Su Jing talks about her graduation thesis with her tutor in the office. Xu Hao stands in the aisle bored and looks at the male and female students coming and going outside through the window.

For college life, Xu Hao still has some yearning. Although in the East China Sea, Xu Hao is a standard dandy. But dandy doesn't mean incompetence! In fact, Xu Hao's academic performance is not bad and his brain is not stupid! Moreover, he has shown his business talent far beyond ordinary people since childhood! Even Xu Hao's parents have to admire Xu Hao's business vision! If there is no accident in Xu's company, Xu Hao will gradually take over the management of the family company after graduating from university!

Drive these ideas out of his mind. Xu Hao's idea now is to make his career develop rapidly! Only when his career develops to a certain extent can he have the confidence and capital to return to the East China Sea!

"What are you thinking?" Su Jing, who came out of the tutor's office, saw Xu Hao standing in a daze at the window, walked over and asked in a low voice.

Looking back, seeing Su Jing's concerned eyes, Xu Hao smiled and said, "nothing? Are you finished here?"

"Well, I've already talked to my tutor. Just go back and revise the paper according to the tutor's advice." Su Jing nodded with a smile, and then asked a little sour, "which beauty did you just see at the window, so fascinated?"

"I don't like other women with such a beautiful woman as you around me." Xu Hao said, and he was going to stretch out his hand to hold Su Jing.

Su Jing glanced shyly at Xu Hao and said, "this is the teaching building. Let me go."

"What are you afraid of? I just saw a man and a woman kissing downstairs." Xu Hao said, glancing at Su Jing's ruddy cherry lips and asked, "why don't we try?"

"No!" Su Jing hurried away and said, "don't learn well! Don't watch it in the future, do you hear?"

"Yes!" said Xu Hao, taking a step forward and holding Su Jing's small hand, they walked towards the elevator together.

Just out of the teaching building, Xu Hao saw seven or eight girls walking towards them. Xu Hao's eyes couldn't help looking at the seven or eight girls, especially the girl headed by him. She didn't dress up like a student, but like a little girl who often hangs out in a nightclub.

Her upper body is wearing a black tights vest, the chest is U-shaped, revealing white arms, fragrant shoulders and a piece of snow-white in front of her chest, but the two peaks are too flat. I'm really sorry for this U-shaped low chest vest; The lower body is a waist less skirt, exposing her snow-white waist and abdomen without any fat. Under the sunshine, it flashes sexy and attractive colors; A pink coat was tied around the waist and a bow was tied at the navel. Walking around, that pair of white and tender beautiful legs attracted people's attention.

Xu Hao looked at the girl with a guilty conscience and quickly moved his eyes. If Su Jing found out, he would have to be jealous for a few days!

Xu Hao wants to avoid these girls, but these girls don't intend to avoid Xu Hao and Su Jing.

They went straight forward and stopped Xu Hao and Su Jing. The girl in the black vest, who was the first, asked straightforwardly, "did you hit Yang Tao?"

Xu Hao was stunned and knew that someone came to the door for revenge. However, Xu Hao was curious that Yang Tao actually found such a little sister to help him revenge. Does he look down on the little sister in front of him, or does he look down on Xu Hao?

"What? Are you here to avenge him?" Xu Hao blocked Su Jing behind him and looked at the little sister and asked.

"I'll ask you again, did you hit Yang Tao?" the little sister said again. It's just that it doesn't sound like a girl. Open your mouth and shut your mouth. How can a girl talk like that?

"Yes, it's me. Why, do you think you can avenge Yang Tao with just a few of you?" Xu Hao asked, looking at the little sister in front of him. The little sister looks ok, but she is still too small. She is wearing a tight vest and has no ups and downs on her chest. How flat is it?

"Revenge for a fart. I've long wanted to beat Yang Tao's grandson, but I haven't found a chance." the little sister turned her tone and said, "introduce myself. My name is Dong Yangfan. You can call me sister fan, a freshman of Jiangcheng University."

He looked up and down at Dong Yangfan. Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head and said that you really don't look like a student!

"Do you have a grudge against Yang Tao?" Xu Hao asked curiously when he heard that Dong Yangfan had long wanted to fight Yang Tao.

"No hatred, it's just that I heard that this grandson always bullies his female classmates. I can't see it. I want to teach him a lesson." Dong Yangfan said, glanced at Xu Hao and asked, "does Yang Tao want to soak your horse? You boy can pee! You have to beat Yang Tao's grandson to death! You'd better blow his eggs!"

"I can't see. You are a jealous person." Xu Hao smiled and said, "since you have nothing to do, let's go first."

"No, meeting is fate. Let's go and have a drink together?" Dong Yangfan obviously didn't mean to let Xu Hao and Su Jing go, stopped them and said.

After looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Haoshi didn't want to have any intersection with the little sister who said rude words from time to time. Looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said, "I'm really sorry. We have something else to do. Let's do it another day!"

Xu Hao's words suddenly angered Dong Yangfan! With his hands on his hips, he looked at Xu Hao. Dong Yangfan pointed to himself and asked, "why? Don't you give me face? You don't ask. Who dares to refuse when I invite someone to dinner? Do you know who my father is?"

"I'm not interested in knowing who your father is. I have to ask your mother about this. Only she knows who your father is!" Xu Hao said, pushing Dong Yangfan away, then pulling Su Jing and leaving quickly.

"What does he mean?" Dong Yangfan didn't aftertaste Xu Hao's words, looked at a girl around him and asked.

"Sister fan, he seems to be scolding you!" a girl beside Dong Yangfan said carefully.

Dong Yangfan obviously hasn't remembered the meaning of Xu Hao's sentence. After silently reciting Xu Hao's words several times, Dong Yangfan remembered them. Dare you, Xu Hao is swearing around the corner!

"Son of a bitch, don't let me see you. Otherwise, I have to crush your eggs!" Dong Yangfan scolded angrily in the direction Xu Hao left.

"Sister fan, what shall we do?" another girl looked at the angry Dong Yangfan and asked.

"Cool, go and drink. I'm so angry! I have to be cool today!" Dong Yangfan said. He pulled off the coat at his waist and threw it to a girl next to her. Then he walked out of school with two white and tender legs.

The girls around her looked at each other. It was the first time they saw Dong Yangfan suffer such a big loss! Aftertaste what Xu Hao said before, they are deeply worried about Xu Hao. This boy will probably be abandoned by sister fan!

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