All day, Xu Hao stayed in the juice factory and thought of a solution with Huang Xin. Now, they can only explain passively, but there is no way to attack actively! If you go on like this, you will only be led by your opponent all the time. Only after your opponent makes a move first can you see the move and dismantle it, and you may not be able to dismantle it!

While Xu Hao was discussing solutions with Huang Xin and Shen Rong, his mobile phone rang. When I picked it up, it was Dong Yangfan. Xu Hao hung up without thinking about it.

I didn't expect Dong Yangfan to be persistent and keep fighting. Xu Hao had no choice but to go out of the office and answer Dong Yangfan's phone.

"Xu Hao, you dare to hang up my phone, don't you want to live?" as soon as the phone was connected, before Xu Hao spoke, Dong Yangfan's fierce voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm in a meeting here. I'm very busy. I won't tell you first," said Xu Hao, ready to hang up.

"If you dare to hang up with me, you will bear the consequences." Dong Yangfan at the other end of the phone simply made a direct threat.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while and had to ask, "OK, what's the matter with you calling me? If you're really busy, read a book!"

"Fart, I'll be busy?" Dong Yangfan said very unconvinced: "I bowed my head to my old man in order to help you. Tell me, how can I thank me this time?"

"What have you done, I have to thank you?" Xu Hao is a little funny. Is Dong Yangfan's brain not enough. As the saying goes, you have a big chest and no brain. Why don't you have a flat chest and no brain?

"I'm so angry!" Dong Yangfan said at the other end of the phone. Xu Hao didn't recognize why, but the more he listened, the more confused he became.

"OK, you come to the apartment and I'll show you!" Dong Yangfan couldn't explain clearly. After talking to Xu Hao for a long time, Xu Hao just couldn't understand, and Dong Yangfan was helpless.

Hearing Dong Yangfan's words, Xu Hao admitted that he thought crooked. However, considering that Su Jing lives with Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao thinks he can't think more and is prone to accidents!

"About the plight of your juice factory, do you like to come or not!" Dong Yangfan said and hung up the phone directly.

Hearing that it was related to the crisis of the juice factory, Xu Hao immediately came to his senses. First I went to the meeting room to say hello to Huang Xin and Shen Rong, and then I went out and drove directly to Dong Yangfan's apartment.

As soon as he entered the house, Xu Hao couldn't wait to ask, "what do you know here?"

"See for yourself." Dong Yangfan threw Xu Hao a file bag and said, "early in the morning, I went home to beg my old man. Is it easy for me?"

Ignoring Dong Yangfan's complaint directly, Xu Hao opened the file bag. When he saw the photos in the document bag, he was stunned, looked at Dong Yangfan and asked, "where were these photos taken?"

"Want to know?" looking at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan smiled like a little fox, which made Xu Hao uneasy.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "if I'm right, this should be a dens for producing counterfeit products. We've been looking for this place for a long time. How did you find it?"

"There is a place in Jiangcheng that our old man can't find?" Dong Yangfan said proudly. "You can know where this place is. You have to promise that if I want to drink in the future, you have to be on call!"

"OK, let alone this one condition, that is, ten or eight, I promise you!" Xu Hao agreed without thinking about it!

Xu Hao promised so happily that Dong Yangfan became suspicious! Some worried, Dong Yangfan took the pen and paper, handed it to Xu Hao and said, "no, write it down! I don't trust your character!"

Very speechless looked at Dong Yangfan. In order to know the specific address of this fake dens from Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao had to sacrifice himself. According to Dong Yangfan's requirements, he wrote a written note, signed it and handed it to her!

"Now can you tell me where this dens is?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Dong Yangfan.

With a smile, Dong Yangfan said, "turn over the picture!"

Looking over the photos in doubt, Xu Hao immediately had the impulse to hit people! The address of the counterfeiting dens is written on the back of the photo. I was so confused that I didn't want to look through the photos!

Seeing Xu Hao's wonderful expression, Dong Yangfan's smile on the sofa turned into a ball!

Looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao wants to beat her. This little girl is too much. Isn't she playing with herself?

Seeing Xu Hao coming, Dong Yangfan quickly shrunk in a corner of the sofa, looked at Xu Hao and asked, "what do you want? I warn you, my father is Dong Tianlong, you know the consequences!"

Pointing to Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said fiercely, "you wait and clean you up sooner or later!"

"Cut, lend you three courage!" Dong Yangfan said without fear. Her father is Dong Tianlong. Who in Jiangcheng dares to provoke her. It is no exaggeration to say that provoking Dong Yangfan is equivalent to killing the whole family. Dong Tianlong can definitely do such a thing!

Instead of talking nonsense with Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao hurried out with those photos. Back at the factory, Xu Hao showed the photos to Huang Xin and Shen Rong, "this fake dens should be right here!"

"Where did these photos come from?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao in shock. People from industry and Commerce and public security have checked for so long, but they haven't found any clues. Xu Hao can get the evidence so quickly!

"It's none of your business. Now we have to let the police and the industrial and commercial police catch people." looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong, Xu Hao said, "give mayor Qin a call. Mayor Qin is also very concerned about the situation of the factory. I believe he will help us be fair!"

Huang Xin quickly dialed mayor Qin's phone. After briefly talking to mayor Qin's secretary about the whole thing, mayor Qin answered the phone. Huang Xin roughly reported the matter, and then said, "Mayor Qin, we have found this fake dens. Now please mayor Qin preside over justice for us and catch all the fake dens!"

"OK!" Mayor Qin said on the phone, "this time, none of them can run away! I'll arrange people from industry and Commerce and public security to prepare for action!"

Worried that the publicity would lead to the leakage of action information, Huang Xin gently mentioned it on the phone. Mayor Qin also understood this truth, "don't worry, I will personally act as the commander this time and promise not to let any fish slip through the net! At the same time, I will also invite media reporters to go with me and promise not to let this fake dens have any breathing opportunities!"

"Thank you, mayor Qin!" Huang Xin said quickly. With Mayor Qin's words, she was completely relieved. After hanging up the phone, he said to Xu Hao and Shen Rong, "let's go to the city and meet mayor Qin. Mayor Qin said he would personally rush to the scene and urge the handling of the case!"

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