"Miss Huang Xin is also a vigorous and resolute person." Huang Lin smiled and said, "let me talk about my conditions. Your manufacturer needs to provide drinks with a supply of no less than 20% of the annual supply for promotion every year; in addition, the payment for goods should be delayed for three to six months; the price of drinks should be less than 50% of the retail price..."

As soon as Huang Lin opened his mouth, he put forward a lot of conditions, which is also the condition for him to cooperate with most beverage enterprises! The reason why those beverage enterprises are willing to accept Huang Lin's extremely harsh conditions is to take a fancy to Huang Lin's huge channel capacity in central and southern province! In order to open up the market of central and southern province as soon as possible, those enterprises had to accept the squeeze of Huang Lin and sign this unequal treaty!

"Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, I can't accept your conditions!" Huang Xin flatly rejected Huang Lin's conditions. If you accept Huang Lin's conditions, most of the profits of the juice factory will be eaten by Huang Lin. they work hard, but all the profits are Huang Lin's!

Hearing Huang Xin's refusal, Huang Lin sneered and said, "Miss Huang, you probably haven't figured out the situation. I'm willing to act as an agent for your unknown and no reputation beverage. You should burn high aroma and think my conditions are harsh! You don't ask. In central and southern province, which fruit juice enterprise can play well without my huanglin sales channel?"

Although she was very upset, Huang Xin politely sent Huang Lin out. Originally thought that the arrival of Huang Lin would bring dawn to the sales channel of the juice factory, but unexpectedly, a robber came!

After receiving a call from Huang Xin, Xu Hao hurried to the juice factory.

"Sister Xin, it's not worth sulking about this matter." sitting next to Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "an agent came to the door, at least it shows that our popularity has been playing out slowly. I believe that other agents must have noticed us!"

Nodding, at this time, Huang Xin can only think of the good! The juice factory is now fully prepared to expand its production capacity. The only thing it lacks is the sales channel!

In the next few days, although some small agents took the initiative to call to inquire, the conditions given were too harsh. Huang Xin directly rejected the requirements of these agents!

When Xu Hao and Huang Xin were about to give up and were ready to find a new marketing plan, a young man took the initiative to come to the door.

"Introduce yourself. My name is Shen Rong. I'm 23 years old..." Shen Rong took out his resume and handed it to Xu Hao and Huang Xin. "The specific situation is in this resume. Of course, I don't think you need to read this resume. I think you should look at my marketing plan. This is what you need urgently."

Shen Rong said, took out a marketing plan from his bag and handed it to Xu Hao and Huang Xin.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin looked at Shen Rong suspiciously and didn't understand Shen Rong's intention. This time, it is to give a resume and submit a marketing plan. How does it look like an interview for a job?

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry to interrupt you." Huang Xin looked at Shen Rong and said politely, "excuse me, Mr. Shen, what's your intention today?"

"Can't you see such a simple thing?" Shen Rong looked at Huang Xin, pointed to his resume and asked, "I can't see that I'm here to apply for a job. My intended position is your sales director with an annual salary of 500000. After a year, if you still intend to keep me, I ask for some options..."

Listening to Shen Rong talking about his conditions, Xu Hao and Huang Xin are confused. They have never met such a confident job seeker!

Ignoring the shock of Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Shen Rong continued: "to tell you the truth, your free promotion plan is stupid! Even if it has some effects, it will never be obvious! A product needs selling points to make a name and reputation. Do you know what selling points are?"

"Please advise." Xu Hao also knows that the promotion plan he came up with in a hurry has many imperfections, and he himself is not a professional marketing talent. In many places, he can only rely on instinct to explore and speculate.

"The selling point is what people have without me. At the same time, this selling point is not invariable. With the iterative development of products, the selling point will gradually complete the transformation from the rational demand at the material level to the spiritual or emotional level." looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong cited the example of Wang Laoji. The advertising language of a product is the embodiment of their selling points! In terms of the change of product selling points, Shen Rong cited the example of nutrition express. Product advertising has gradually changed from "15 kinds of nutrition in one step" at the beginning of listing to "happiness matchmaking".

"In reality, there are many cases like this..." looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong said, "but obviously, you don't realize this. Therefore, considering your situation, I think you need a brand marketing director, and I am a very suitable candidate!"

I have to admit that Shen Rong's words spoke to the hearts of Xu Hao and Huang Xin. At the beginning of their entrepreneurship, they really need very professional talents to guide the rapid development of the enterprise! However, they don't know whether Shen Rong has real talent and learning or talks!

The most important thing is that Shen Rong's annual salary and subsequent welfare requirements are very high. At present, the juice factory may not be able to bear this high expenditure!

"I think you should see the marketing plan I made for you." seeing the embarrassment on the faces of Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Shen Rong said again: "I believe you will change your current view after reading it!"

Opening Shen Rong's marketing plan, Xu Hao looked at it seriously. In this marketing plan, Shen Rong put forward a two-step plan. One is to establish the selling point of the product - green vegetable juice and drink a good figure! The other is to establish target groups. In this marketing plan, gyms and various clubs have become Shen Rong's main target groups!

"The pricing of fruit juice determines our target group, that is, those middle and high-income groups with certain consumption ability. What these people care about most is their health and body! For these specific groups, grasping their hearts and doing corresponding marketing can often achieve twice the result with half the effort..." when Xu Hao and Huang Xin looked at the marketing plan, Shen Rong is also trying to explain some places not written in the plan.

After carefully reading Shen Rong's marketing plan, Xu Hao stood up, held out his hand and said, "Mr. Shen Rong, I'm glad you can join our company! If there is no problem, I hope you can go to work today!"

"No problem." Shen Rong stood up, stretched out his hand and held it tightly with Xu Hao's hand!

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