Wash yourself as fast as you can. When Xu Hao walked out of the bathroom, he couldn't find Su Jing at all. "Where have you been, silly girl? Should you wait for me in the room first?" thinking so, Xu Hao walked towards Su Jing's bedroom like a thief.

But when he opened Su Jing's bedroom door, he was completely disappointed. There was no one in the bedroom!

Picked up his cell phone, Xu Hao called Su Jing. Soon, Dong Yangfan's voice rang out on the other end of the phone, "your Su Jing chick said, let you sleep well, don't think blindly." after that, Dong Yangfan hung up the phone neatly.

"Ha ha... I'll tell you what a man's mind is." Dong Yangfan sat cross on the bed and said carelessly to Su Jing. Su Jing's face turned red and she got into bed.

Seeing Su Jing's shy appearance, Dong Yangfan also got into the quilt, hugged Su Jing from behind and said, "sister Su Jing, you and Xu Hao... You two didn't..."

"No!" Su Jing said firmly, "don't talk nonsense, i... I..."

"Sister Su Jing, you didn't do anything. Why are you blushing?" seeing that Su Jing blushed like a tomato, Dong Yangfan smiled very unkindly, and Su Jing wanted to strangle Dong Yangfan.

Simply turn around and ignore Dong Yangfan. Su Jing gets into the quilt and stops talking!

"Boring." a man said to himself for a long time. Su Jing ignored her, and Dong Yangfan got into bed.

On the other side, in Su Jing's room, Xu Hao is lying in the quilt with Su Jing's fragrance, but he can't sleep. Picking up his cell phone, Xu Hao wants to call Su Jing, but considering Su Jing's character, I'm afraid Xu Hao won't come at this time!

"Hey... I can't do anything with two beautiful women like flowers. Life is hard!" Xu Hao sighed helplessly, forced himself to close his eyes, and soon fell asleep.


In the morning, when Xu Hao opened his eyes, he just saw Su Jing lying by his bed and staring at him.

Because Su Jing's whole upper body is pressed on the bed, and the neckline of her pajamas is relatively large, Xu Hao can easily see two groups of snow-white milk muscles from Su Jing's neckline.

Very indecent swallowed saliva, Xu Hao grabbed Su Jing.

Caught by Xu Hao, Su Jing's heart beat rapidly. She looked at Xu Hao with a blushing face and stammered, "you... What are you doing?"

"What do you say?" Xu Hao grabbed Su Jing into the quilt.

Holding Su Jing's youthful body, Xu Hao can feel Su Jing's tension. The silly girl's body was shaking involuntarily.

Holding Su Jing in his arms, Xu Hao didn't do too much. He just buried his head in Su Jing's chest and arched dishonestly.

Su Jing giggled and wanted to push Xu Hao away. "Don't be ashamed. What if you are seen by the sail in a while?"

"Then I'll lock the door," said Xu Hao, getting up to lock the door.

Su Jing didn't dare let Xu Hao really lock the door. She hurriedly said, "no, she went out early in the morning."

With a smile, Xu Hao came up to Su Jing's ear, kissed her earlobe and said, "is it just for us to live in the world of two?"

"No... no, i..." Su Jing blushed and stammered, "I... I just... Sleep with... You can't... Bully me..."

Su Jing's voice is getting smaller and smaller. If Xu Hao hadn't been close to Su Jing, he really couldn't hear clearly.

Across the pajamas, Xu Hao's hand touched the softness of Su Jing's chest. Su Jing's body trembled involuntarily, bit her lips, and her face was red and hot.

Just touched the pair of small crisp breasts. Xu Hao didn't make any other excessive moves, while Su Jing lay in Xu Hao's arms. Unconsciously, she fell asleep slowly.

Seeing Su Jing sleeping, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. This silly girl is really heartless. It's thanks to meeting herself. If you change a man casually, can she sleep so safely?

After sleeping in Xu Hao's arms, Su Jing was too ashamed to look at Xu Hao when she woke up. He got up from the bed in a panic and came to the bedroom door with a guilty conscience. His ears were pasted on the bedroom door and listened to the movement outside.

After confirming that there was no movement outside, Su Jing breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Xu Hao. Su Jing said with great shame, "go to bed, I'll go out first, and you're not allowed to come out!" she said, creeping out like a thief.

Seeing Su Jing as a thief, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. This silly girl is really silly and lovely.

After almost half an hour, Su Jing had changed her clothes. A pink cashmere sweater and high elastic jeans make Su Jing's body full of other temptations.

With things in the morning, Su Jing didn't dare to get close to Xu Hao. She stood at the door and shouted at Xu Hao, "big lazy pig, get up quickly and the sun is drying your ass!"

"I'm covered with a quilt. How can the sun get to my ass?" Xu Hao said, but suddenly opened the quilt.

"Hooligan!" Su Jing scolded shyly when she saw Xu Hao lift the quilt, and then quickly turned around and went out of the bedroom.

After Su Jing left, Xu Hao got up quickly.

After washing, Su Jing also bought breakfast. "Eat quickly. After eating, I have to go to school!"

Until after breakfast, Xu Hao didn't see Dong Yangfan. He didn't know where he went early in the morning. However, I also thank the little girl for not being here in the morning. Otherwise, according to Su Jing's shy character, it is impossible to take the initiative to go to his bedroom!

Remembering the feeling of holding Su Jing in his arms in the morning, Xu Hao couldn't help looking up at Su Jing sitting at each other's breakfast.

At the sight of Xu Hao, Su Jing blushed, "hooligan!"

"Who's a hooligan? I don't know who it is. He ran into others' beds early in the morning and disturbed others' sleep!" Xu Hao deliberately teased Su Jing.

Sure enough, Su Jing blushed even more when she heard Xu Hao's words. She didn't have the courage to look at Xu Hao. Remembering the shame in the morning, Su Jing wanted to find a place to hide!

Especially when Xu Hao's hand touched his pair of baby pigeons, Su Jing seemed to have an electric current. Su Jing can't describe that feeling, but from the bottom of her heart, Su Jing doesn't hate that feeling. I don't hate it, but I feel very comfortable!

"Don't say it! You rascal, I won't pay attention to you in the future." Su Jing said angrily, ran directly back to the bedroom, and then closed the door heavily

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