"Xu Hao, do you have time? I have something to discuss with you." hearing Su Jing's voice on the other end of the phone, Xu Hao's heart immediately filled with a burst of guilt. During this time, he was busy, but he ignored Su Jing, a silly girl.

"Yes, yes, yes. Shall I pick you up at school?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly.

"No, I'm in the store. Come directly." Su Jing's soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hang up and Xu Hao drives straight to the florist.

When he came to the florist, Xu Hao was a little surprised. In addition to Su Jing and Zhang Yue, Su Jing's best friend Wang Min is also in the florist.

Seeing Xu Hao, Wang Min greeted him with a smile. Xu Hao naturally looked at Wang Min, but it was obvious that Wang Min had absorbed the lesson of the last time and didn't wear that kind of transparent clothes. Jeans, sweatshirts and sneakers are very common student costumes.

As soon as Xu Hao came in, she stared at Wang min. Su Jing glared at Xu Hao discontentedly, and then walked towards Xu Hao. While holding Xu Hao's arm, she pinched Xu Hao's waist.

Although he showed his teeth in pain, Xu Hao still couldn't show it.

After sitting down, Su Jingcai said, "Xu Hao, I'm getting busier and busier in my studies. I can't take care of things in the store at all, and my sister-in-law can't be busy alone. At the right time, Wang Min is about to graduate. I want her to come to the florist to help. Do you think so?"

After listening to Su Jing, Xu Hao glanced at Wang Min and then Zhang Yue. Obviously, the three of them should have discussed this matter, otherwise they wouldn't call him over.

"Of course I don't mind." Xu Hao pinched Su Jing's nose and said with a smile.

Hurriedly smiled and ran away. Su Jing said, "that's a deal!" then she looked at Wang Min and began to talk about the store.

Simply said the situation in the store, and then looked at Zhang Yue and Wang min. Su Jing said, "I'll trouble you in the store in the future."

"Don't worry, it's up to us. Who makes us suffer, not the boss." Zhang Yue deliberately said with a sad expression, leaving Xu Hao and Su Jing speechless.

Because this year's senior year, Wang Min's graduation thesis has long been written, and only waiting for the graduation defense, so he simply starts working today.

Seeing Xu Hao and Su Jing still sitting in the store, Zhang Yue pulled Wang Min and said with a smile, "look, the two bosses are not at ease. They stay here to supervise the work!"

Zhang Yue's funny words made Su Jing feel a little embarrassed and hurriedly said, "where is it? We don't mean that!" as she said, Su Jing glanced at Xu Hao and asked, "why don't we go out for a walk?"

"All right, all right, let's go. I think your family has been impatient for a long time." Wang Min also joked, which attracted a burst of dissatisfaction from Su Jing.

As soon as he walked out of the florist, Xu Hao took Su Jing's hand. Su Jing didn't hide, so she let Xu Hao take her hand.

"Xu Hao, I'm sorry, my school will be more and more busy..." Su Jing said, turning her head to Xu Hao, her face full of apology and said, "so we may not spend so much time together in the future!"

With a strong hand, he gently took Su Jing to his side and asked Su Jing to stick her in a snuggle position. Xu Hao smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. I often go to school to find you in the big deal!"

"Hmm!" nodded heavily, and Su Jing said, "I really regret that I promised my tutor to protect my research. I'm so busy now!"

"You, you, how many people can't hope for the qualification of Baoyan. You're good and complain." Xu Hao couldn't help laughing and said, "believe it or not, you let this qualification out. You see how many people are scrambling for it!"

"People don't say that for you!" she looked at Xu Hao discontentedly. Su Jing said with a mouthful: "I'm too busy with my studies, so I don't have time to accompany you! Also, you're not allowed to stare at Wang Min all the time in the future!"

"Oh, silly girl, you're jealous!" looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao stretched out his hand, gently pinched her nose and said, "I promise you, I'll never see Wang Min again in the future, just look at you alone, okay?" Xu Hao looked at Su Jing cheaply.

Embarrassed by Xu Hao, Su Jing hurriedly pushed Xu Hao away and said, "you hate it. There's no such thing as you!" as she said, Su Jing walked forward quickly.

Hurried to catch up, Xu Hao took Su Jing's hand and said, "do you have time today?"

"Well, I asked my tutor for a leave today." Su Jing said, looking up at Xu Hao. I don't know what Xu Hao's purpose is.

"Let's go to the movies?" Xu Hao said, holding Su Jing's hand. Neither of them seems to have seen a movie together.

Nodding hurriedly, Su Jing said, "OK, OK!"

Seeing Su Jing's happy appearance, Xu Hao couldn't help feeling a little guilty. Drive Su Jing to the cinema and ask Su Jing's opinions. Xu Hao bought two tickets and then bought a lot of snacks before entering the cinema.

Xu Hao is not very interested in this kind of love film that girls like. However, after all, it's the first time to take Su Jing to see a film. Of course, we should listen to Su Jing's opinions.

At the beginning of the film, Su Jing's attention was attracted by the film plot, while Xu Hao's attention was attracted by Su Jing.

The location he bought is relatively remote. He doesn't have to worry about making any small moves with Su Jing. He will broadcast it live.

First he reached out and pulled Su Jing's little hand. Although Su Jing didn't look back, she took the initiative to send her little hand over. Holding Su Jing's hand, Xu Hao's other hand simply put a ring around Su Jing's small waist.

Xu Hao can obviously feel Su Jing's stiffness, but Su Jing doesn't speak to stop her. Xu Hao smiled without any excessive action. Just hug Su Jing and watch the movie.

Holding Su Jing, Xu Hao slowly felt sleepy. He leaned against Su Jing and fell asleep.

When the movie was over, Xu Hao didn't wake up. Su Jing pinches Xu Hao's nose angrily.

Seeing Xu Hao's vacant face, Su Jing said discontentedly, "big lazy pig, the movie has been finished. It's agreed to accompany me to the movie, but you fell asleep!"

"Cough... Well, i..." Xu Hao is really hard to explain.

Fortunately, Su Jing didn't tangle with this problem. After the movie, she took Xu Hao outside.

"Later, let's go to have western food and have a candlelight dinner." look at Su Jing and Xu Hao for her advice. Little girls like this romantic routine. As a once dissolute childe, Xu Hao knows too much about girls' thoughts.

Su Jing naturally agrees with Xu Hao's proposal, and quickly nods her head and agrees

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