Entering the screening hall, song Yuwei had planned to sit next to Xia Xiaomeng, but Xia Xiaomeng insisted that Xu Hao sit in the middle. As a last resort, song Yuwei had to sit beside Xu Hao.

At the moment, Xu Hao is holding two barrels of popcorn, while Xia Xiaomeng and song Yuwei chat across Xu Hao!

Look at them, Xu Hao was speechless! You say you two want to talk, why do you have to be separated by me?

Soon, the film began, and Xia Xiaomeng was soon attracted by the plot in the cartoon. Xu Hao was not interested in cartoons. After watching them for a while, people almost fell asleep. It was song Yuwei who looked like a child with great interest.

Gently touched song Yuwei with his arm. Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, can you talk about your motivation now? Do you want to abduct children?"

"Go, what are you talking about?" with a white look at Xu Hao, song Yuwei came up to Xu Hao's ear and whispered, "I'm going to adopt Xia Xiaomeng!"

"Ah?" Xu Hao opened his mouth in surprise.

"Brother Xu Hao, what's the matter with you?" Xia Xiaomeng quickly turned her head and asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I bite my hand when I eat." Xu Hao casually made up a reason to prevaricate.

Xia Xiaomeng despised Xu Hao, then turned her head and continued to watch the film.

In order to avoid being heard by Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao and song Yuwei have to get closer. His nose can even smell the faint fragrance of song Yuwei.

Because the cinema is relatively warm, song Yuwei is only wearing a thin cashmere sweater with a V-neck. At the moment, song Yuwei tilted her body towards Xu Hao. In addition, her body tilted forward, revealing her slender and sexy neck and attractive collarbone. Occasionally, when the screen is bright, Xu Hao can slide in his eyes and see song Yuwei's Pink shoulder strap and the sexy bra tightly wrapped around a pair of mountains.

After hearing that song Yuwei was really going to adopt Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao said, "it's easy to do. Sister Yuwei can go through the adoption formalities according to your own conditions, but the old Dean has to nod about it..."

"I know." Song Yuwei said, and her body gathered a little closer to Xu Hao. Her plump thighs were close to Xu Hao's legs. She whispered in Xu Hao's ear: "I want to cultivate feelings with Xia Xiaomeng first, and then mention the adoption. What do you think?"

Feeling song Yuwei's plump legs pressing on his legs, Xu Hao is a little thirsty! Slightly opened the distance with song Yuwei, Xu Hao said: "so, sister Yuwei, you want to use me as an excuse to let me often bring Xiaomeng out to meet you?"

"Yes, you won't refuse my little request?" looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei's expression seemed pathetic.

To tell the truth, Xu Hao really can't say no. Nodding, Xu Hao said, "OK, sister Yuwei, I promise you!"

"That's settled." Song Yuwei stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom!" because of the arrangement of the seat, song Yuwei can only go from Xu Hao, so she had to hook her waist and walk in front of Xu Hao in the dark. The two people's legs unconsciously touched each other. Xu Hao almost instinctively stretched out his hand and touched song Yuwei's plump thigh. Xu Hao didn't dare to go too far. After pretending to touch it inadvertently, he quickly took back his hand.

Song Yuwei will be back soon. When passing Xia Xiaomeng, Xia Xiaomeng suddenly pulled song Yuwei's clothes. Suddenly she was dragged in the dark. Song Yuwei was startled. The whole person didn't stand firm and fell directly into Xu Hao's arms.

Feeling the soft touch from Song Yuwei's hips and thighs, Xu Hao's whole person reacted at once! At the moment, song Yuwei's hand is pressing between Xu Hao's legs!

Feeling the change of Xu Hao's body, song Yuwei's heart couldn't help shaking. Song Yuwei has never had such close contact with a man since her husband died! At the moment, the whole person is sitting in Xu Hao's arms. Song Yuwei's whole body is soft and can't stand up.

His hands gently hugged song Yuwei's thin waist. Xu Hao dared not take other actions. He whispered, "sister Yuwei, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, maybe my foot sprained." Song Yuwei was naturally embarrassed to say that her whole body was soft and couldn't stand up. In that case, it was too hard to speak!

Help song Yuwei to stand up. After Song Yuwei sits down, Xu Hao bends down and plans to check song Yuwei's sprained foot.

Feel Xu Hao's hand holding her feet, song Yuwei's heart beats hard, and her face is red and hot. Fortunately, this is a cinema. I don't worry about being seen.

"Is it this foot?" Xu Hao grabbed song Yuwei's left foot and asked in a low voice.

At this moment, song Yuwei felt that her brain had been short circuited and could not think. So he nodded almost instinctively and said, "yes, it hurts!"

"Let me show you." he gently took off song Yuwei's left shoe, and Xu Hao grabbed song Yuwei's little foot wrapped in silk stockings. Gently rubbed song Yuwei for a while. Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, are you better?"

Without the panic just now, song Yuwei pretended to calm her feet and said, "much better, Xu Hao, thank you!" as she said, song Yuwei quickly put on her shoes.

"Just when I came over, Xiaomeng suddenly pulled me. I stepped on empty feet and sprained my foot." Xu Hao didn't ask, but song Yuwei couldn't help but take the initiative to explain. She is worried about being misunderstood by Xu Hao, but also for herself!

After looking back at Xia Xiaomeng, I found that she was watching the film with interest. Xu Hao stretched out his hand and wanted to shoot her, but song Yuwei stopped her. "Xiaomeng didn't mean it. Don't disturb her to watch the film!"

"Well, I'm a bad man." Xu Hao said reluctantly, "obviously I'm helping you get justice, but I'm not good inside and outside!"

"All right, all right, you have to quarrel with Xiaomeng." Xu Hao glanced at him, and song Yuwei said with a little complaint.

After the film ended, Xu Hao asked song Yuwei if she could go. If not, she had to go to the hospital.

Song Yuwei's script has nothing to do. The reason why she said she sprained her ankle just now is just to find a step for herself. Therefore, song Yuwei hurriedly said, "I'm fine. Just hold me."

Holding song Yuwei in one hand and Xia Xiaomeng in the other, Wang Tong, song Yuwei's assistant, has rushed out of the cinema.

Come up and help song Yuwei. Wang Tong said, "President song, are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

"I'm fine," Song Yuwei said, looking at Xu Hao and asking Xu Hao to safely return Xia Xiaomeng to the welfare home.

After Xu Hao's car went far, song Yuwei walked into the car with the help of Wang Tong.

After seeing song Yuwei get on the bus, her hand has been rubbing her right foot. Just at the gate of the cinema, Wang Tong remembered that song Yuwei obviously sprained her left foot!

Looking at Song Yuwei, Wang Tong said, "President song, the foot is wrong. It's the left foot!"

When the lie was exposed, song Yuwei became angry and looked at Wang Tong with hatred. Song Yuwei said, "what are you talking about, dead girl? It's obviously her right foot!" then song Yuwei was embarrassed and covered her red face with her hand

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