After buying many clothes and toys for Xia Xiaomeng in the pedestrian street, song Yuwei took Xia Xiaomeng to the amusement park.

When they enter the amusement park, they are easily misunderstood as a family of three. Of course, Xu Hao is a little younger.

Seeing Xia Xiaomeng sitting on the carousel was very excited, while Xu Hao and song Yuwei stood by and talked. Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, are you really going to adopt Xia Xiaomeng?"

Nodding, song Yuwei said, "well, I've seriously considered it. These days, I tactfully mentioned it to my parents. Their attitude should be supportive!"

The old couple of Wang Yumin supported song Yuwei's decision, which greatly surprised Xu Hao. However, this is definitely good news for song Yuwei. At least she doesn't have to persuade the old couple.

"The adoption procedures are already in progress. Because I am a widowed and my age is in line, the procedures are not difficult to complete." after seeing Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "I'm worried that the old Dean won't agree!"

"How could it?" Xu Hao hurriedly said: "you are so kind to Xiaomeng that the old Dean sees it in his eyes. I believe the old Dean will agree. Besides, isn't there me?"

Turning around, song Yuwei looked up at Xu Hao and said, "Xu Hao, you must help me in this matter and help me convince the old Dean!"

"Don't worry, sister Yuwei, absolutely no problem." Xu Hao nodded quickly.

"Brother Xu Hao, aunt song, what are you talking about?" Xia Xiaomeng, who didn't know when to get off the carousel, suddenly asked.

Startled, song Yuwei squatted down quickly, picked up Xia Xiaomeng and said, "aunt is talking to your brother Xu Hao about business. What will we play later?"

Seeing song Yuwei seriously chatting with Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao was speechless for a while! The most important thing is that Xia Xiaomeng will call his brother and aunt song Yuwei in the future. This generation will be a little chaotic!

"Xiaomeng, how about calling uncle later?" looked at Xia Xiaomeng, and Xu Hao discussed with her.

Shaking her head like a rattle, Xia Xiaomeng said, "no! You're a brother, not an uncle!"

Hearing Xia Xiaomeng's answer, song Yuwei couldn't help laughing and said, "Xu Hao, just accept your life and remember to call my aunt in the future!"

"Sister Yuwei, you two don't bully people like this." Xu Hao was speechless. Let him call aunt song Yuwei. It can't be shouted at all! Song Yuwei made it clear that she was taking advantage of him.

Laughing, song Yuwei walked towards another project with Xia Xiaomeng in her arms, regardless of Xu Hao's protest.

After playing in the amusement park until more than 4 p.m., the two took Xia Xiaomeng to dinner. At dinner, song Yuwei asked tentatively, "Xiaomeng, do you want to live with your aunt all the time?"

"Is brother Xu Hao with us?" Xia Xiaomeng looked at Song Yuwei with innocent eyes and asked.

Xia Xiaomeng's words directly made song Yuwei blush, "brother Xu Hao has his own business. Of course, he can't live with us. However, brother Xu Hao can often come to see you!"

"That's not good!" Xia Xiaomeng shook her head and said, "I want to live with brother Xu Hao. Aunt song, you can move in and live with us!"

"Pooh" the coke Xu haogang just drank in his mouth directly sprayed out, and some of the coke sprayed directly on Song Yuwei's clothes.

"Sister Yuwei, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," said Xu Hao. He quickly took out a napkin and wanted to wipe the coke stains off song Yuwei's chest. But, holding his hand in midair, he stopped. If this is rubbed on, isn't it clear that it takes advantage of song Yuwei?

Waving her hand again and again, song Yuwei said, "it's okay, it's okay. My cashmere sweater is dark and can't be seen." as she said, song Yuwei wiped it casually with a paper towel.

Thinking of what Xia Xiaomeng just said, Xu Hao looked at Song Yuwei with a guilty heart. Song Yuwei wouldn't doubt that he taught Xia Xiaomeng to say those words?

"Xiaomeng, don't you like aunt song?" Xu Hao asked after seeing Xia Xiaomeng. He decided to help song Yuwei. At least, Xia Xiaomeng has to accept living with song Yuwei! In this way, it will be more convenient for song Yuwei to adopt Xia Xiaomeng.

Looking at Xu Hao with his head tilted, Xia Xiaomeng asked, "can I still play with the children in the welfare home?"

"Of course, aunt song will often take you back." Xu Hao said quickly.

Song Yuwei also timely threw out the bait of snacks, toys and beautiful clothes. Finally, Xia Xiaomeng nodded and agreed, but said that Xu Hao should often go to see her!

"OK, I promise you." Xu Hao smiled, touched Xia Xiaomeng's head and said.

"Let's pull the hook. If you don't come to see me, you'll be a dog." Xia Xiaomeng wrinkled her nose and said lovably.

After dinner, Xu Hao drove Xia Xiaomeng back to the children's welfare home. After coming out, Xu Hao sent song Yuwei back.

"Sit up and talk with me." Song Yuwei suddenly said before getting off the bus.

After a hesitation, Xu Hao nodded and agreed. After getting off the bus, he accompanied song Yuwei to her residence.

After entering the house, song Yuwei asked Xu Hao to sit casually. She went to get a bottle of red wine and two glasses and went back to the living room.

Put the red wine on the tea table. Song Yuwei sat on the sofa barefoot, her feet directly under her hips, smiled and asked Xu Hao, "have a drink with me?"

"OK." although Xu Hao's drinking capacity is not very good, it's no problem to drink a glass or two of red wine.

Pour red wine into both cups. Song Yuwei takes a glass of red wine and hands it to Xu Hao, while she picks up another glass of red wine. Touched Xu Hao's glass, song Yuwei raised her glass, gently motioned, and then took a sip.

Xu Hao also picked up his glass and took a sip.

The two chatted with each other, and the topics were all around Xia Xiaomeng.

"Xiaomeng seems to depend on you very much." looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei suddenly said.

After laughing, Xu Hao told the scene of his first meeting with Xia Xiaomeng, and then said, "since then, we have become good friends! Although Xiao Meng is only four years old, she is really a little ghost and a special ancient spirit! I have been fooled by her several times!"

When Xu Hao said that Xia Xiaomeng played tricks on him, song Yuwei smiled unkindly, "I'm worried now. Will Xia Xiaomeng reject me after I know I adopted her? You know, she's four years old and very smart. She can't not know the meaning of adoption!"

Xu Hao can't promise song Yuwei anything about this! Everything can only depend on the fate between her and Xia Xiaomeng!

Song Yuwei's drinking capacity should not be very good. After drinking a glass of red wine, song Yuwei's white cheeks are red, especially charming, and her eyes are blurred. Xu Hao called song Yuwei twice, but song Yuwei didn't respond to her.

Seeing that song Yuwei seems to have fallen asleep, Xu Hao had to get up and go to the bedroom to find song Yuwei a bed quilt to cover her to avoid catching a cold. Then he put away the red wine and wine glasses on the tea table and left song Yuwei's home

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