After exiting the teahouse, Xu Hao came to Su Jing's store.

The moment Xu Hao pushed open the door, Su Jing immediately ran over and happily handed over four thousand gold, and said: "These are what you earned in the past two days."

Su Jing was wearing a V-neck T-shirt, and from her position, one could see a shallow trench from above. And under the T-shirt, the lace of the underwear.

Seeing that Xu Hao did not take the money from her, and instead stared straight at her. Su Jing was startled, but the moment she lowered his head, he realized that Xu Hao was looking at her.

Su Jing's face immediately flushed red, and she immediately used her hand to block her chest.

Seeing that Xu Hao was still staring at her, Su Jing felt ashamed and angry, and said to Xu Hao: "Are you still looking?!"

"Tsk, what's there to look at? There's nothing to look at." Tsk, there's nothing to look at. With that, Xu Hao walked back into the shop.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Su Jing became speechless. She let go of the hand that was blocking his chest and took a look. She could not help but mutter under her breath, "It's not like there aren't any." After she finished speaking, she looked at Xu Hao hatefully for a moment, then straightened his chest and walked towards Xu Hao.

Taking the money from Su Jing, Xu Hao said: "Follow up, this kind of flowery soil can't be sold anymore?"

"Why?" Su Jing no longer cared about being shy, she went in front of Xu Hao and asked: "Why can't I sell it?" One had to know that in these short two days, she had earned a thousand dollars, which made Su Jing have a beautiful dream of getting rich. But now, Xu Hao had told her not to sell anymore flowers and soil, and her beautiful dream had been ruined.

"Don't be in such a hurry, let me explain slowly." Xu Hao outlined the collaboration he had discussed with Sun Family before, and said: "If the collaboration between me and Sun Family is confirmed, then I must abide by the agreement."

Su Jing nodded in disappointment, then replied: "I understand, I understand." This kind of flowery soil was Xu Hao's, so it was naturally up to Xu Hao to decide how to handle it. She had no right to interfere.

Seeing Su Jing's dejected look, Xu Hao gathered up his courage and reached out his hand to grab Su Jing's, saying: "What's wrong? Are you angry? "

Su Jing, who was still in a daze, did not realize that Xu Hao had grabbed her hand. He turned around and looked at Xu Hao, and Su Jing said: "I respect your decision, it just so happens that there was someone who told me about the transfer of the shop yesterday."

"Why are you still thinking of transferring shops?" Xu Hao looked at Sun Jing speechlessly and asked.

Su Jing stared blankly. It was at this time that Su Jing realized that, without him knowing when, Xu Hao had actually pulled her hand. Instantly, Su Jing's face, which had just returned to normal, flushed red once again. Immediately retracting his hand, Su Jing said shyly: "You … How can you be like this? and you know how to bully me! " After saying that, Su Jing couldn't help but cry.

Seeing Su Jing crying, Xu Hao panicked. He had never encountered such a situation before. Hugging Su Jing in his arms, Xu Hao said: "About that … You may have misunderstood me. "I didn't mean that, I …"

"I don't blame you. You know, I'm not fit to do business at all. "If I were to continue running this shop, I don't know how much money I would lose, so I've come to a conclusion. I should quickly transfer the shop over and find a more honest job." Su Jing slowly regained her calm and said shyly as she struggled out of Xu Hao's embrace with her head lowered.

"Are you really willing to give up?" Staring at Su Jing's eyes, Xu Hao asked.

Being looked at by Xu Hao until he became flustered, Su Jing did not dare to look into Xu Hao's eyes. He lowered his head and said: "So what if you are not willing to give up? I am aware of the reality now. I am not suited to do business! "

"Do you still remember what I told you the first time we met?" Xu Hao looked at Su Jing and said, "Believe in yourself, you will definitely succeed!"

"But …" Su Jing wanted to say that she had suffered a crushing defeat, but the words that were just on the tip of her tongue were not spoken.

"I will continue to supply you with that flowery soil, but you can't sell it to others. You can only use it on the plants in the shop!" Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said: "Look at the plants in your shop, don't you have the confidence to compete with others?"

Seeing those apparently different ornamental plants and potted plants in the shop, Su Jing regained her confidence once again. She raised her head, looked at Xu Hao, and said: "Thank you, you soil selling youth!" After saying that, Su Jing actually started laughing, her laughter was very, very sweet.

Looking at the two dimples on Su Jing's face, Xu Hao couldn't help but want to kiss them. However, before Xu Hao even had time to try his luck, Su Jing had already run away with her face flushed red.

Seeing Su Jing run away shyly, Xu Hao was speechless. If it was him from two years ago, she would have long ago captured Su Jing. After being depressed for two years, her ability to pick up girls had almost disappeared!

Shaking his head, Xu Hao spoke to the shy Su Jing who was hiding at the side: "I'll be leaving first. If there's anything, give me a call at any time."

"Yes." Su Jing didn't even dare to turn her head as she quietly replied. From Xu Hao's position, she could see Su Jing's slightly flushed neck. Needless to say, Su Jing's beautiful face would be flushed red.

Without continuing to flirt with Su Jing, Xu Hao walked out of Su Jing's store.

Now that he had money, Xu Hao naturally would not squeeze another bus to take him home. He took a taxi back to his residence.

Just as he got off the car, Xu Hao took two steps forward and saw a man in a suit blocking his way, "You must be Xu Hao, my boss wants to see you."

"Who the f * ck are you?" Looking at the man in the suit, Xu Hao said: "Your boss wants to see me. Tell him to scram over himself." After he finished speaking, Xu Hao headed towards the building that he lived in.

The man in the suit clearly had no intention to let him go, he directly extended his hand, wanting to grab Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was also enraged, he immediately grabbed the suited man's arm, and with a burst of strength, he actually easily threw the suited man over his shoulder!

This time, even Xu Hao himself was stunned. He did not know when he had become so strong!

The suited man was obviously even more shocked, he was flung onto the ground by Xu Hao, his entire body was aching, his face was filled with disbelief.

Looking at the man in the suit, Xu Hao said: "Give your boss a message, tell him to come find me if he has anything!"

Just as Xu Hao finished speaking, he heard footsteps from behind him. Turning around, it was actually a familiar person — — Yao Ruili.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xu would have such great skills." As Yao Ruili spoke, he walked over in large strides, extended his hand and said: "Let's officially get to know each other, Yao Ruili."

"Xu Hao." Xu Hao said as he put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

Xu Hao's contemptuous attitude made Yao Ruili a little angry, but this anger quickly disappeared in a blink of an eye. Very quickly, Yao Ruili returned to his normal expression. He looked at Xu Hao and said: "Mr. Xu, I wonder if we can have a chat?"

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