Persuading song Yuwei has no result for the time being. Xu Hao and Bai Niu have to live in Liyang City for the time being and slowly persuade song Yuwei.

For several days, Xu Hao wanted to meet song Yuwei, but they were all rejected. Even when Xu Hao and Bai Niu went to the company in person and wanted to see song Yuwei, they were blocked by her assistant Wang Tong.

"Xu Hao, why do we have to find this song Yuwei?" Bai Niu looked at Xu Hao and asked. Even if you want to find a foreign developer, you don't have to find Xinhong real estate!

It's inconvenient for Xu Hao to tell Bai Niu about the matter with Wang Yumin. Therefore, he had to smile bitterly and said, "because only this woman can do the project of this industrial park."

Bai Niu didn't quite understand Xu Hao's words, but he didn't ask much. Bai Niu still trusts Xu Hao. There must be a deeper reason for Xu Hao to do so.

Back to the hotel, Xu Hao had planned to take a bath and have a good sleep, but just lying in the bathtub, his cell phone rang. When I picked it up, it was Jiang Tao.

"Mr. Jiang, why do you call me when you have time?" Xu Hao asked jokingly as soon as the phone was connected.

Jiang Tao at the other end of the phone heard Xu Hao's lazy voice and asked in a low voice, "didn't you bother president Xu?"

"What good thing can I do?" Xu Hao chatted with Jiang Tao casually, and then asked about business.

Jiang Tao's call to Xu Hao this time is also a matter of business. At the last press conference, the reporter of Jiangcheng online suddenly found it difficult. Although the crisis was resolved, Wangjiang building has been quietly investigating this matter, and now there are some eyebrows.

"According to our investigation, the reporter should have been bought off. After that interview, he left Jiangcheng online soon." Jiang Tao said on the phone: "after leaving, he changed into a reporter of Yanjing daily!"

After Jiang Tao's words, Xu Hao also figured out the unusual things in it. Obviously, someone gave the reporter the benefit of making him difficult at the press conference, and the promised benefit is to let him enter the Yanjing daily with a larger platform!

Jiangcheng online is only a small local network media, but Yanjing daily is one of the most influential large newspaper companies in China! From this point, I'm afraid the energy of the person behind is not general!

"Is there any other news?" Xu Hao asked. In connection with the fact that Bainiu was trapped this time, Xu Hao basically dares to conclude that there must be a hand behind it planning all this! However, Xu Hao has no clue about who this hand is.

"Not yet." Jiang Tao said somewhat embarrassed. "Since the other party can directly intervene in the affairs of Yanjing daily, it means that he is not an ordinary person. President Xu, you know, our Wangjiang building is just a small catering enterprise and doesn't want to cause too much trouble."

"Yes, I can understand your concerns." Xu Hao said quickly, "I'm very satisfied that you can find out this step. That's all for now."

Xu Hao let this thing pass so easily, which was greatly beyond Jiang Tao's expectation. Originally, Jiang Tao thought Xu Hao was a domineering character. For example, Xu Hao's attitude was very tough when he asked Wangjiang building to apologize last time. However, this time, Xu Hao was able to expose the matter so easily. Jiang Tao was a little surprised and suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"That's nothing. I won't disturb president Xu." Jiang Tao exchanged greetings with Xu Hao and hung up the phone.

Put away the mobile phone, Xu Hao's body slowly sank into the bathtub.

Xu Hao doesn't know whether the behind the scenes planner is because he is from the Xu family, or because of other things. If he was targeted because he was a member of the Xu family, this person may be related to the collapse of the Xu family and the direct murderer who led to the death of his parents; If it is because of other things against him, Xu Hao can rest assured!

Xu Hao is now fledgling. He has no strength to compete with the Xu family opponent he has never met!

Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao dialed Bai Yan and asked about the vegetable base and agricultural product sales company.

Bai Yan was a little surprised. Xu Hao asked what he was doing, but he simply introduced the company's affairs, "don't worry, the company's operation is normal. Now Song Rui and the three of them are gradually familiar with the work process, and the company is on the right track..."

Xu Hao was relieved that everything was normal in the company. He was afraid that the black hand behind the scenes would reach out to his company. Xu Hao's company is still very weak and can't stand a little storm!

"By the way, you and my brother are in Liyang City. Is everything finished?" Bai Niu called Bai Yan yesterday, so Bai Yan knew about them.

"It's estimated to take a few days, aunt Bai. Don't worry. We'll be fine here." Xu Hao quickly said. He was afraid of Bai Yan!

"Well, my aunt knows. You have to worry about my brother's company." Bai Yan eased her tone at the other end of the phone and said, "when you come back, my aunt will cook delicious food for you!"

"OK, aunt Bai, I want to eat Jiaoliu balls!" Xu Hao said quickly. From the tone, Xu Hao could hear that Bai Yan was no longer the tone that refused him thousands of miles away, which made Xu Hao very excited!

"OK, my aunt will make it for you." Bai Yan said spoiled at the other end of the phone: "at that time, my aunt will make you whatever you want to eat, and give you a good reward!"

"Aunt Bai, what you said, I want to go back now." Xu Hao said with a smile on the phone, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Bai Yan at the other end of the phone smiled and said, "you silly child, come back early when you're done."

"I see, aunt Bai." when Bai Yan hung up, Xu Hao was still very excited. This call can be said to be the first time they were so close after their embarrassment after drinking.

Coming out of the bathroom, Xu Hao saw that Bai Niu was watching TV and said to Bai Niu, "brother Bai Niu, we have to hold on to Xinhong real estate. I'm going to meet song Yuwei again!"

"Still going?" Bainiu has lost confidence. These days, they have used all kinds of methods, but they can't see song Yuwei. If you go again, unless you break in, what else can you do?

"We have to go. We have to finish the work here and go back to Jiangcheng early." Xu Hao said excitedly.

Bai Niu doesn't understand why Xu Hao is in such a hurry to return to Jiangcheng. However, like Xu Hao's eagerness, Bainiu also hopes that this matter can have a result as soon as possible. His engineering materials are still on the construction site! The most important thing is that once he really starts construction, those material suppliers will not force him to settle the material payment! Therefore, in this regard, white bull urgently needs this thing to have a result!

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