Seeing Xu Hao's mature appearance, song Yuwei frowned. "I don't understand what Mr. Xu is talking about! What does the child welfare home have to do with me?" he asked

"President song must be familiar with the state-owned cotton mill on Tuanjie road?" Xu Hao asked with a smile when he looked at Song Yuwei. At this time, song Yuwei tried to hide it.

Looking at Xu Hao angrily, song Yuwei said, "are you following me?" only for a moment, song Yuwei figured it out. Every time she went to the child welfare home, she passed quietly alone! So, Xu Hao, they know that she went to the children's welfare home. There is only one possibility, that is to follow her!

Looking at the angry song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "Mr. Song, don't be so excited! I admit that it's wrong for us to follow you, but we can't help it. You've been hiding from us, so we can only take risks!"

"You go, I won't agree to go to Jiangcheng to develop that industrial park!" Song Yuwei's tone was a little bad, so she almost got up and drove Xu Hao and Bai Niu away.

Xu Hao sat there steadily, looked at Song Yuwei and said, "if I guessed right, is Xin Hong your pseudonym, right?"

"How do you know?" Song Yuwei stood up in shock, looked at Xu Hao and asked.

"Mr. Song, don't get excited, don't get excited." Xu Hao quickly stood up and said to song Yuwei, "yesterday, we visited the children's welfare home. To tell the truth, the old man is not easy. Taking care of more than a dozen children alone, I don't think the old man can last for a few years!"

While talking, Xu Hao has been observing song Yuwei's face. When he mentioned the old man, Xu Hao saw song Yuwei's face change! Obviously, all this Xu Hao guessed is true!

"Mr. Song, why don't you donate to the children's welfare home with your real name?" Xu Hao asked puzzled when he looked at Song Yuwei. Yesterday, Xu Hao looked at the donor list roughly. Xin Hong's name appeared eight times, and they were all large donations! In other words, song Yuwei has been silently donating to the children's welfare home over the years.

"Wang Tong, you go out first." after looking at the assistant standing behind, song Yuwei said.

After Wang Tong went out, song Yuwei said, "because I am the reincarnation of a lonely star of Tiansha, I don't want to affect the old Dean and the children of the welfare home because of me!"

Only song Yuwei knows how much bitterness she hides under her strong appearance. Now, Xu Hao guessed the whole thing, and song Yuwei's psychological defense suddenly collapsed. For so many years, a person silently bears the misunderstanding of countless people. Only she knows how painful her heart is!

Seeing song Yuwei's red eyes, Xu Hao picked up the paper towel on the tea table and handed it to song Yuwei.

After a while, song Yuwei's mood recovered. Raised his head, looked at Xu Hao and said, "do you know why that orphanage is not called an orphanage, but a children's welfare home?"

Shook his head. Xu Hao really didn't know the reason.

"Because the old Dean said we were not orphans, we were just children who left home temporarily..." speaking of this, song Yuwei's eyes were wet again.

After opening the conversation box, song Yuwei told a lot of her past. Song Yuwei's life would be bleak until she was 18. Without the old Dean of the children's welfare home, her life might come to an abrupt end before she was 12.

After the age of 20, song Yuwei met Wang Yumin's son. The two years after that were song Yuwei's happiest two years! However, the good days are not long. Her husband died less than a month after she got married!

"I caused all this. People who are close to me from childhood will come to no good end..." Song Yuwei's self reproach words made Xu Hao incomprehensible. Anyway, song Yuwei is also a person with higher education. Can she still believe in fate?

"Mr. Song, what's the relationship between these things and you?" looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said: "you don't still believe in fate? These things are nonsense!"

"I believe it!" looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said decisively, "so I'd rather stay in Liyang City alone than go to Jiangcheng! I promised my husband that I would take care of his parents all my life! But I didn't dare to get close to them. I didn't want to hurt them..."

And the white cow looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes! Song Yuwei, such a senior intellectual, still believes in fate and thinks she will kill people close to her! What's all this and what?

"So, you are not born so cold, but you don't want to hurt grandpa Wang and them, so you deliberately keep a distance from them?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Song Yuwei.

Nodding, song Yuwei said, "I know they treat me well, but the better they treat me, the more afraid I am. I'm afraid they will have an accident! Therefore, I can only keep a distance from them. Only in this way will it not affect them..."

Although song Yuwei's idea is a little paranoid, Xu Hao can understand her childhood experience! When she was born, her mother died of dystocia. At the age of 12, her father died under the large machinery of the cotton mill while working. For her, life has always been gray!

Finally, I met a person I liked in college. As a result, I didn't get married for a month, and that person left her again! Life has hit her again and again. If she were someone else, she might be more paranoid than song Yuwei!

"So, in order not to affect the welfare home and the old Dean, you haven't seen them or donated money to the welfare home with your real name?" asked Xu Hao, looking at Song Yuwei.

Nodding, song Yuwei said, "yes, I'm afraid it will affect the welfare home. Maybe as the fortune teller said, I'm the reincarnation of Tiansha lone star. Those who are close to me are doomed to a bad end!"

"I never believe in fate!" after seeing song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "President song, I don't think you should believe this set of things! There has never been a word of fate in the world“

"OK, don't persuade me." Song Yuwei took out a few pieces of paper from the paper on the tea table, wiped her red eyes and said, "I've told you so much today. Thank you very much. I won't go to Jiangcheng. Let's go!"

"Mr. Song, don't you think about the future of the welfare home?" Xu Hao said and quickly looked at Bai Niu. Bai Niu quickly took out the changed planning drawing from his bag!

After spreading out the planning drawings, Xu Hao said directly whether song Yuwei was listening or not: "Mr. Song, look... This is the planning drawing of the industrial park. In the future, the industrial park will be the core gathering place of Jiangcheng high and new technology. At the same time, several key schools will move their research institutes and even the school itself here. In addition, a large residential area will be built nearby..."

Xu Hao pointed it out on the drawing as he spoke, and song Yuwei's eyes were slowly attracted!

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