Back in Jiangcheng, when Xu Hao hurried upstairs, he accidentally bumped into Huang Xin who was in a hurry to go downstairs. If Xu Hao hadn't reacted quickly and hugged Huang Xin, Huang Xin would have to fall straight.

Being hugged by Xu Hao in an ambiguous posture, Huang Xin's pink face turned red. He stretched out his foot and kicked Xu Hao on his leg. "Xu Hao, you little bastard, take advantage of me!" Xu Hao just hugged her hand and obviously pinched her hip restlessly.

He smiled awkwardly, and Xu Hao didn't pester on this issue. "Sister Xin, why are you in such a hurry to go out?"

"It's not about the soda factory yet. I have to investigate it again." Huang Xin said, as if she suddenly remembered something. She patted her forehead and said, "by the way, it seems that you missed an important question in your plan - how to deal with the residue after squeezing the juice?"

After Huang Xin said this, Xu Hao remembered. It seems a pity to dispose of those residues directly. They are all cucumbers planted with mysterious soil as fertilizer!

Seeing that there was no good way for Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "think about it first. I have to go to the soda factory." as he said, Huang Xin hurried downstairs.

Back at his residence, Xu Hao plunged into the mysterious space and began to get busy. Xu Hao doesn't dare to tell anyone about this kind of thing, so he can only do it alone!

Due to the limited space in the house, Xu Hao can pack dozens of bags of soil at a time.

After a busy morning, Xu Hao was tired and thirsty. Leaning against the apple tree, Xu Haoshun picked some apples and ate them! After eating the apple, Xu Hao's physical strength recovered a lot, so he continued to be busy again.

When the first batch of soil was ready, Xu Hao moved downstairs bag by bag, and then called a truck to send it to the vegetable base! After specially instructing Bai Yan to avoid the two researchers arranged by Tang Jing, Xu Haocai left at ease.

When he got home, Xu Hao found that Huang Xin also came back and went straight to Huang Xin's house.

Huang Xin should also have just come back. She took off her coffee colored business suit, just wearing a white ruffled round neck shirt, coffee colored women's trousers below and a pair of cotton slippers on her feet.

"Sit down and I'll cook." Huang Xin said, picked up her apron and walked towards the kitchen.

Soon, Huang Xin's cooking voice came out of the kitchen. Xu Hao came to the door of the kitchen and asked Huang Xin about the results of her investigation in the soda factory.

While cooking, Huang Xin said what she found these days, "there are nearly 200 people in the soda factory, and the average age is over 35. The technicians have been poached by other factories, and the rest can be described as old, weak, sick and disabled..."

Xu Hao thought that the situation of the old steam plant was not optimistic, but he didn't think it was such a situation! No wonder Wang Yumin said he wanted to thank him! It's clear that Xu Hao is asked to pick up the plate!

"Of course, there is also good news. Not long before the old steam plant stopped production, two production lines were imported from Germany at a high price. They are brand-new and unused!" Huang Xinzi said happily: "those two production lines alone are worth two million!"

"It's mainly about the placement of these personnel." Xu Hao said with some headache: "you don't expect those people with an average age of more than 35 to use that set of pure imported equipment?"

"Technicians, we must recruit again, and the new equipment is basically automatic, and there are not many workshop workers..." Huang Xin said, his hands kept moving, but the delicious food has been prepared.

While eating, they talked about the soda factory. Generally speaking, the situation of the soda plant is good, except for the more than 200 workers! Those workers are the biggest burden on the soda factory! However, now Xu Hao wants to get rid of these workers and only buy the soda factory. Obviously, it won't work. Jiangcheng won't agree!

"Sister Xin, you do human resource management. Do you have any other way?" looked at Huang Xin and Xu Hao asked. Now, Huang Xin can only use her brain to find a way to solve the more than 200 people!

Shaking her head, Huang Xin said helplessly, "I'm a man, not a God. This is more than 200 people, and it's a large number of unskilled ordinary workers! I really can't think of any other way except to arrange them to be laid off!"

"It's not possible to be laid off." last time, from Wang Yumin's words and later in their conversation with Mayor Qin, they all revealed an important message: stability is the most important, and workers can't be laid off!

"Then I really can't help it." Huang Xin sighed helplessly, "this is a problem that can't be solved!"

"Sister Xin, don't worry, there will always be a way." Xu Hao worried about Huang Xin getting angry and comforted her. In order to prepare for the establishment of the juice factory, Huang Xin has submitted his resignation application to the company. In other words, Huang Xin has no way back.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "if my sister loses her job, I'll rub your food and drink! Let you keep me!"

"OK, I can't wait!" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao agreed without thinking about it.

"Bah, the dog can't spit out ivory." he stared at Xu Hao. Huang Xin ate his own meal, but in his mind he was thinking about the resettlement solution for the workers in the soda factory!

"By the way, have you considered what I told you this morning?" Huang Xin suddenly remembered what I said this morning and asked.

Xu Hao really didn't think about the residue after squeezing the juice.

Seeing Xu Hao shaking his head, Huang Xin said, "yesterday, I consulted some professionals. They said that if it was changed to a squeezed juice factory, we need to degrade the juice components in the wastewater first, and then use the sewage treatment equipment to treat the discharged sewage. Therefore, we have to start a new set of degradation tank equipment, which is not cheap!"

Some people rubbed their heads with headache, which was not mentioned in the plan given to him by Tang Jing. Originally, Xu Hao thought Tang Jing's plan was perfect. He didn't expect such a big loophole! But how can we fill this loophole?

"Sister Xin, I'll think about this problem first when I go back, and then I'll ask President Tang for specific technology to see if their new technology can avoid this problem." these problems can't be understood by Xu Hao and Huang Xin if they want to break their heads, so I have to find Tang Jing. Leave this problem to Tang Jing, Who put her in charge of technology!

Nodding, Huang Xin also knew that this problem was not something they could figure out. They had to find professionals to put forward solutions. Since Tang Jing holds 10 shares by virtue of technology, this problem must be handed over to Tang Jing to solve!

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