On the way, Xu Hao called Wang Yumin and roughly said the time when they arrived in Jiangcheng.

Although I knew song Yuwei was coming yesterday, when I heard the news from Xu Hao again, Wang Yumin was still excited. Since the death of their son, the old couple treat song Yuwei as their own daughter from the bottom of their hearts!

"When we get to Jiangcheng, sister Yuwei should not go to see your two elders." Xu Hao said with a smile.

"Yuwei has a heavy mind..." Wang Yumin sighed, but she thought that song Yuwei's company would develop an industrial park in Jiangcheng in the future, so she would have to stay in Jiangcheng for a long time, but she was not in a hurry.

After the car got off the highway and drove into Jiangcheng City, Xu Hao asked Bainiu to stop.

Song Yuwei's car, which followed Xu Hao's car, also stopped. Wang Tong got out of the car, came over and asked, "president Xu, what's the matter?"

"I have something else to do. I won't go to the Planning Bureau and the construction site and let Bainiu accompany you." after looking at Bainiu, Xu Hao said, "brother Bainiu, I'll trouble you this time."

"If you say this, you'll see." Bai Niu said with a smile, and then followed Wang Tong to song Yuwei's car.

When song Yuwei's car drove away, Xu Hao took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai Yan.

"Aunt Bai, I'm in Jiangcheng." Xu Hao said excitedly on the phone.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Bai Yan said, "aunt is also ready. Come back quickly and make you a big table of delicious food."

Xu Hao said somewhat guilty: "aunt Bai, brother Bai Niu has other things. I can't get through it for the time being. I'll go alone!"

"OK, then ignore him. He deserves it. He has no luck." Bai Yan didn't ask in detail.

Xu Hao secretly said sorry to Bai Niu, so he drove to Bai Yan's house.

Seeing Bai Yan, Xu Hao couldn't move his eyes. Bai Yan, who has changed into home clothes, is more attractive! White thin sweater and white high elastic tight pants perfectly show Bai Yan's plump figure. The thin white sweater tied her soft waist tightly, highlighting the towering of her chest; Tight white trousers show the fleshy feeling of white Yan's plump legs and hips!

Seeing Xu Hao and Bai Yan's pretty face, she blushed for no reason. The charming young women's style is even more soul stirring!

"Aunt Bai, I'm coming." Xu Hao said and walked in with a smile. Bai Yan quickly bent down and took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and handed them to Xu Hao.

At the moment when Bai Yan bent down, the round hips tightly wrapped by white high elastic tights showed an attractive radian, which made Xu Hao tremble.

"Aunt Bai, I'll do it myself." Xu Hao said and hurriedly took the slippers in Bai Yan's hand.

As soon as he entered the house, Xu Hao smelled bursts of fragrance. Seeing seven or eight dishes on the table, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, how can we cook so many dishes? Can we finish eating?"

"Who knows my brother won't come." Bai Yan said while busy in the kitchen.

Carrying a bowl of soup, he came out of the kitchen. Bai Yan put it on the table and said, "OK, let's eat. My aunt hasn't eaten with you for a long time."

At dinner, Bai Yan asked Xu Hao about going to Liyang, "listen to my brother, it's for his company. How's it going this time?"

"It's going well. This time, brother Bai Niu's company can also do a big project." Xu Hao said quickly, and then roughly explained the matter again.

Although Xu Hao said it easily, Bai Yan knew that Xu Hao didn't take less trouble for this matter. Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "Xiao Hao, thank you. If it weren't for you this time, what would happen to our family?"

Once something happens to Bainiu's company, it will be a big event for their family! I'm afraid there will be no peace at home!

"Aunt Bai, we are a family. We don't have to say thank you." Xu Hao glanced at Bai Yan and said with a smile.

"OK, I won't be polite to you." Bai Yan smiled and said.

After dinner, Bai Yan had planned to clean up the house, but Xu Hao pulled her to the sofa and they sat there chatting.

Sitting beside Bai Yan, Xu Hao had some difficulty in controlling his evil thoughts towards Bai Yan. Pretending to be casual, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and put it on Bai Yan's shoulder. Seeing that Bai Yan didn't seem to refuse, Xu Hao had the courage to move around Bai Yan. Their thighs were close together. Xu Hao felt the amazing elasticity of Bai Yan's thighs.

Seeing that Bai Yan doesn't seem to respond, Xu Hao plans to go further. Just as he stretched out his hand and planned to hug Bai Yan's waist, Bai Yan suddenly stood up with a blush on her face. "Look, aunt, you forgot to cut some fruit out." as he said, Bai Yan Ran to the kitchen in a panic.

After a while, Bai Yan came out of the kitchen with a plate of fruit. Put the fruit on the tea table in front of Xu Hao. Bai Yan said, "come on, have some fruit."

"Aunt Bai, you eat too." Xu Hao said with some embarrassment. Of course he knew that Bai Yan used this method to tell Xu Hao not to go too far!

They talked about the company again, and Xu Hao also said the future development direction of the company.

Just as they were chatting vigorously, there was a knock on the door outside. Bai Yan didn't think much, so she went to open the door.

Seeing Bai Niu standing outside the door, Bai Yan was stunned and said, "didn't Xu Hao say you didn't come because you had something to do?"

"I..." as soon as he walked in, Bai Niu saw Xu Hao sitting on the sofa. Contact Bai Yan's previous sentence again. Can he still know what's going on? At this time, Bai Niu naturally wouldn't expose Xu Hao, so he smiled and said, "this is not something that has been done in advance. He wants to come to you for a meal. Won't he leave me a meal?"

"I'll heat you up," said Bai Yan, turning to the kitchen with an unknown flush on her face.

Bai Niu went to Xu Hao and sat down. Without waiting for Xu Hao to speak, he said, "President song has been to the Planning Bureau and the construction site. She is quite satisfied! However, she has to go back and study what to do before she can give us a final answer!"

"Since Song Yuwei has seen the construction site, this matter is basically settled." Bai Niu didn't mention what just happened, and Xu Hao naturally won't take the initiative to mention it. Talk to Bainiu about the development of the industrial park.

"President Song didn't refuse to develop the industrial park with me." after carefully recalling song Yuwei's words, Bai Niu said: "president Song said that the construction team in her hand is limited. If the construction period is tight, she must find some construction teams from outside, or simply contract out some of the projects!"

"Well, I said Song Yuwei wouldn't eat alone." Xu Hao looked at Bai Niu and said with a smile. On the way back, Bai Niu was worried that song Yuwei would eat alone and would not give him part of the project.

"Who eats alone?" Bai Yan, who came out of the kitchen with food, looked at Xu Hao and Bai Niu and asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing. We're talking about work." Xu Hao said quickly, and then stood up. "Aunt Bai, I'll go first."

"OK, I'll see you off." Bai Yan said and hurried ove

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