"Headhunting makes a lot of money, but it eats more contacts. Although I have accumulated a lot of contacts over the years, I'm still worried..." Huang Xin's heart is also hesitant. Otherwise, according to Huang Xin's resolute character, I would have made a decision long ago!

There is nothing Xu Hao can do about human resources! Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, I can't help you with this. However, no matter what decision you make, I support you! Don't be afraid even if you lose money in business. There's me. I keep you!"

"The dog's mouth can't spit out ivory." Xu Hao glanced white and Huang Xin said. However, whether Xu Hao has other careful thoughts, if he can say so, Huang Xin's heart is still touched.

"If the dog can spit Ivory out of his mouth, it's OK." Xu Hao said. He shamelessly came to Huang Xin and smelled the smell of Huang Xin mixed with the fragrance of shower gel. Xu Hao had the courage and stretched out his hand.

However, before his hand touched Huang Xin, he was patted open by Huang Xin. "Dog claws don't want them, do they?"

"How can I?" said Xu Hao, quickly taking back his hand.

Staring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin directly ordered him to leave. Although Xu Hao still wants to stay with Huang Xin for a while, see if he can find a chance to take advantage of something. However, looking at Huang Xin's bad eyes, Xu Hao got up and left.


I haven't been to the vegetable base for some time, and I haven't seen aunt Bai. Xu Hao plans to go to the vegetable base.

When Xu Hao drove to the vegetable base, he saw the chaos here. Quickly get off, Xu Hao walked towards the vegetable base.

"This place is not yours. What's wrong with us standing here? What's hindering you?" a man in his thirties stood at the door of the vegetable base and quarreled with Wang Chao.

"You're playing rogue!" Wang Chao lost his temper. These people stand at the gate of the vegetable base every day to intercept the villagers who come to sell their agricultural and sideline products!

"I'm a scoundrel. What can you do to me?" the man was not ashamed, but proud. He looked at Wang Chao with provocation.

"Wang Chao." Xu Hao shouted to Wang Chao, and then walked towards Wang Chao.

Seeing Xu Hao, Wang Chao trotted towards Xu Hao, "president Xu, why are you here?"

"Let's go and talk first." Xu Hao said to Wang Chao after glancing at several scoundrels at the door of the vegetable base.

In the office of the vegetable base, Wang Chao roughly explained the matter once. It turned out that these people were gangsters and scoundrels in Jinma town. I heard that the vegetable base made money, so I came to collect the so-called protection fee.

Bai Yan, how can they pay protection fees to these so-called gangsters. In a rage, they called the police directly. With Wu Peisheng's care, the police in the town quickly rushed over and took the gangsters away.

However, these gangsters didn't do much. They were detained by the police station for 24 hours and then released.

As a result, even if the vegetable base completely provoked these little gangsters, they came to make trouble every day. However, this time they learned to be smart and didn't dare to make trouble. Just stop at the door. Those villagers who came to sell agricultural and sideline products saw these vicious little gangsters at the door. They were afraid of causing trouble, so they had to stay away from them!

"If I say so, I'll just beat them up and scare them. Naturally, they don't dare to make trouble." Wang Chao was grumpy and said angrily.

"You can't beat people." Bai Yan hurriedly said, "if we really beat those little gangsters, there will be more trouble in the future."

"What should we do?" Wang Chao was a little anxious. "We can't fight, we can't drive away! These days, we all rely on ourselves to buy village by village. Such efficiency is too slow!"

"Wang Chao, don't worry. Aren't we trying to find a way?" Bai Yan looked at Wang Chao and said comfortingly. Wang Chao and Wang Ting are salesmen. In addition to the basic salary, they also have a commission. Now, these gangsters are blocked at the door, which directly affects the company's income and naturally affects their income.

"Sister Bai, why don't we find mayor Wu and ask him to send two policemen?" Wang Ting, with a simple mind, said a feasible way.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "this is not appropriate. The police serve the people, not our company. Besides, how long can you let the police stay with us? A day? A month? Or a year? Fundamentally, we have to solve this problem ourselves!"

Listening to Xu Hao's words, everyone turned their attention to Xu Hao and thought that Xu Hao had a good way!

For a while, Xu Hao really has no good way. However, Xu Hao comforted Bai Yan and said, "OK, I'll handle this matter."

"Well, well, since Xu Hao said he could solve this problem, there must be no problem." Bai Yan quickly said to Wang Ting and Wang Chao.

Although they doubt Xu Hao's words, Xu Hao is the boss after all. Since the boss said he could solve it, they don't have to join in blindly.

After Wang Ting and Wang Chao left, Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao and asked, "Xiao Hao, do you really think of a way?"

With a bitter smile, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, what can I do? I say this also to appease Wang Chao and Wang Ting! However, this matter must be solved. We can't let a few gangsters affect the development of our company!"

"Aunt, I believe you have a way." Bai Yan stood up, smiled and said to Xu Hao, and then walked out of the office.

After thinking for a while, Xu Hao didn't think of any suitable way. Standing up, Xu Hao went out of the office and walked towards the door of the vegetable base.

I saw those little gangsters still at the gate of the vegetable base. Several people are playing cards together.

Xu Hao gathered together and saw several people playing with gold flowers. He said, "come on, add me."

When several gangsters saw that Xu Hao came out of the vegetable base, they were all on guard against him. However, Xu Hao didn't wait for them to speak, so he learned the appearance of several small gangsters, sat down on the ground, and then took out hundreds of dollars from his wallet!

Seeing that Xu Hao took out a lot of money, the eyes of several small gangsters suddenly lit up. Hurriedly said: "OK, anyway, as long as you don't default!"

"Don't worry, don't break your promise." Xu Hao said with a smile, and then played with those little gangsters.

In addition to playing cards, when Xu Hao chatted with them, these little gangsters ignored them! This gives Xu Hao a headache. The curve to save the country doesn't seem to work!

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