"Yes, yes." As Xu Hao spoke, he hurriedly got up to wash the fruits he brought back from Bai Yan and passed them to him.

Receiving the fruit from Xu Hao's hands, Huang Xin took a bite and was stunned for a moment. However, she thought that she drank too much and had a bad taste, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

However, after eating two peaches in a row, Huang Xin confirmed that it was not that there was a problem with her taste, but that the fruit was truly tasty!

With a surprised face, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao and asked: "Where did you buy this fruit from?"

"I didn't buy it. It was planted by a friend of mine." Xu Hao immediately opened his mouth and said: "If Sis Xin likes it, I'll bring more back tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes at Xu Hao, who said: "I'm lying to a ghost!" With that, he ignored Xu Hao and continued eating.

Huang Xin sat on Xu Hao's bed. Her beautiful legs that were wrapped in stockings were swaying around, dazzling Xu Hao.

"Sis Xin, I don't think that Yao Ruili is a good person. He definitely has good intentions towards you." Xu Hao felt that he should take this opportunity to defeat this potential love rival. It would be best for Huang Xin to completely hate him.

"Tsk, you speak as if you have a good heart towards me." Huang Xin took a glance at Xu Hao with her beautiful eyes, and then, Huang Xin came in front of Xu Hao, breathing heavily as she said: "Then let me ask you, if I were to get drunk now, would you do something?"

Once Huang Xin drew closer, Xu Hao's eyes unconsciously looked towards Huang Xin's collar.

Xu Hao had naturally noticed the little movements of Xu Hao. However, Huang Xin did not get angry, but asked: "Do you know who Yao Ruili is?"

"From the looks of it, he's probably a fuerdai." At least Xu Hao was once a rich second generation, he had some understanding of people like Yao Ruili.

Laughing towards Xu Hao, Huang Xin said: "You guessed half! It is true that Yao Ruili is a fuerdai, but he is not an ordinary fuerdai. The Rui Li Development Investment Company company that he established is one of the largest investment companies with the best Jiangcheng, and he himself is worth over ten million! "

"So what? Sooner or later, I will surpass him. " Looking towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao said resolutely.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled. Her smile was very sweet, making Xu Hao unable to resist wanting to be intimate with her.

"Sis Xin, if you are like this, I will not be able to hold back my beast nature." Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said. The mature beauty of her knowledge was not something an ordinary girl could compare to.

However, Huang Xin did not mind. Instead, she leaned back with her hand supporting on Xu Hao's bed, and said to Xu Hao: "If there really comes a day, I would not mind letting you take advantage of me!"

Looking at the extremely alluring Huang Xin, Xu Hao couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and said: "Wait until that day, the first thing I will do, is to carry you, Sis Xin, onto the bed!"

"Only you, kid, have the ability to do so." Huang Xin smiled at Xu Hao and stood up, then walked out of Xu Hao's house with graceful steps.

Huang Xin left for a long time but her mind was still thinking about what Huang Xin had said earlier!


Early morning of the second day, Xu Hao's phone rang. The phone call was from Su Jing.

"Xu Hao, do you know? All the flowers and soil had been sold. Early this morning, an old man came by and bought all the leftover flower soil. " Su Jing chattered on the phone, the excitement in her words naturally didn't need to be mentioned.

"All of them?" Xu Hao stared blankly for a moment, before asking, "Do you know who this person is?"

"Surnamed Sun." Sun Jing whispered into the phone, "He also said that he wanted to meet you and have a chat with you."

Hearing Su Jing's words, Xu Hao knew that this Old Grandpa Sun should be that Elder Sun he met the last time he was selling flowers and dirt. Xu Hao did not have any ill intentions towards Elder Sun, but, I wonder, why is Elder Sun looking for me? The most important thing was that Elder Sun actually bought all the flowers. Could it be that he knew some secret of these flowers? Thinking about this, Xu Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness.

Since there was nothing important to do, Xu Hao was prepared to pay a visit to Su Jing's store. At the same time, he wanted to find out more about Elder Sun's background and see if he had discovered anything from the flower soil. If there was a possibility of revealing his secret, then Xu Hao would have to think of a way to make up for it.

When Xu Hao arrived at Su Jing's Little Store, it was already almost noon. Even if it was noon, Su Jing's small shop had good business.

Just as he walked into the shop, Xu Hao saw Elder Sun. At this moment, Elder Sun was carefully examining a pot of orchids in front of him. He looked as if he was looking at his most intimate lover.

"Xu Hao, you're here." Seeing that Xu Hao had arrived, Su Jing immediately walked up to him and greeted him enthusiastically. Su Jing was wearing a V-collared T-shirt today, which was especially beautiful.

Su Jing's voice had also alarmed Elder Sun who was sizing up the orchid.

Elder Sun straightened his back and adjusted his eye sockets. He looked at Xu Hao and said: "Little friend Xu Hao, we meet again."

"I heard from Su Jing that Elder Sun wants to talk to me?" Looking at Elder Sun, Xu Hao went straight to the point.

Smiling and nodding his head, Elder Sun said: "If little friend Xu Hao is not busy, let's go to the teahouse across the way to have a cup of tea?"

Xu Hao had specifically come to see Elder Sun this time, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

The moment he walked out of Su Jing's store, Elder Sun asked with a smile: "Little friend Xu Hao, do you mind if I call another person?"

After being stunned for a moment, Xu Hao said: "I have no objections."

Elder Sun nodded with a smile and dialed a number. He simply said the name of the teahouse and hung up.

Xu Hao had never been to a teahouse before. To the Xu Hao of the past, he liked bars more. A place like the teahouse was not suitable for people his age.

Elder Sun should be a regular customer of this teahouse. The moment he entered, a waiter immediately greeted him warmly.

"Elder Sun, what should we drink this time?" After entering the room upstairs, the waiter hurriedly asked.

Looking towards Xu Hao, Elder Sun asked: "Little friend Xu Hao, what do you want to drink?"

Xu Hao did not study much on tea, and immediately replied: "Elder Sun, I did not study much on tea leaves. Elder Sun, you can do whatever you want."

Looking at the waiter, Elder Sun said, "Pu'er will do, then."

Very quickly, the waiter left. Elder Sun looked at Xu Hao with a smile and said, "That flower earth of yours is not simple at all."

"Elder Sun must be joking. It's just ordinary soil." Xu Hao hurriedly said. He did not know Elder Sun's depth, nor did he know what Elder Sun knew, so he did not dare to be careless.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Elder Sun still had a smile on his face, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sun Mingde, the president of Jiangcheng Orchid Cultivation Association."

Not knowing what Sun Mingde was doing, Xu Hao did not dare to be careless. They only agreed on a few pleasing words of courtesy, and waited for Sun Mingde's next words …

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