"Xiao Ling, are you still angry? If you don't get rid of your anger, just kick Xu Hao, a little bastard. If he dares to hide, I'll clean him up!" Huang Xin said, walked to Liu Yuling, gently took her arm and said.

Huang Xin's words are all about this, and Xu Hao's sincerity has arrived. If she carries it again, it will appear that she Liu Yuling is a little petty. Most importantly, she really wants to leave her current job. It's a good thing for Huang Xin to come to work in her factory!

Stand up and look at Xu Hao. Liu Yuling whispered, "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry. I didn't have a good attitude before. I apologize to you! We'll be colleagues in the future. I hope we can get along well in the future!"

"Happy, definitely happy!" Xu Hao said, quickly stretched out his hand and held Liu Yuling's small hand.

Unlike ordinary girls, Liu Yuling's hands are slightly rough and powerful!

When Xu Hao grabbed her hand, Liu Yuling's little face turned red. Want to draw back, but be held tightly by Xu Hao!

Kicking Xu Hao in the leg, Huang Xin said, "little bastard, what are you doing?"

After being kicked by Huang Xin, Xu Haocai came back to his senses. He coughed awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I've just been distracted!"

Obviously, Xu Hao's answer was not recognized by Huang Xin and Liu Yuling. Huang Xin, in particular, glared at her fiercely, then took Liu Yuling's hand and walked outside.

Seeing Huang Xin and Liu Yuling go out, Xu Hao was speechless for a while! He really didn't mean to take advantage of Liu Yuling just now! I just think her hands are different from those of ordinary girls, so I'm distracted, okay?

Unfortunately, even if Xu Hao defended at the moment, no one listened. He had to smile helplessly and then walked out of the office.

In the juice factory's office, Shen Rong took out the selected data of several small e-commerce platforms and handed them to Xu Hao and Huang Xin respectively. As Huang Xin's secretary, Liu Yuling was also honored to attend the meeting.

The three e-commerce platforms selected by Shen Rong belong to the second echelon. Although the platform is not large, it has strong development potential. As long as the person in charge of these e-commerce platforms does not kill himself, it is not difficult to share a cup of e-commerce in the future!

"The advantages and disadvantages of these three e-commerce platforms are obvious!" Shen Rong briefly introduced Xu Hao and Huang Xin. Liu Yuling, who attended such a meeting for the first time, seemed a little unnatural and took out a small book to take notes.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin also read the materials of the three e-commerce platforms. Looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao asked, "have you been in contact with these three e-commerce platforms?"

Nodding, Shen Rong said: "I have had telephone communication with the heads of the three e-commerce platforms. They are very interested in cooperating with us! Especially when they hear that we cooperate in the form of authorized exclusive sales, they are very happy. They want to fly directly to Jiangcheng to talk about cooperation with us..."

Since the three e-commerce platforms have shown their intention to cooperate, the initiative is in Xu Hao's hands. Among the three e-commerce platforms, Xu Hao is more optimistic about the e-commerce platform called Yunteng.

"Let me talk about the reasons why I chose Yunteng. First, Yunteng's sales concept is closest to ours, which means that their existing consumer groups are most likely to be transformed into our potential customers; second, Yunteng also intends to build itself into an e-commerce platform focusing on wine sales, which is highly consistent with our products; third, and most importantly, yuntengdian Compared with the other two, Shang is easier to compromise in front of us! "Looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong, Xu Hao said his own opinion.

After carefully pondering Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin agrees with the first and second points Xu haogang just said, but Huang Xin has some doubts, "why do you think Yunteng is easier to compromise?"

Smiled. Xu Hao didn't speak, but looked at Shen Rong.

They looked at each other and smiled. Shen Rong said: "President Xu's observation is really meticulous. Indeed, Yunteng has also encountered a publicity problem. Tianle beverage group can't attack it for a long time, and other small brands are difficult to bring sensational effects to Yunteng e-commerce. However, our Dongping juice has a natural advantage. Although we are not a large enterprise, our reputation is not small at all. Yunteng is now We need a brand that can be used for publicity. By borrowing our exclusive online sales right of Dongping juice and cooperating with the relevant media for moderate hype, we can use the minimum cost to achieve the maximum benefit! "After that, Shen Rong looked at Xu Hao and asked," president Xu, am I right? "

"Another point is that our Dongping juice has never been sold on the e-commerce platform, but we have many potential consumers! From this point, Yunteng will make the biggest concession to us!" Xu Hao added.

After listening to Xu Hao and Shen Rong's analysis, Huang Xin also thought about it! Indeed, as they both analyzed, it is the most important for Yunteng e-commerce to publicize themselves as much as possible. Because only in this way can they become bigger and stronger step by step! While simplex propaganda has encountered a bottleneck, it can only be publicized indirectly. Now, with the help of dongpingguo The influence of juice is the most appropriate! After all, in the last case of making and selling fake products, Dongping juice factory was equivalent to making an overwhelming free advertisement all over the country!

Nodding and looking at Shen Rong, Huang Xin said, "Shen Rong, please communicate with Yunteng e-commerce first to see their reaction, and then we'll make the next decision!"

"OK, I'll contact them in a moment." Shen Rong nodded and agreed.

After the meeting, Liu Yuling was also relieved. This meeting made her realize the difference between working in an enterprise and working in a police station. More importantly, it changed her understanding of Xu Hao!

Xu haogang's performance completely overturned her original impression of Xu Hao! Xu Hao is definitely not the kind of dandy who can only talk and deceive women's feelings! At least, in business, Xu Hao is definitely an excellent talent!

"Let's go. It's just noon. I'll invite two beauties to dinner!" Xu Hao said with a smile when he looked at Huang Xin and Liu Yuling.

Liu Yuling was stunned and couldn't help looking at Huang Xin. Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao and said, "well, in order to show your sincerity in apologizing to us Xiaoling, you have to eat something good for this meal!"

"OK, no problem, you can choose any place!" Xu Hao agreed very forthright. Today, he is in a very good mood because he has recruited a potential competitive intelligence analysis expert; Second, it is because it has determined the e-commerce cooperation object! Don't ask two beauties to have a good meal, but he doesn't mind eating more! After all, not everyone has the opportunity to eat with beautiful women!

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