I've been quite busy during this period. I didn't care about Su Jing and the florist. Thinking that the flower and soil in the florist should be used up, and I haven't sent fish food to Wang Yumin for some time. So Xu Hao drove straight to Su Jing's florist.

When Xu Hao came to the florist, he found that Su Jing was alone. Su Jing is wearing a thin white sweater and jeans, full of youth. Although Su Jing's body has developed on a certain scale, she still can't compare with Bai Yan and Huang Xin. Therefore, even wearing a slightly tight thin sweater, there is no visual impact of that temptation! On the contrary, her jeans stretch her legs and hips tightly. Her small hips are full and warped, and her legs are slender. She looks like a woman.

Seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing was shocked and hurriedly ran towards Xu Hao.

Picking up Su Jing, Xu Hao asked, "do you miss me?"

Hurriedly broke free from Xu Hao's arms. Su Jing said softly, "I haven't seen you for nearly a month."

Although Su Jing's tone of voice is relatively flat, Xu Hao can hear that Su Jing's words still have the meaning of complaining.

Walked over and hugged Su Jing's waist. They sat on the sofa. Xu Hao told Su Jing about this period of time!

Su Jing also knows that Xu Hao is busy these days. Naturally, she won't make trouble without reason! Seeing that there was no one in the store, Su Jing gathered around Xu Hao. Xu Hao simply picked up Su Jing and let her sit on her lap.

Across two pairs of trousers, Xu Hao can also feel the elasticity of Su Jing's hips! Compared with Bai Yan, Su Jing's hips look petite, but they are very warped. It's another style!

Holding Su Jing's small waist, Xu Hao put his head on Su Jing's back and greedily breathed the taste of Su Jing.

Although Su Jing is a little shy, she doesn't refuse Xu Hao's intimacy. However, when Xu Hao's hand reached into her clothes along the hem of the thin sweater, Su Jing giggled and forbade Xu Hao's hand to go in, "no, your hand is so cold!"

"It's all right. It'll be hot after covering for a while." Xu haohou said shamelessly, and was about to reach into Su Jing's clothes again. Su Jing naturally wouldn't agree. She giggled away from Xu Hao's legs, looked at Xu Hao coyly and said, "you big villain, you know how to bully me!"

"Then why don't I let you bully?" Xu Hao said, making a look of letting you bully, which attracted a burst of white eyes from Su Jing.

After chatting with Su Jing for a while, Xu Hao didn't see Zhang Yue's people, so he asked, "where's Sister Zhang Yue? Why isn't she in the store?"

"It seems that her house is going to be demolished. Her cousin has been busy with this thing these days." Su Jing doesn't know what's going on, but since Zhang Yue's family has something to do, Su Jing can only stare at it in the store by herself.

Hearing that Zhang Yue's family was going to be demolished, Xu Hao didn't care too much. However, Zhang Yue was not in the store. Naturally, Xu Hao couldn't take Su Jing out to play. They had to stay in the store.

Xu Hao accompanied her in the store, which made Su Jing feel sweet. In addition, when Xu Hao occasionally bullied her, she accepted it silently. Of course, the premise is that Xu Hao can't go too far.

"You mean Dong Yangfan didn't drop out of school last semester?" Xu Hao couldn't help but be curious when Su Jing took the initiative to mention Dong Yangfan. With Dong Yangfan's learning attitude, it's rare that he can't fail the course!

"Don't say that. Yangfan is actually smart. She just doesn't study hard." Su Jing listened to Xu Hao despise Dong Yangfan and quickly spoke for her, "by the way, I moved to Yangfan's apartment and lived with her."

"..." after a while of silence, Xu Hao said, "you are not afraid to be taken into a bad girl by her!"

"No." quickly put her arm around Xu Hao, and Su Jing said, "in fact, Yangfan is a good girl. I get along well with her!"

Xu Hao also knows that Dong Yangfan's heart is not bad. The reason why she is such a character is mostly related to her father Dong Tianlong. Since Su Jing is willing to make friends with Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao will not object! Moreover, with Dong Yangfan taking care of Su Jing in the school, Xu Hao can rest assured!

In the shop, Xu Haocai waited with Su until more than three o'clock. Xu Haocai took the fish food made by Huang Mei to Wang Yumin's house.

Seeing Xu Hao coming, Wang Yumin was very happy. These days, his old friends have asked several times. If Xu Hao doesn't send fish food again, it is estimated that Wang Yumin will be forced by his old friend to have a home and dare not go back!

"Grandpa Wang, look what you said, your friend is not a bandit!" Xu Hao said with a smile. Xiao Jingyi couldn't help laughing!

"Who says they're not bandits, and you haven't seen them?" Wang Yumin said quickly. Obviously, his old friends are equivalent to bandits in Wang Yumin's heart.

After sitting down and chatting with Wang Yumin for a while, Wang Yumin took the initiative to mention that song Yuwei wanted to adopt a little girl. Looking at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin asked, "do you know this?"

Nodding honestly, Xu Hao said, "Grandpa Wang, I know this thing." he roughly said the thing again, then took out his mobile phone and showed Wang Yumin the picture of Xia Xiaomeng.

After looking at Xia Xiaomeng's photos for a while, Wang Yumin said: "she's a lovely little girl! However, she's four years old and can remember things. I'm just worried that it's difficult for her to have a close mother daughter relationship with Yuwei..."

Nowadays, when people adopt children, they will choose younger children, so that as long as adults don't say, children won't know they are adopted. It is also more convenient to cultivate the feelings between adults and children.

"Grandpa Wang, in fact, sister Yuwei has been with Xia Xiaomeng for some time, and their relationship is very good." looking at Wang Yumin, Xu Hao said: "as long as sister Yuwei has a good relationship with Xiaomeng, I believe Xiaomeng will not do ungrateful things! She will always be with sister Yuwei in the future."

Nodding, Wang Yumin said nothing. Song Yuwei's willingness to discuss this matter with the old couple shows that song Yuwei treats them as relatives. How could they oppose song Yuwei's adoption of a child! You know, the old couple advised song Yuwei to remarry!

"You need more snacks for this matter." looking at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin said, "we are just worried that Yuwei will be hurt."

"Grandpa Wang, I know. Don't worry," Xu Hao nodded.

When Xu Hao talked to Wang Yumin about song Yuwei, song Yuwei also came back. Seeing Xu Hao in, song Yuwei blushed and couldn't help thinking of the last time she invited Xu Hao home for a drink. They were talking, but they drank too much!

Song Yuwei blushed for a long time when she remembered the quilt she was covered with when she woke up. However, Xu Hao did nothing after she got drunk and helped her clean up the house and cover the quilt before she left, which gave song Yuwei more trust in Xu Hao!

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