Because he had no hope for these people, Xu Hao left the table in advance on the grounds that he had other things to deal with.

As soon as Xu haogang returned to his residence, Liu Yuling knocked at the door, "president Xu and president Huang asked you to come over. She has something to discuss with you!"

Hearing Huang Xin let himself pass, Xu Hao washed his face, then went out and went straight to Huang Xin's room.

Seeing that Liu Yuling was there, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Liu Yuling and asked, "sister Xin, what's the matter with you calling me so late?"

Huang Xin didn't answer Xu Hao's question, but asked, "how's the dinner today?"

When Huang Xin mentioned today's dinner, Xu Hao couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "don't mention it. I really think highly of those people. These people have their own ghosts. They want others to fight against Tianle beverage group, and then they can pick up cheap! These people are unreliable. We have to rely on ourselves to fight against Tianle beverage group!"

Hearing this, Huang Xin couldn't help sighing. However, Huang Xin also knows that this is the heart of the people! Not to mention that peers are enemies, but those enterprises that survive between Tianle beverage group and foreign beverage brands, who don't want to live! And if they can live, it means that more of their peers will die! What role can this so-called alliance play at this time? At most, it's just a nominal name! If there is really anything, their first consideration must be their respective interests!

"Well, since others can't rely on us, it's up to us." Huang Xin breathed out and said, "by the way, come and see this!" then Huang Xin handed Xu Hao an invitation.

"This is..." after reading the invitation, Xu Hao found that the signature was actually Chuncheng municipal government office. In other words, the invitation was sent to Xu Hao by the leaders of Chuncheng city.

"The invitation letter from the mayor of Chuncheng city." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "it was sent this afternoon. I took it for you when you weren't there. What do you think of it?"

Xu Hao thinks he doesn't know these leaders in Chuncheng. What can they do if they find themselves?

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "I don't know, but it shouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe he wants to buy drinks from us?"

"You think so!" glancing at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "if you purchase, you need the mayor of Chuncheng? You look down on these officials. I think tomorrow's banquet may be Hongmen banquet!"

"Won't it?" he stared at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao said, "we didn't offend these leaders in Chuncheng?"


Although there are all kinds of questions in my heart, I still have to face what I should face. At noon the next day, Xu Hao, Huang Xin and Liu Yuling went to Chuncheng hotel for a banquet!

Jiang Hua, Deputy Secretary General of Chuncheng municipal government, was responsible for receiving Xu Hao. In Chuncheng, the provincial capital, Jiang Hua is also a big leader. This can't help but make Xu Hao beat the drum in his heart. What is spring city going to do?

"Secretary general Jiang is really very polite." Xu Hao greeted Jiang Hua warmly while observing Jiang Hua's look.

However, Xu Hao can easily see through the officials at the level of Jiang Hua. Jiang Hua's face was normal. He greeted Xu Hao warmly and invited Xu Hao to the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, Xu Hao met Zhou Jiaqiang, mayor of Chuncheng city!

Seeing Xu Hao, Zhou Jiaqiang was also very enthusiastic. "I take the liberty to invite President Xu today. I hope President Xu will forgive me!"

"Mayor Zhou is very kind. We are really flattered to receive mayor Zhou's invitation." Xu Hao said quickly and looked at Zhou Jiaqing.

After some greetings, Xu Hao and his party were finally arranged to sit down.

Because they don't understand Zhou Jiaqiang's intention, Xu Hao can only talk as little as possible and then listen to Zhou Jiaqiang.

Zhou Jiaqiang did not beat around the Bush, but directly said his intention of inviting Xu Hao to come over this time: "I don't hide from President Xu that the environment of our spring city is very suitable for vegetable planting. And Yunling province is also one of the largest agricultural provinces in China..."

Listen carefully to Zhou Jiaqiang's words. Xu Hao didn't interrupt. As Zhou Jiaqiang's intention was shown step by step, Xu Hao finally found out. It turned out that Zhou Jiaqiang hoped that Xu Hao could copy the model of Dongping juice factory in Jiangcheng in Chuncheng and invest in a juice factory and a vegetable base in Chuncheng!

"We spring city very much hope that President Xu can invest in our spring city. If President Xu is willing to invest in our Spring City, we will give enough convenience." looking at Xu Hao, Zhou Jiaqiang said again.

Xu Hao never thought of investing in Chuncheng. Now Zhou Jiaqiang puts forward that Xu Hao is also a little excited. The environment of Chuncheng is really very suitable for vegetable growth. In addition, Chuncheng is the center of several provinces in Southwest China. It is not impossible to invest in a juice factory to supply several provinces in Southwest China!

"Thanks for mayor Zhou's warm invitation, but it's a big event for our Dongping juice factory, so we need to go back and study it carefully before we can finally make a decision." looking at Zhou Jiaqiang, Xu Hao didn't refuse, but said we need to go back and consider it.

Nodding, Zhou Jiaqiang didn't ask Xu Hao to give a reply on the spot, "then I'm waiting for president Xu's good news. I also solemnly promise here that once president Xu decides to invest in Chuncheng, we will give sufficient preferential conditions so that President Xu doesn't have any worries!"

"Thank you, mayor Zhou. After we go back, we must study it carefully!" Xu Hao also said hurriedly.

They say they eat, but they are basically talking about things. After talking about the matter, Xu Hao said goodbye.

On the way back to the hotel, Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, I think this thing is feasible! At present, the production capacity of Jiangcheng factory is insufficient. With the gradual improvement of our sales, it is urgent to build a new factory!"

"That's what I say, but don't worry about building the factory in Chuncheng, a place we don't know well?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin. According to Xu Hao's intention, even if it is to build a new plant, it will also choose the surrounding areas of Jiangcheng, which is conducive to management. Secondly, Wang Yumin and his people will take care of it. In case of anything, someone will help.

"Let's go back and study?" looked at Xu Hao and Huang Xin suggested. In Huang Xin's heart, he still hopes to build a new juice factory. Now that Chuncheng is willing to give preferential conditions, why not try to build a factory in Chuncheng?

Back to the hotel, Xu Hao asked Liu Yuling to call Shen Rong, and then called other management of the company through video call. After simply saying what happened, Xu Hao said, "well, let's talk about our own views!"

"I don't agree!" as soon as Xu Hao finished, Wei Ping immediately objected

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