore, if you can persuade Yuwei to come back and develop the industrial park, I promise you that your plan will pass!"

When Wang Yumin said this, Xu Hao finally understood that dare to love is such a thing. However, Wang Yumin has a good reputation in the province. How did he start to abuse power for personal gain this time?

Looking at Wang Yumin, Xu Hao said half jokingly, "Grandpa Wang, you are abusing power for personal gain. You are also well-known in our province. You are old, and you are going to make some small mistakes?"

Smiling and waving his hand, Wang Yumin said: "I, Wang Yumin, will never do anything sorry for the country and the people in my life. Of course, I'm also a little selfish in this matter of the industrial park. I hope Yuwei's future work will gradually shift to Jiangcheng, so that we can get along with her more in the future. Don't we? When we get old, we think about the happiness of our family! Just, it doesn't work out..." With that, Wang Yumin couldn't help feeling a little sad.

There is nothing more grieving than the loss of children in old age. What is more tragic for Wang Yumin is that he not only lost children in old age, but also left no men and women for his son. Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Yumin to enjoy the happiness of his family!

"Grandpa Wang, I'm sorry." seeing that Wang Yumin was sad, Xu Hao quickly apologized. After all, he caused the topic.

Waving his hand, Wang Yumin said, "it's all over. Grandma Wang and I have long come out of this shadow. Now we just want to live our old age in peace."

"Grandpa Wang, I'll talk to song Yuwei. I'm sure I can persuade her to come to Jiangcheng to develop this high-tech industrial park." looking at Wang Yumin, Xu Hao said confidently.

Nodding, Wang Yumin said, "then this matter will bother you. Yuwei is a strong child. When you talk, pay attention to the way and method. Her temperament is easy to suffer losses in business and daily life."

Xu Hao agrees with Wang Yumin's point. With song Yuwei's temperament, it is estimated that she has suffered a lot in recent years. Her character is too easy to offend people. Maybe it is an unintentional action or a word that will offend people. In business, it's about people! How do you do business?

"Grandpa Wang, you didn't persuade sister Yuwei to give up the company. I don't think your ability will make sister Yuwei hungry?" Xu Hao looked at Wang Yumin and asked.

With song Yuwei's temperament, it probably doesn't take her a day to go to work and offend everyone. So the best way is to arrange for her to go to a public institution. It's better to be relaxed. Anyway, for song Yuwei, it's OK to have a guarantee of life.

Shaking his head, Wang Yumin said, "do you think you can agree with Yuwei's strong temperament? Grandma Wang and I dare to mention this matter at all. I'm afraid Yuwei thinks too much about it! You don't know, Yuwei's life experience is very poor. I thought I had a dependency after marrying us, but my son..."

With that, Wang Yumin couldn't help crying. Part of it was because of song Yuwei's life experience, and part of it was because of the grief of losing her son in old age!

Silently nodded, Xu Hao said, "Grandpa Wang, sister Yu Wei will give it to me. I'm leaving for Liyang City today. You have to hurry up. The land and Resources Bureau and the Construction Committee of my friend's company only gave a half month deadline for those engineering materials. If they don't take them away, they will deal with them by themselves!"

"Don't worry, your friend's engineering materials won't have any problems. There shouldn't be too big problems in the high-tech industrial park." Wang Yumin said confidently. As one of the top decision makers in central and southern province, he certainly knows what Jiangcheng needs for its current development. Xu Hao's suggestion is very good.

The city will be transformed after all. The same is true of industrial parks! Internationally, the development of industrial parks generally needs to go through five stages: labor-intensive parks, capital intensive parks, technology intensive parks, innovation strategic parks and trust networks.

At present, most of the industrial parks in Jiangcheng are in the first and second stages. The high-tech industrial park is a transitional industrial park between the second and third industrial parks. With further development, it can become a technology intensive Park, and then develop into an innovation strategy park. This is of great benefit to the future development of Jiangcheng!

As long as policy makers are not short-sighted, they will not oppose this development plan! In fact, at the beginning, Wang Yumin considered establishing several high-tech industrial parks in the province to drive the transformation of the province's industrial industry. However, many conditions were not met at the beginning, so the proposal had to be abandoned for the time being.

Now that the conditions are ripe, it is time to discuss this proposal again. Most importantly, Jiangcheng, as one of the cities with rapid development in the province, is of self-evident importance! In the construction of high-tech industrial park, it not only plays a leading role in demonstration, but also has incomparable practical significance!

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