As soon as he came out of the meeting room of the juice factory, Xu Hao received a call from Tang Jing. As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Jing asked Xu Hao if he had read the news. Xu Hao knows that Tang Jing's news must be about Tianle Beverage Group's establishment of a production base in Jiangcheng.

"I've seen the news. The fruit juice factory has just held a meeting, which won't have a great impact on us." although Xu Hao said it easily, he knew that Tianle beverage group came for him this time. It's just that a mere Yao Ruili, how can we invite Tianle beverage group? Yao Ruili is not qualified to visit the senior management of Tianle beverage group.

"That's good. I'm also to blame for this. I didn't find out in time." Tang Jing at the other end of the phone also blamed herself. "Do you have time? Let's meet?"

"Now?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly. He was going to look for Bai Yan at the vegetable base.

"Well, now! I have something to tell you." Tang Jing said, as if she felt that it was inappropriate to say so, and added: "it's about the development of the company."

"OK, I'll go to the club to find you?" since it was the development of the company, it was the most important thing for Xu Hao, so he agreed.

"OK, I'll wait for you." Tang Jing said and hung up.

Xu Hao drove to Yimei health club. He was going to call Liang Hongyu and ask him to pick him up. As a result, as soon as Xu Hao's mobile phone was taken out, Liang Hongyu came out of the club.

"Xu Hao, you can count it." Liang Hongyu said, and led Xu Hao to Tang Jing's office.

After taking Xu Hao to Tang Jing's office, Liang Hongyu left first. Tang Jing also came out from behind her desk.

Tang Jing is still the same dress for thousands of years. She is dressed in professional clothes and black silk stockings!

Looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing and said, "why is it still this dress? Didn't you buy some other clothes with you?"

When Xu Hao asked, Tang Jing's face turned red. He smiled at Xu Hao and said, "I'm still not used to it. It's more convenient to wear it like this." then he made an inviting gesture and asked Xu Hao to sit down.

After Xu Hao sat down, Tang Jing poured Xu Hao a cup of tea in person, then went to the opposite side of Xu Hao and sat down.

Before Tang Jing could speak, Xu Hao asked, "Tang Jing, you told me on the phone about the development of the company. What is it?"

Tang Jing was stunned. She didn't expect Xu Hao to ask so directly. However, she was obviously ready. She stood up, took out a document from her desk, handed it to Xu Hao and said, "look first."

He took the document handed to him by Tang Jing and looked at it carefully. After reading it, Xu Hao looked up at Tang Jing in shock and asked, "competitive intelligence analysis?"

"That's right! This is an indispensable part of a company. Especially in the highly competitive industry, it plays a decisive role..." Tang Jing briefly introduced the role of competitive intelligence analysis, "If your Dongping juice factory has a special competitive intelligence analysis department, you will predict their important measures in advance from the various behaviors of Tianle beverage group, so you won't be so passive as now..."

After listening to Tang Jing's introduction, Xu Hao also knows that this competitive intelligence analysis department is really indispensable. However, Tang Jing also mentioned in this document that this job can not be done by anyone! Doing this job requires extremely high professional skills and strong analytical ability. It is important to be able to find useful intelligence among hundreds of intelligence Make predictions and propose solutions!

"Tang Jing, I understand what you said. However, you also said that Xu Hao, who has strong professional skills, is responsible for this job. Where can I find it for a while?" looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said somewhat depressed.

"There are not many professionals in competitive intelligence analysis in China. It can even be said that there are no professionals in this field in China. Even abroad, there is only this prototype." looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said: "The concept of competitive intelligence analysis has only been put forward for more than ten years. At this stage, most of these talents have been recruited by various government departments, so... If you want to tap talents, you have to find your own way!"

Nodding, Xu Hao also understood what Tang Jing meant. Fortunately, Huang Xin came from human resources. If she is willing to work hard, she may not be able to find a suitable one. For the time being, she can only entrust Huang Xin to do this.

"Tang Jing, thank you." Looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said politely. If Tang Jing hadn't mentioned this, Xu Haogen wouldn't have thought of a weakness in the company. Although Xu Hao has an extremely keen business sense, he doesn't have enough experience and hasn't studied systematically. Often, Xu Hao does things by intuition or instinct. This itself is unscientific.

With the development of the company, the company certainly needs the existence of a think tank, and the competitive intelligence analysis department can also act as a think tank to a certain extent!

Smiling at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "Why are you thanking me? We are friends. Shouldn't we help friends?"

"OK, since you said so, I won't thank you." Xu Hao smiled and said, "I'll invite you to dinner another day!"

"OK, that's settled. You can't go back!" Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and seemed afraid that Xu Hao would cheat her.

Looking at Tang Jing, Xu Haoshi found it difficult to connect her with Tang Jing she had known before. Before the two became friends, Tang Jing gave Xu Hao the impression that business elites who refused to be thousands of miles away were very difficult to contact and get along with.

However, after getting familiar with Tang Jing, Xu Hao found that Tang Jing also has a lovely side. However, it is because of her character that she has no friends, which makes her less able to communicate with others. The impression is to refuse people thousands of miles away!

"I promise, why don't we pull the hook?" Xu Hao stretched out his hand to Tang Jing and said.

As soon as her pink face turned red, Tang Jing hesitated and held out her hand to draw a hook with Xu Hao. After all this, Tang Jing suddenly looked up at Xu Hao and asked, "Xu Hao, do you think I look childish like this?"

"No, I think you are very... Very cute!" Xu Hao thought for a while and still used the word cute.

When Xu Hao praised her for being cute, Tang Jing was a little unhappy. "It's a bad word. I'm not a child. I'm not cute!"

Tang Jing's tone of voice matched her expression and the meaning of this sentence almost made Xu Hao laugh. Tang Jing is really cute!

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