"Oh, it's so lively!" just when the police thought the situation was about to get out of control, an discordant voice suddenly sounded. Although this man's voice is not big, he can't stand it. He has a big horn in his hand!

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the past. I saw a man in a flowery shirt and dark sunglasses coming over with this big horn, followed by more than a dozen guys with flat heads. At first glance, he was not good at stubble.

"Boss Dong, what brings you here." the old policeman should know the man in front of him and quickly came forward and said politely.

"Director Wang, I'm doing my official business here." boss Dong nodded to Director Wang, and then walked towards Xu Hao.

Throw the big horn in your hand to the people around you, then take off the sunglasses on your face, look at Xu Hao for a while, and then ask, "are you Xu Hao?"

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes, I'm Xu Hao!"

"Lao Tze, Dong Tianlong!" Dong Tianlong said and stretched out his hand.

Although Xu Hao vaguely guessed his identity before Dong Tianlong came over, Xu Hao was startled when Dong Tianlong really took the initiative to say it. Why did Dong Tianlong come here now?

"Lord long, how did you get here?" the leader of the demolition team who was just very arrogant immediately ran over and bowed to Dong Tianlong. It can be seen that Dong Tianlong's status is indeed not low.

After receiving a cigarette from his men, the leader of the demolition team immediately lit it for Dong Tianlong, with a flattering and flattering face.

"Dog hair, you did all this?" Dong Tianlong asked, pointing to the demolished houses and the blood on the ground.

With an awkward smile, the leader of the demolition team called Goumao immediately said: "Lord long is joking. Brothers are just making a living! These people don't appreciate it and block other people's money, naturally..." said, and the forehead called Goumao made a gesture that everyone knows.

Nodding, Dong Tianlong turned around here and looked at director Wang, "Wang Suo, how do you think this should be handled?"

Director Wang smiled awkwardly. He wanted to deal with it, but neither Dong Tianlong nor Goumao could be provoked by a small director. After all, there are big people behind them!

"That man, I want to take away." Dong Tianlong stretched out his hand and pointed to Xu Hao. He didn't know whether he was talking to Director Wang or to Goumao. Or talking to two people at the same time.

Dong Tianlong's intervention in this matter was unexpected to everyone. Especially dog hair, he didn't expect that the guy in front of him actually knew Dong Tianlong. Dong Tianlong, as the biggest local snake in Jiangcheng, has to sell him some face no matter who he is!

"Mr. long, it's reasonable to say that you're always talking..." before Goumao finished his words, the young man who had been following Dong Tianlong suddenly pulled a big mouth on Goumao's face, "give me something shameless! It's hard for Mr. long to speak, isn't it?"

"What? What? How many times have I told you to be civilized!" Dong Tianlong threw away his cigarette butts and stepped on them with his feet before looking at the young man beside him.

Although it was a reproach, there was no reproach inside and outside.

"I'm sorry, dragon master." Goumao quickly apologized to Dong Tianlong, and then said, "since you have spoken to dragon master, you can take people away, but the boss..."

"Don't worry, it won't embarrass you." Dong Tianlong nodded and looked at director Wang again.

Director Wang just smiled awkwardly and said, "the fight is between them. Since one of them is not investigated, our police will not intervene!"

"Then thank director Wang," said Dong Tianlong, looking at Xu Hao and saying, "let's go?"

Although Xu Hao didn't understand which Song Dong Tianlong was singing, he knew that Dong Tianlong came to help him out. It's just that he's very strange. How did Dong Tianlong know about his accident?

Following Dong Tianlong out of the demolition area, Xu Hao looked at Dong Tianlong and said, "thank you, boss Dong!"

"You're welcome. If my girl didn't force me to die, I wouldn't be bothered to wade in this muddy water. What do you think the first construction company is?" Dong Tianlong said helplessly after looking at Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was surprised to hear that it had something to do with Dong Yangfan's little girl. Since Dong Yangfan knows everything, Su Jing must know about it.

"Listen to boss Dong's meaning that the first construction company did this?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Dong Tianlong. He always thought that the first construction company was an ordinary construction company, but he didn't expect to do such an unreasonable thing behind his back. No wonder last time Yang long said hello, all companies were unwilling to take over his project!

Dong Tianlong smiled and didn't answer the question, "well, since you're all right, I'll go first. By the way, thank your girlfriend for helping my daughter with her tutoring. That girl has changed recently!" with that, Dong Tianlong got into his car and left smartly.

Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao dialed Su Jing directly. He knew that Su Jing must be worried at the moment!

The phone rang and Su Jing answered. It can be seen that Su Jing must have been holding her mobile phone and waiting for Xu Hao's news.

"Xu Hao, I'm scared to death!" Su Jing cried as soon as she heard Xu Hao's voice. After crying for a while, Su Jing asked, "are they all right, cousin?"

"Don't worry, it's all right." after a pause, Xu Hao said, "in addition, thank Dong Yangfan for helping me. Anyway, it's thanks to her this time!"

"Cut, there's no sincerity. Thank you. I don't want it!" as soon as Xu Hao said, Dong Yangfan robbed his mobile phone and said to Xu Hao, "if you really want to thank me, please buy me a drink. The wine you promised me last time hasn't been fulfilled yet!"

Xu Hao has a headache. Why does Dong Yangfan like drinking so much?

"Children should drink less wine." Xu Hao said with a tone of lesson: "while still young, we should read more and strive to be a useful person to the society!"

"Xu Hao, I think you're looking for death!" Xu Hao's words completely angered Dong Yangfan. "Is it none of your business if I can be a useful person to society? If you talk to me again, believe it or not, I'll let someone catch you and throw you directly into the sea?"

Xu Hao was just about to teach Dong Yangfan a lesson. He heard Su Jing talking to Dong Yangfan on the phone. It was just because the voice was too low that Xu Hao couldn't hear clearly.

"All right, all right, you're all right. Come here as soon as you're busy. Your Su Jing chick misses you!" with that, Dong Yangfan hung up without waiting for Xu Hao to speak

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