Falling into Xu Hao's arms, Dong Yangfan arched in his arms, as if to find a more comfortable position.

Having a helpless look at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao patted her little hip and said, "OK, I haven't seen your drinking capacity. Can you fall down with a bottle of beer?"

Xu Hao saw through the plot. Instead of being embarrassed, Dong Yangfan looked at Xu Hao angrily and said, "Coward man!" he picked up the bottle and had to continue drinking.

After seeing Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao took up his glass and drank the wine himself. This depends on Xu Hao's temperament in the East China Sea. Maybe it will be done for Dong Yangfan. However, now Xu Hao needs to consider more things. Since he decided to have a foothold in Jiangcheng, Dong Tianlong is naturally a barrier that can't be bypassed. Therefore, if it is not necessary, Xu Hao still hopes to maintain a friendly relationship with Dong Tianlong. At least, he can't make the relationship too rigid!

"Are all the little girls so bold now?" Xu Hao asked as he put down his glass and looked at Dong Yangfan, who was drinking on the tea table in front of him.

"You care about me!" he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Dong Yangfan said angrily.

Touching Dong Yangfan's head with a smile, Xu Hao said, "OK, listen to my advice. Reading more is good for your future life! Also, don't lose your temper with your parents because they control you all day. Many times, being controlled and spoiled by your parents is also a kind of happiness!"

He widened his eyes and looked at Xu Hao. Dong Yangfan said, "lying trough! How can you speak like an uncle? I don't know. I thought you were my father's peers!"

After taking a silent look at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao picked up the wine glass and touched the wine bottle in her hand and said, "well, I'll go first. Drink less and think about what I told you!"

"All right, all right, let's go. It's boring!" he waved impatiently to Xu Hao, and Dong Yangfan walked towards the dance floor below

Looking at Dong Yangfan, who twisted his body crazy with the music on the dance floor, Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head and walked out of the bar.


"This is the work of Wang Chao during this period." Song Rui and Bai Yan told Xu Hao about Wang Chao's recent performance in the office. Because, from their observation, Wang Chao's performance is very abnormal!

Looking at Wang Chao's recent business situation, Xu Hao found that Wang Chao's performance has indeed decreased significantly. Looking at Bai Yan and song Rui, Xu Hao asked, "what do you think is the reason?"

"There must be no problem with Wang Chao's business ability. I think it's his own reason for this problem." Bai Yan thought and said, "why don't I talk to him sometime? Is something wrong at home?"

Nodding, Xu Hao agreed with Bai Yan's proposal. If nothing had happened, Wang Chao's business would not be so bad. In the past, Wang Chao's business nearly doubled that of Wang Ting. However, in the past half a month, Wang Chao's performance is less than half that of Wang Ting. The magnitude of this decline is really a little big.

At more than 5 p.m., Wang Chao returned to the vegetable base in advance. Smelling the smell of wine on Wang Chao, Xu Hao could not help frowning. Xu Hao is sure that Wang Chao should not have gone to each contact village today.

"Wang Chao, come here." call Wang Chao out. Xu Hao and Bai Yan plan to have an in-depth talk with Wang Chao.

He came to Bai Yan's office carelessly. After Wang Chao sat down, he said, "manager Bai, do you have anything to tell me?"

"I don't think you've been in good shape recently. What's the matter?" after looking at Wang Chao, Bai Yan said: "we work together now. We're a family. What's the difficulty? Tell me?"

"Thanks for manager Bai's concern. I have nothing to do." Wang Chao said, looking at Bai Yan and Xu Hao and said, "just now, president Xu is also here today. I officially proposed to leave!"

"Leaving?" Xu Hao and Bai Yan looked at each other, and they were puzzled and surprised from each other's eyes.

"Why? I'm surprised. How much has Wang Chao done for the company? The company has made money, but I Wang Chao got such a little salary. Why?" Wang Chao looked at Bai Yan and said, "so I hope manager Bai can approve my resignation application as soon as possible!"

"We can talk about salary." Bai Yan thinks Wang Chao is very capable and has made great contributions to the development of the company. If the conditions put forward by Wang Chao are not too harsh, she will try to meet them.

"No, I've found a better place to go." Wang Chao said and stood up directly.

"Wang..." Bai Yan also wanted to talk to Wang Chao and persuade him to stay, but Xu Hao stopped her.

Shaking his head at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said, "no need. People who want to leave can't stay. Since he has found a home, the other party's conditions are far better than ours. At this time, it's meaningless to say anything."

With a helpless sigh, Bai Yan said, "hey... I'll ask song Rui to pay him this month." Bai Yan said and went to find song Rui.

After Wang Chao came out of Bai Yan's office, he went straight back to his residence and packed up his things. When Wang Chao came out with his luggage, Bai Yan just came out of song Rui's office.

Wang Chao was stunned to see Bai Yan rush over to give him his salary. Because, from the moment he mentioned his resignation, he never thought that Bai Yan could still pay him.

"Manager Bai, are you..." he looked at Bai Yan puzzled, and Wang Chao asked.

"This is your salary this month. I just asked song Rui to calculate it. In addition, I asked song Rui to calculate another month's salary to thank you for your contribution to the company." Bai Yan said and handed the envelope containing the salary to Wang Chao.

Holding the envelope handed over by Bai Yan, Wang Chao felt mixed! Growing up with the company from beginning to end, how can Wang Chao have no feelings for the company? However, the other party offered a condition that he could not refuse at all. Therefore, no matter what Bai Yan and Xu Hao said, he would not choose to stay.

"Thank you, manager Bai. I hope we can be good friends in the future." Wang Chao said, carrying his luggage and walking towards the outside of the vegetable base without looking back.

Back to the office, Bai Yan blamed herself. Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked, "Xiao Hao, do you think my aunt did a bad job? Otherwise, why did Wang Chao resign so resolutely?"

Reaching out and holding Bai Yan and Bai Nen's small hand, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, Wang Chao's resignation has nothing to do with you. I think there must be a deeper reason!"

"What's the reason?" Bai Yan quickly asked.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "I don't know, but I have a bad hunch! Wang Chao's resignation must not be accidental!"

Looking up into the distance, Xu Hao felt that a new storm might begin

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