After exiting Su Jing's store, Xu Hao once again thought of the scene in the mysterious space from last night. He was a little worried about Bai Yan's orchard, since it was still early, so Xu Hao decided to take a trip to Bai Yan's orchard.

Arriving at the orchard, Xu Hao saw two cars parked at the entrance. He couldn't help but be taken aback: Could it be that a customer came to visit? Thinking about this, Xu Hao immediately walked towards the orchard.

The moment Xu Hao walked in, he saw Bai Yan leading two middle aged men to tour the orchard.

Bai Yan was wearing a tightly fitting waist shirt with a white pattern, matching with a blue denim skirt. The denim skirt was just below the knee, and she wore no stockings on her legs. She wore ordinary lady's shoes on her feet.

At this time, Bai Yan was explaining to the two middle-aged men about the situation in the orchard. However, Xu Hao could tell that the two middle-aged men were not thinking about the orchard at all.

Seeing this scene, Xu Hao was a little angry. The two of them acted intentionally, and wanted to take advantage of Bai Yan. Facing this sort of situation, Bai Yan didn't dare to show her anger at all, and could only try her best to dodge, to not let these two middle-aged men have an advantage.

"Aunt Bai." Xu Hao directly called out to Bai Yan, then walked forward to stand in front of Bai Yan, and blocked the two man's line of sight.

"Hao, why are you here? Go and rest for a while. Aunt will be done soon. " Bai Yan smiled at Xu Hao and said. The button on the collar of Bai Yan's shirt was undone to the second button. Standing at Xu Hao's position, he could clearly see the snowy white in front of his chest. This time, Xu Hao finally understood why the two middle aged men were staring at Bai Yan the whole time.

"Aunt Bai, you should go rest. I'll bring the two bosses to tour the orchard." Xu Hao said, and even gave Bai Yan a look.

Bai Yan did not understand, but she still chose to believe in Xu Hao. Therefore, Bai Yan said to the two middle-aged men: "Boss Huang, Boss Yang, then let Hao bring the two of you to take a look at the orchard. I will go and prepare them.

"Never mind, since Boss Bai is busy, Boss Yang and I will take our leave first." Finished speaking, Boss Huang immediately turned around and walked out of the orchard. Boss Yang looked at Bai Yan's body greedily, then turned and left the orchard.

"Huang …" Bai Yan wanted to stop them, but how could Bai Yan not know what Boss Huang and Boss Yang were thinking? Didn't they covet his beauty? Everyone could see what they were thinking.

"Aunt Bai …" Looking towards Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "They aren't here to inspect the orchard at all."

Nodding, Bai Yan said: "Aunt understands. Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Why are you here on such a hot day? "Hurry up and go take a rest." With that said, Bai Yan pulled Xu Hao and walked towards the two houses set up in the orchard.

Entering the house, Bai Yan took out a watermelon from the fridge that had been frozen long ago, then skillfully cut it open with a knife.

Xu Hao was sitting across from Bai Yan, and at this moment, Bai Yan was bent over slicing a watermelon. From Xu Hao's position, he could naturally see the scene inside Bai Yan's white shirt.

Seeing that, Xu Hao felt awkward, and quickly averted his gaze. Bai Yan did not find anything amiss, after cutting the watermelon, he handed it over to Xu Hao and said: "Eat some watermelon, I'm telling you, I'll let you rest at home for today, okay?"

"Aunt Bai, I have nothing to do at home, I just want to come to the orchard and take a look." As Xu Hao ate the watermelon, he said, "Aunt Bai, those two people clearly had ulterior motives towards you."

Xu Hao's words, caused Bai Yan's face to involuntarily turn red for a moment. Bai Yan caressed the hair on her forehead and said: "Those two are controlling around eighty percent of the fruit wholesale business with Jiangcheng. Aunt also wants to sell the fruits in the orchard as soon as possible, if it's another half a month, then it's too late!"

Xu Hao could naturally understand the difficulties Bai Yan was facing. She was just a woman, and she didn't have any connections. Furthermore, the size of the orchard wasn't big enough. Wasn't she being exploited by these large fruit wholesalers?

"Aunt Bai, let's think of a way. There will be a way eventually." Xu Hao didn't know how to comfort her either. The fruits in the orchard were all ripe. If he didn't sell them quickly, they would be ripe to the brim, and he would completely be unable to sell them.

Alright, Hao, don't worry, I have a way." Bai Yan glanced at Xu Hao and said with a smile. The reason why Bai Yan was in such a hurry to sell the fruits was because she wanted to sell them for a little more money. "Otherwise, where would she get the money to continue contracting for the orchard?

Ten years of signing was not a small amount. He wouldn't be able to get it without three to five hundred thousand yuan.

"Aunt Bai, tell me, how much does it cost for the orchard to sign a contract for another ten years?" Looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao asked.

Glancing at Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked: "At least three to five hundred thousand. Why are you asking this? For the matter of contracting out the orchard, Aunt will think of a way. "

Hearing the three to five hundred thousand, Xu Hao was completely stunned. If it was two years ago, this amount of money would have been nothing to Xu Hao. His birthday party cost him more than that. But, the present was different from the past. Let alone three to five hundred thousand, even if it was thirty to fifty thousand, Xu Hao still wouldn't be able to take it out.

Seeing Xu Hao's serious face, Bai Yan walked over to Xu Hao's side and held Xu Hao's hand: "That's enough, that's enough, don't worry anymore. If your aunt isn't worried, what are you worrying about? When a carriage arrives at the mountain, there will be a road ahead of it. Aunt will definitely have a way. "

After resting for a while, Xu Hao decided to take a look at the orchard. He wanted to see if the mysterious soil had any effect on the fruit trees in the orchard.

Hearing that Xu Hao wanted to take a look around the orchard, Bai Yan did not stop him, but told him not to be anxious about the money.

"Don't worry Aunt Bai, I am not the type of person who likes to worry. Otherwise, I would definitely worry to death." Laughing at Bai Yan, Xu Hao walked out of the room.

Just as he walked out of the room, Xu Hao felt a wave of heat wave blowing towards him. Xu Hao wandered around the orchard for a while. He did not know if it was because of his imagination, but the fruit trees in the orchard seemed to have grown a lot thicker, and the leaves had become even greener.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao stood under a peach tree and picked up a ripe peach. After using the water to rinse it for a while, Xu Hao placed it into his mouth. With one mouthful, Xu Hao was stunned: It's too delicious! He was too familiar with this taste. That was exactly the taste of the apple in the mysterious space.

Xu Hao did not dare believe it. He switched peaches and took a bite. Suddenly, Xu Hao became excited, he was rich, he was completely rich!

"Aunt Bai, come out quickly!" Xu Hao shouted loudly, with a few peaches in his hands, he ran towards the house in the orchard.

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