Now that he knows that Yao Ruili is making trouble behind his back, Xu Hao will not let Yao Ruili go easily.

After thinking for two days, Xu Hao plans to treat him in his own way! Since Yao Ruili asked the little gangsters to make trouble in the vegetable base, he Xu Hao can do the same. Xu Hao has already figured out the person to make trouble.

Take out your mobile phone, find the phone of little sister Dong Yangfan, and Xu Hao dials it.

Soon, Dong Yangfan answered. After receiving Xu Hao's call, Dong Yangfan looked very excited. "You finally remembered to call me. Did you ask me to drink together?"

"I'll talk about drinking later. I want to ask you a favor." Xu Hao said, suddenly feeling a sense of guilt in his heart. How could he do this like a strange uncle who cheated the little girl to see the goldfish!

"What's the matter? You're so fussy, just say it!" Dong Yangfan was forthright.

After briefly talking about his plan, Xu Hao said, "it's up to you. Others can't do it!"

"This thing, I like it, it sounds exciting!" Dong Yangfan said excitedly on the other end of the phone: "in a moment, I'll call dozens of people to flatten the Yao company!"

Hearing Dong Yangfan's words with a bandit tone, Xu Hao almost choked with saliva, "we won't do it if we step down on his company. You can go to his company and sit down. We are all successors of socialism. How can we do that kind of illegal and disciplinary things?"

"I found that you are worse than my father. I like this character!" Dong Yangfan said excitedly.

After agreeing a time and place with Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao hung up the phone.

Driving to fortune square, Xu Hao saw Dong Yangfan standing in fortune square with a dozen little girls from a distance. Standing there, they are a beautiful scenery. Especially Dong Yangfan's long bare legs attract people's attention!

Park the car and Xu Hao walks towards Dong Yangfan.

Seeing Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "why did you come? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Xu Hao really couldn't accept Dong Yangfan's tone of speaking, so he said, "girls should learn to be ladies. Don't bite Lao Tzu's, it's not elegant!"

"Really?" Dong Yangfan said, looking back at the little sisters around her and asked, "isn't it elegant? Isn't it a lady?"

Those little sisters around her, who dare to tell the truth, had to hesitate.

"Well, if you say it's not elegant, it's not elegant. After that, I won't say Lao Tzu." Dong Yangfan glanced at Xu Hao and asked, "let's go up now?"

"Let's go." Xu Hao looks forward to Yao Ruili's scene to deal with these little girls for a while.

When he came to Ruili Investment Development Co., Ltd., Xu Hao found a place to sit down and prepare to watch a good play for a while. Dong Yangfan took her little sisters and entered Yao Ruili's company.

Soon, Yao Ruili's company jumped up. The security guard of the building saw that they were all charming little girls. Naturally, he would not go up to help, but watched a good play.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Xu Haocai stood up and walked towards Yao Ruili's company.

As soon as Xu haogang entered, he saw that Yao Ruili, who was in a bad temper, was reasoning with Dong Yangfan. Just, according to Dong Yangfan's character, can he reason with people calmly?

"Oh, President Yao, this is a big event?" Xu Hao leisurely walked over, looked at Yao Ruili and said. Although the words mean care, Xu Hao can see the way he looks at a good play.

"Xu Hao, did you find these people?" as soon as he saw Xu Hao, Yao Ruili seemed to find the vent object and walked towards Xu Hao angrily.

After seeing Yao Ruili, Xu Hao said, "President Yao, you can't talk nonsense. If you buckle your big hat on my head, don't I become a sinner?"

"Come on, what do you want?" looking at Xu Hao, Yao Ruili finally stepped back. You can't let Dong Yangfan and these little girls fool around in the company, can you? Even if he doesn't care about the company's losses, he has to take care of his company's reputation!

"Mr. Yao, you asked the wrong person. I just happened to pass by here. They have nothing to do with me. If you don't believe it, you let the police station investigate." Xu Hao said with confidence.

Hate looked at Xu Hao. Yao Ruili didn't dare to do it after all. He knew he couldn't beat Xu Hao at all! Take the initiative to provoke Xu Hao, that's self humiliation!

Looking at Yao Ruili's company, they have made a mess by Dong Yangfan, and even several female employees can be scared out of color. Xu Hao didn't want to go too far. He gave Dong Yangfan a color and said, "since President Yao is inconvenient for the time being, I'll visit again another day." with that, Xu Hao turned and walked out of Yao Ruili's company.

Seeing Xu Hao gone, Dong Yangfan said hello. The little sisters she brought stopped and went out with her.

"Son of a bitch..." as soon as Dong Yangfan left, Yao Ruili got angry, called Hu Qiang in and said, "withdraw the people from the vegetable base!"

"Withdraw?" Hu Qiang looked at Yao Ruili and asked.

"You don't think today's work is humiliating enough? Do you want to do it again?" looking at Hu Qiang, Yao Ruili said: "look at what you've done these times. I've ruined everything!"

"Sorry, boss. I..." Hu Qiang was also wronged. He did it according to Yao Ruili's instructions. If things are like this, we can't let him carry the pot!

"All right, you go out, waste!" scolded Hu Qiang, and Yao Ruili let him out.

Coming out of the window, Yao Ruili just saw Xu Hao walking out of the Fortune Building with Dong Yangfan's little girls.

Staring at Xu Hao, who was walking away, Yao Ruili punched him heavily on the windowsill. "Son of a bitch, wait for me! Don't think I'll be afraid of you if I hold the Tang family's thigh! In Jiangcheng, it's not certain who will kill who! Let's wait and see!"

At the moment, Xu Hao, who is walking in fortune square with a group of beautiful little girls, naturally doesn't know that Yao Ruili is gnashing his teeth at him. However, even if you know, Xu Hao is not afraid of Yao Ruili! A mere Yao Ruili really doesn't pose a threat to him!

"How? How awesome are we doing this? It's exciting and enjoyable!" or "let's do it again tomorrow?" excitedly looked at Terry Chui and Dong Yangfan said. Dong Yangfan has never done anything so exciting when he is so big.

"OK, it's enough to do this once." Xu Hao looked at Dong Yangfan, who was very excited. "Besides, you make trouble every day. You're not afraid of others calling the police. Then the police uncle will catch you and close the small black house directly!"

"Fart, I'll be afraid of cops?" when he heard Xu Hao mention the police, Dong Yangfan immediately blew up his nest and said, "isn't it the detention center? I just want to go in and have a look!"

Seeing Dong Yangfan like this, Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head and said, "OK, my brother has to tell you the truth of life for a while."

"Stop, stop, who wants you to reason with me? I've done so much for you today. You have to drink with me!" Dong Yangfan interrupted Xu Hao and said, "why don't you call your horse and have a drink with us?"

"Don't worry, I'm afraid she'll learn from you badly." Xu Hao said quickly. If you are obedient again, you will have to learn badly if you stay with Dong Yangfan for a period of time!

"Cut... What do you know? I call it personality. Do you understand?" he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Dong Yangfan took the lead in entering the ba

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