Out of the welfare home, Xu Hao called song Yuwei directly. On the phone, song Yuwei was shocked when Xu Hao said that she had successfully persuaded the old dean to go to Jiangcheng to see the children's welfare home!

"Thank you, Xu Hao," Song Yuwei said solemnly at the other end of the phone.

Xu Hao was a little embarrassed after being thanked by the old Dean and now accepting song Yuwei's thanks. After two awkward coughs, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, don't say that. I just did what I should do. It's you who have been silently paying for the children's welfare home. You should accept everyone's thanks!"

"I'm not doing this to make others thank me." Song Yuwei said on the other end of the phone: "by the way, you're going to Jiangcheng tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Yes, does sister Yuwei have anything else to ask?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly.

After looking at the time, song Yuwei said, "well, let's have dinner together in the evening. I have something to tell you, or you'll reveal your stuffing when you get to Jiangcheng."

"OK." Xu Hao agreed.

Originally, Xu Hao thought song Yuwei invited him to a restaurant. Unexpectedly, song Yuwei invited him to dinner at home.

When he came to song Yuwei's house, Xu Hao saw that song Yuwei was wearing ordinary home clothes and covered with an apron with white background and pink lattice.

Seeing song Yuwei dressed like a housewife, Xu Hao was particularly shocked.

After lifting her hair, song Yuwei said, "I wanted to invite you to a restaurant, but I don't think it's enough to express my gratitude, so please come home for dinner. My cooking is not very good. Don't dislike it!"

"Sister Yuwei, this... This is so embarrassing." Xu Hao said with some embarrassment. I knew song Yuwei was cooking in person. Xu Hao wouldn't agree to come to song Yuwei's house for dinner.

"OK, sit down first." Song Yuwei glanced at Xu Hao and ordered Wang Tong to greet Xu Hao. She went into the kitchen.

He poured Xu Hao a cup of tea and brought him some fruit. Wang Tong sat opposite Xu Hao and said, "Xu Hao, I really admire you. Since you talked to President song in the office, President song seems to have changed. It's good to have such a flesh and blood president song now!"

Obviously, Wang Tong also likes song Yuwei now. In the past, song Yuwei, who was cold and used to keep a straight face, did not dare to show her atmosphere every time Wang Tong was in front of her.

After chatting with Xu Hao for a while, Wang Tong got up and went to the kitchen to help. After a while, the delicious food was brought out of the kitchen by Wang Tong.

"Just cook a few dishes casually. Don't dislike it." Song Yuwei said with some embarrassment. Song Yuwei, dressed in her home clothes, seems to have suddenly changed from a strong woman in the workplace to a housewife.

"Sister Yuwei, you are so polite." Xu Hao said quickly.

At dinner, song Yuwei briefly introduced the situation of the children's welfare home. Song Yuwei has prepared the relevant approval documents. As long as the old president signs some relevant documents, the legal representative of the children's welfare home will be the old president, and the ownership of the children's welfare home will be transferred to the old president!

"Sister Yuwei, you didn't tell me this before." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said. What if the old Dean doesn't accept it?

"Didn't I tell you now?" Song Yuwei smiled and said, "if I told you in advance, you'll tell the old Dean again. The old Dean won't agree!"

"But... Now the old Dean will agree?" looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao asked speechless.

"I believe you." Song Yuwei's simple four words gave Xu Hao unlimited pressure.

Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, this is not an ordinary meal. This is a Hongmen banquet!"

"It's not so easy to go down now that she's on my thief ship." Song Yuwei joked. It can be seen that song Yuwei's character has always been very good. Before, she just pretended to be indifferent!

"Why am I so miserable?" Xu Hao has a headache. How should I tell the old Dean about this matter!

After dinner, Xu Hao chatted with song Yuwei about the children's welfare home, and then got up to leave. After chatting with song Yuwei so much, Xu Hao doesn't worry about being timid when chatting with the old Dean tomorrow.


Early the next morning, when Xu Hao was still sleeping, song Yuwei called.

"My sister Yuwei, not like you!" Xu Hao was completely speechless. Song Yuwei almost took a small whip to urge Xu Hao to do it.

"Well, well, don't complain. I asked the hotel front desk to buy you breakfast and it will be delivered soon." Song Yuwei said and hung up the phone.

Xu haogang was about to go to bed again when a waiter sounded outside the door. Xu Hao had to get up reluctantly and take the breakfast brought by the waiter.

After breakfast, Xu Hao checked out and drove straight to the children's welfare home.

The old Dean obviously dressed up deliberately today. Wear a not fashionable Zhongshan suit, but the clothes are very clean and tidy. Seeing Xu Hao, the old Dean was still a little worried and asked, "Xu Hao, what you told me yesterday, won't you lie to me?"

"Old Dean, I can't lie to anyone." looking at the old Dean, Xu Hao said, "if I lie to you, can my conscience live in peace in my life?"

Nodding, the old Dean didn't say anything and went straight into Xu Hao's car.

Back in Jiangcheng, considering the physical condition of the old Dean, Xu Hao proposed to have a rest in the hotel and go to the construction site tomorrow. However, the old Dean is resolute and resolute. He must go to the construction site first.

Seeing that the old Dean's spirit was good, Xu Hao agreed.

On the way, he called Bainiu and confirmed that Bainiu was on the construction site. Xu Hao drove directly to the company.

As soon as Xu Hao's car arrived at the construction site, Bainiu hurried up with several technicians. Xu Hao first introduced Bainiu and then the old Dean.

"Old Dean, this is the construction drawing..." Bai Niu took the construction drawing in his hand and briefly introduced the general outline of the children's welfare home.

The old Dean used to be the head of the personnel section of the cotton mill, and he rose step by step from the most basic apprentice. He is no stranger to all kinds of drawings. After taking over the drawings, the old Dean was very satisfied with the overall design of the welfare home! Moreover, the size of the welfare home exceeded his expectations.

"Good, good!" the old Dean was very excited. He stared at the drawing, looked at it again and again, and was reluctant to let go.

After reading the construction site, Xu Hao said, "old Dean, let's go back to the hotel and have a rest. I still have several relevant documents. You have to sign them."

"OK, let's go back and don't delay boss Bai's construction." the old Dean said and left the construction site with Xu Hao

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