"Well, well, I don't know how wronged I thought you were!" Bai Yan was soft hearted after all. She gently pulled Xu Hao and put his head on his legs. By the way, she gently pinched his head for Xu Hao, and then talked about her plan.

"As you know, the quantity of agricultural and sideline products purchased from the villagers is very unstable. For example, at the time of the new year, there was a great demand for restaurants, but the villagers were unwilling to sell agricultural and sideline products..." Bai Yan said some situations she encountered to illustrate the necessity of her plan, "Therefore, my aunt's idea is to set up several farms by herself. In this way, we can ensure that we can provide sufficient supply of agricultural and sideline products at any time!"

Xu Hao supports Bai Yan's plan very much! But I'm afraid Bai Yan will be more busy in this way.

Sitting up and looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, you will be very tired! A vegetable base is enough for you. If you add several farms, I'm worried..."

Reaching out and touching Xu Hao's head, Bai Yan said, "my aunt is not tired! As long as I can help you, my aunt is willing to do anything!"

"Aunt Bai..." Xu Hao hugged Bai Yan. If there is another person in the world who gives wholeheartedly to him, that person must be Bai Yan!

Xu Hao persuaded Bai Yan for a while, but Bai Yan insisted on running a farm, "This is not only a matter of making money, but also for the development and future of the agricultural and sideline products sales company! Last year, due to the shortage of agricultural and sideline products purchased at the end of the year, several restaurants were short of food materials to varying degrees! Although they didn't blame us, my aunt was very sorry!"

Bai Yan's attitude was firm, so Xu Hao had to give up.

"Aunt Bai, what are you going to do?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Bai Yan.

Struggling to sit up from Xu Hao's arms, Bai Yan said, "my aunt just thought about it. Please help me see if it's reasonable!" then Bai Yan said her plan.

The first native chicken farm, Xu Hao, is going to put it in the orchard. This can also appropriately reduce the cost. Although the area of the orchard is small, it is very suitable for raising poultry. In addition, Bai Yan also considers signing a contract with Longwan village to contract the two mountains in the village to raise native chickens, native pigs and other poultry and livestock suitable for large-scale artificial breeding.

Xu Hao has no objection to raising chickens in the orchard. However, it takes a lot of effort to contract the two hills in Longwan village to raise local chickens and pigs. Bai Yan runs it alone, and Xu Hao is very worried.

"Aunt Bai, I think we should try it first and raise chickens in the orchard. When the experiment here is successful, we will consider contracting the mountain forest to expand the breeding scale?" looked at Bai Yan and Xu Hao and put forward a compromise plan.

After hesitating for a while, Bai Yan said, "well, aunt, listen to you!"

After talking about business, Xu Hao hugged Bai Yan again, and his hands were restless to touch Bai Yan.

Bai Yan blushed, stood up and said, "aunt, go take a bath first." with that, Bai Yan walked towards the bathroom.

Xu Hao didn't miss this good opportunity and hurriedly followed up. He had to take a bath with Bai Yan and have a mandarin duck bath!

Bai Yan blocked the door and said nothing to let Xu Hao in. Xu Hao naturally tried every means to persuade Bai Yan!

Bai Yan always indulges Xu Hao. Under Xu Hao's repeated offensives, Bai Yan finally compromised, opened the door of the bathroom and let Xu Hao in.

When Xu Hao went in, Bai Yan was bending down on her back to take off her pants. Her jeans had just been taken off. Bai Yan's rich buttocks were tightly wrapped by a white cotton underwear. Under the underwear was a round and plump thigh, which was tight and attractive. Bai Yan's coat had been taken off and she was only wearing a bra. She bent her body, and a shoulder strap had slipped onto her arm, revealing her big face Half snow-white. Bai Yan's chest is very full and her skin is white. At the moment, her white and tender skin is very attractive to Xu Hao

Very indecent swallowed saliva, Xu Hao's voice trembled and shouted aunt Bai

Looking back, seeing Xu Hao staring at her, Bai Yan was embarrassed to pick up a dress to block her chest and said, "turn around, don't look!"

At this time, Xu Hao wouldn't listen to Bai Yan. He walked directly over, took away the dress in front of Bai Yan, and then looked at Bai Yan's body carefully!

Bai Yan was so shy that she didn't dare to see Xu Hao at all. She gently pushed Xu Hao, and Bai Yan said, "Xiao Hao, stop making trouble, aunt, take a bath first, okay?"

"I'll wash it for you!" said Xu Hao, going to take off the rest of Bai Yan's clothes.

Bai Yan, like a frightened deer, ducked and said, "no!"

Seeing that Xu Hao was still staring at her, Bai Yan blushed and looked at Xu Hao white and said, "Xiao Hao, be obedient. Turn around and don't look!"

"No, I want to see." at this time, how can Xu Hao turn obediently and not look at Bai Yan's attractive body.

Bai Yan also knew that everything she said at this time was powerless. She could only helplessly stare at Xu Hao and say, "you little scoundrel, my aunt really owed you in her last life! Look, look, you haven't seen it anyway!"

Although the words are hot, Bai Yan doesn't dare to look at Xu Hao. Turn around, take off your clothes as fast as you can, and then walk towards the bathtub.

Seeing Bai Yan hiding in the bathtub, Xu Hao hurriedly followed him. Thinking of the last time they were blocked in the bathroom by Bai Yan's sister-in-law Ge Xiang, they couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Xu Hao laughing, Bai Yan was even more shy. She couldn't help pouring water on Xu Hao and said, "don't laugh. You'll be angry with me on purpose. Sooner or later, you'll be angry!"

"No, No." Xu Hao quickly explained, "aunt Bai, I just think of the last time I was blocked in the bathroom by your sister-in-law..."

"You're going to die. Why do you say this?" Bai Yan was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to beat Xu Hao. However, now she has no clothes on her. I'm really embarrassed to stand up in front of Xu Hao!

With a smile, Xu Hao took off all his clothes and stepped into the bathtub. Seeing Xu Hao's Rogue appearance, Bai Yan stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Hao's leg.

Seeing Xu Hao's painful grin, Bai Yan said, "you deserve it. Let you have a long memory!"

Xu Hao is not angry. Lying in the bathtub, he wants to help Bai Yan take a bath. Bai Yan naturally refused to protect the key position of Xu Hao. However, after a while, Bai Yan was out of breath and couldn't stop Xu Hao at all.

Finally, Bai Yan had to accept her fate, completely gave up resistance, and even began to cooperate with Xu haolai

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