"You see, this was discovered by our staff accidentally." in the office of the juice factory, Huang Xin said to a crowd in the office with two bottles of juice in her hand.

After receiving the juice in Huang Xin's hand, Xu Hao looked carefully and found the difference between the two bottles of juice in his hand! This fake Dongping cucumber juice can almost confuse the fake with the real!

Pass the juice to the management of the juice factory present and let them have a careful look.

"The taste of this fake cucumber juice is very poor, but because it is cheap, it has occupied a large market." looking at the people present, Huang Xin said: "at present, we haven't found out where these fake products come from!"

"Isn't this damaging our hard-earned reputation?" workshop director Wei Ping said angrily: "we have to report this illegal act to the industrial and commercial department!"

"I have reported it to the industry and Commerce Department, but the industry and Commerce Department has not found the source for the time being." looking at Wei Ping, Shen Rong said: "the top priority now is to find ways to eliminate the negative impact of this fake cucumber juice on our juice factory! I have received complaints from several members!"

The membership system of Dongping fruit juice factory has always been maintained by Shen Rong, who is also trying to improve the existing membership system. Not long ago, several members called to complain about the product problem of Dongping cucumber juice and asked Shen Rong to give an explanation!

"The other party should not just want to fake our products." looking at the people present, Huang Xin said: "the other party should have a perfect sales system. This problem suddenly appeared. Overnight, this fake juice suddenly appeared in large and small convenience stores and some supermarkets in Jiangcheng city!"

After telling everyone to collect all the information about the fake product as soon as possible, Huang Xin asked everyone to disperse first.

"Sister Xin, I'm afraid it's not good again." Xu Hao sighed helplessly and said. Xu Hao is too familiar with this set of techniques. The purpose is to destroy the reputation accumulated by Dongping juice factory. The other party is neither to seize the market nor to compete with Xu Hao. They just want to kill Xu Hao!

Huang Xin was also vaguely aware of this because of her keen judgment. If the other party just wants to fake for profit, why do they have to sell so much in Jiangcheng! You can change cities and sell secretly. In this way, we can not only obtain benefits, but also ensure that we will not be found!

"When the juice factory just made a profit, it encountered this problem..." Huang Xin wanted to cry without tears. Huang Xin paid a lot for the juice factory. Originally, the prospect of the juice factory was very good, and this happened as a result!

"I'm afraid this is just the beginning." Xu Hao shook his head and said, "if we can't think of a way to deal with it, it's estimated that in a short time, our Dongping juice factory will be smelly!"

"What can you do?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao. This time, Huang Xin was a little caught off guard.

Shook his head, Xu Hao had no way. The other party made it clear that he had been preparing for a long time, and then suddenly jumped out to give a blow to Dongping juice factory! Xu Hao, they have been stunned by this stick!

Xu Hao had not come up with a way to deal with it, but the other party's next attack began again. The media in Jiangcheng, large and small, reported several food poisoning incidents almost at the same time, and the main cause of food poisoning was drinking the cucumber juice produced by Dongping juice factory!

The direct consequence of this incident is that people from food, safety supervision, industry and Commerce jointly went to the juice factory for inspection!

Huang Xin, while they are tired of dealing with the inspection of relevant departments, they have to find ways to solve the impact of counterfeit products on Dongping juice factory in the market! Although Huang Xin also used part of the funds for public relations, compared with the fierce attack of his opponent, he was very weak.

"Mr. Huang, the other party is going to play with us!" Shen Rong also found something wrong. The other party is not to make profits from the production of fake products, but to kill Dongping juice factory!

Dongping fruit juice factory has just improved. It was so noisy. Those gyms and clubs that cooperate with Dongping juice factory have reduced their orders one after another. Even in some extreme places, simply return all the inventory directly!

Shen Rong and his colleagues had to go door-to-door to explain the matter, indicating that there was no problem with their products and that the counterfeit products on the market had nothing to do with Dongping juice factory. However, this explanation is very weak.

"Mr. Shen, I understand everything you said, but I can't explain it to everyone like this? What you have to do now is to eliminate the impact, not waste time with me!" the person in charge of a high-end fitness club politely sent Shen Rong out and said something with heart and stomach.

"I have never been so oppressed since I was a child!" Shen Rong looked at Xu Hao and Huang Xin and said, "if I know which grandson is making trouble behind his back, I will not spare him!"

Xu Hao and Huang Xin comforted Shen Rong. They can understand Shen Rong's mood. They don't think so. But the problem now is that they don't know who's behind it!

Although Xu Hao guessed that this matter had something to do with Yao Ruili, there was no evidence!

For two days in a row, Xu Hao could do nothing except passive explanation. I can't stand being so oppressed. Xu Hao had to leave the juice factory for the time being! If he stayed in the juice factory again, Xu Hao thought he might suffocate and succumb to death!

A sense of powerlessness that made Xu Hao on the verge of collapse! Pick up the phone, Xu Hao wants to call Bai Yan, but he can't bear to worry about him!

A man walked aimlessly in the street. Xu Hao saw a bar in business and went in directly. Sitting at the bar, I ordered a cocktail and drank it alone.

When Xu Hao was ready to order the second cup, a voice suddenly sounded on the side: "give him the strongest wine!"

Turning his head, Xu Hao saw Dong Yangfan. I haven't seen you for a while. This little girl has changed a lot. The upper body is a large red sweater, covered with a leather jacket, a pair of beautiful legs used to be naked are wrapped by jeans, and a long black hair is tied into a horsetail. This dress, how can there be the appearance of the little sister at the beginning!

"Why, don't you know?" seeing Xu Hao staring at himself, Dong Yangfan stretched out his hand and shook in front of Xu Hao, and asked.

"I almost didn't recognize it. Your image has changed a lot." Xu Hao joked, and then asked, "by the way, you don't have class. Why did you come to the bar?"

"You care about me, come and drink!" Dong Yangfan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Hao discontentedly. He snapped his fingers at the bar waiter, who quickly handed over a glass of wine

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