After dinner, I talked with Wang Yumin for more than an hour, which completely opened the knot between Song Yuwei and Wang Yumin!

"Yuwei, it's really hard for you these years." Grandma Wang took song Yuwei's hand. Don't mention it. This time, if Xu Hao hadn't inadvertently opened song Yuwei's heart knot, I'm afraid the relationship between Song Yuwei and the old couple would have to be the same as before! Obviously, I miss the old couple very much, but I have to show a very cold look!

"Mom, I'm sorry. You know what? Every time I want to come back to see you, and I'm afraid of bringing disaster to you, I..." Song Yuwei said, gently leaning her head on Grandma Wang's shoulder and said, "every time I come back, it's a kind of torture for me!"

"Silly child, you..." Grandma Wang hugged song Yuwei and was distressed.

Seeing Wang Yumin's happy family, Xu Hao said goodbye. It seems inappropriate for him to stay here as an outsider at this time?

Hearing that Xu Hao was leaving, song Yuwei hurriedly said, "Xu Hao, wait a minute."

Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, what's the matter?"

"Do you have time? I want to talk to you about something." Song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao and asked.

"I'm a big idle man. I have time at any time." Xu Hao said with a smile.

Song Yuwei also smiled, raised her hair in front of her forehead with her hand and said, "let's talk in the yard. I want to ask you a favor!"

After Song Yuwei sat down, Xu Haocai sat opposite her. Wang Tong, song Yuwei's assistant, took the initiative to pour tea for the two, and then withdrew.

"Sister Yuwei, in fact, you laugh better." today, Xu Hao saw song Yuwei smile several times. I used to look cold when I saw song Yuwei. Now I suddenly see song Yuwei laughing. I'm really not used to it!

The pink face was slightly red. Song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao with some embarrassment and said, "that's right. Over there, I have to trouble you. Can you help me persuade the old dean to move the children's welfare home to Jiangcheng?"

After looking at Song Yuwei with some doubts, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, isn't it more appropriate for you to say this?"

Shook her head, song Yuwei said, "I really have no face to face the old Dean, so I can only ask you for help!"

Song Yuwei said that Xu Hao could understand. Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "OK, no problem. I'll go to Liyang City to talk to the old hospital director personally. However, I think it's still necessary for you to let the old hospital director know about this..."

Smiling and waving his hand, Xu Hao said, "I don't want anyone to know, let alone fame. I was raised by the children's welfare home, and the old Dean also provided me with school. I should do anything to repay the children's welfare home."

Song Yuwei's consciousness is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even some well-known domestic entrepreneurs and stars will hype themselves with charity. Few people are willing to do charity silently!

Looking at Xu Hao sitting opposite, song Yuwei suddenly said, "Xu Hao, thank you!"

"What are you doing to thank me?" Xu Hao looked at Song Yuwei suspiciously and said, "I should also thank you! If you don't agree to go to Jiangcheng to do the project of the industrial park, Bainiu's company may have to go bankrupt!"

"Thank you for helping me open my heart knot." looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "in fact, I know I'm paranoid and like to think nonsense. But, you know? I can't control my thoughts at all. My subconscious thought that I killed my closest person, and I can't get out of that shadow!"

"Sister Yuwei, we have to look forward." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "let him pass the past!"

Nodding, song Yuwei said, "anyway, I want to thank you!"

No longer entangled in this matter, Xu Hao talked with song Yuwei about the industrial park.

When Xu Hao talked about this, song Yuwei said, "I have discussed this matter with the management of the company in detail. They all think it is feasible. With the strength of Xinhong real estate, we can eat this project!"

"The project in Liyang City..." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao asked curiously.

"I have given up the project in Liyang City. Yesterday, I submitted the report to the relevant departments in Liyang City. They are also glad that we took the initiative to give up the development right of that land!" Song Yuwei shook her head with a bitter smile. After spending half a year with Liyang City, she certainly knows what Liyang City thinks. Therefore, when they offered to give up the land, Liyang even offered to compensate them for a piece of land of the same size at a low price from other places.

However, song Yuwei did not intend to continue to develop real estate in Liyang City, so she refused the kindness of Liyang City. The next step is to sell part of the assets of Liyang City, and then move the company to Jiangcheng as a whole.

"By the way, in order to better develop the industrial park project, I want Bainiu's company to be integrated into Xinhong real estate as a whole. As compensation, I can give him some shares of Xinhong real estate..." looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei asked, "do you think this is OK?"

"I think it's OK," Xu Hao thought and said. White bull's company is too small both in capital and scale. In the real estate market, this small-scale company is difficult to survive. If the company is integrated into song Yuwei's Xinhong real estate in exchange for part of the equity, it may be a better thing for Bainiu!

"In terms of equity compensation scheme, I will give you about 5 to 8." looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "if you think there is no problem, you can communicate with manager Bainiu first. At the same time, as compensation, I will hire manager Bainiu as the vice president of Xinhong real estate, and then we will be partners!"

In terms of the assets and scale of Xinhong real estate, Bainiu does not suffer from taking out 5 to 8 shares to acquire the construction company of Bainiu. Even, to some extent, white bull made a small profit!

However, after merging into Xinhong real estate, Bainiu's autonomy is gone! Therefore, Xu Hao can't guarantee whether Bainiu can agree to the final plan! However, he will try his best to persuade Bainiu to agree to the M & a plan! This plan is an opportunity for white bull's company!

"Sister Yuwei, thank you. I will try my best to persuade Bai Niu to agree to this plan." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said: "You Xinhong real estate are foreign enterprises and are not familiar with the situation of Jiangcheng; Bainiu they are familiar with Jiangcheng, but they are short of capital. Your cooperation is definitely a combination of strong and strong to achieve win-win and create greater value! I believe you will be indispensable in Jiangcheng real estate industry in the near future!"

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