Xu Hao, Bai Yan, Wei Ping and Liu Yuling started further communication and coordination with Jiang Hua. Because we have reached a consensus with Zhou Jiaqiang on the general framework, this communication and negotiation is all about some details.

When he heard Xu Hao's idea of establishing Dongping Industrial Park, Wei Ping was completely shocked. Originally, the company's plan was to set up a production base and raw material base here. Xu Hao can do well. With a big hand, he directly turned into an industrial park! If this really becomes an industrial park, 60 million investment is not necessarily enough!

However, at this time, it was hard for Wei Ping to say anything, so he had to hold his thoughts in his heart for the time being.

After the first round of communication, Jiang Hua and others warmly invited Xu Hao and his party to dinner. Xu Hao also didn't refuse Jiang Hua's kindness. Some words are hard to say on formal occasions. Instead, he can speak freely at the dinner table.

Just after seeing off Jiang Hua and his party, Wei Ping couldn't help it anymore. "President Xu, I want to talk to you."

Nodding, this is what Xu Hao expected. Invited Wei Ping to his room, Xu Hao poured Wei Ping a glass of water and said, "Director Wei, if you have anything, please say it!"

"Mr. Xu, you have never put forward this investment in the industrial park at the company meeting." looking at Xu Hao and Wei Ping, you are a little excited. "60 million is not enough to invest in such an industrial park! Do you want to make additional investment at that time?"

In Wei Ping's mind, the 60 million investment now exceeds the limit that the company can bear. If Xu Hao wants to make additional investment, Dongping juice company may have to follow the example of Jiangcheng soda factory!

"Director Wei, don't get excited!" Xu Hao quickly comforted Wei Ping and said, "Director Wei, the idea of industrial park is to deceive spring city. Otherwise, how can we get more preferential policy support! Moreover, you also listened to me. Which of the so-called factories and warehouses I mentioned does our Jiangcheng production base have?"

Xu Hao's explanation made Wei Ping think back. Indeed, although Xu Hao keeps saying that he is investing in a small industrial park, there are all kinds of production enterprises and supporting facilities. However, after careful consideration, isn't this the same as Jiangcheng production base?

Thinking of this, Wei Ping was a little embarrassed. Looking at Xu Hao, Wei Ping said, "Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry. I... I'm too excited. I didn't find out the situation, so I asked you to make a mistake. I..."

Seeing the embarrassment on Wei Ping's face, Xu Hao quickly said: "it doesn't matter. Director Wei, you are also for the development of the company. I don't blame you! When the relevant investment agreement is officially signed with Chuncheng, Chuncheng will have to ask you!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry about it. I'll keep an eye on it and make sure nothing happens." Wei Ping nodded quickly. This was also communicated in Jiangcheng before. Once the investment agreement is confirmed with Chuncheng, Wei Ping will stay in Chuncheng to be responsible for the construction of the plant and subsequent production. As for whether to recruit people to manage the production base in Chuncheng alone or transfer people from the headquarters, this has not been discussed in time.

Xu Hao was relieved when he sent Wei Ping out of the room. What he feared most was that he couldn't convince Wei Ping. Wei Ping is extremely stubborn. It's hard to look back after what he has identified! Fortunately, Xu Hao finally persuaded him this time.

Rubbing his head, Xu haogang was ready to take a bath, but his mobile phone rang again.

When I picked it up, it was Huang Xin. However, I know that Liu Yuling must have reported the communication results to Huang Xin early.

Answering the phone, Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, how did you think of calling me?"

"Xiao Ling just reported to me. Why do you suddenly think of building an industrial park? 60 million yuan is not enough for an industrial park!" Huang Xin also has a headache. What will the company do if the funds in Chuncheng are not enough at that time? Don't you just sit back? However, if you want to manage, you have to spend money! The juice company is really out of money now!

"Sister Xin, how can you be like Director Wei..." Xu Hao said, saying what he said to Wei Ping, and then said, "sister Xin, don't worry, I'm measured! I know that the juice company can't afford money in a short time, and I won't transfer funds from the company!"

"Well, I don't need to ask." hearing Xu Hao say so, Huang Xin knows that she is worried about white.

"Why is it unnecessary to ask? I know you care about me, sister Xin. To be honest, I haven't seen me for so long. Do you miss me again?" Xu Hao's favorite thing is to flirt with Huang Xin. He knew that Huang Xin on the other end of the phone must be angry and itchy at the moment. But I can't help him! Xu Hao is happy to think of this!

"Yes, I miss you. I can't wait to strangle you little bastard!" Huang Xin at the other end of the phone said almost gnashing his teeth.

Hearing Huang Xin's bad tone, Xu Hao quickly hung up the phone. I'm kidding. I continue to entangle with Huang Xin at this time. Isn't that sent to the door to be scolded?


In the next two days, Xu Hao led the team to conduct detailed communication with Jiang Hua, and finally the two sides reached a consensus on everything.

In order to publicize Dongping Industrial Park and commend Dongping fruit juice company's support for poverty alleviation in spring city, Zhou Jiaqiang specially arranged a formal signing ceremony and invited many media to come.

At the signing ceremony, Xu Hao and Zhou Jiaqiang signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of Dongping juice company and Chuncheng city respectively! This scene was also directly broadcast by the reporters on the scene.

The reporters invited this time include not only the local media in Chuncheng, but also many national media reporters. In other words, this time, Xu Hao and his Dongping juice company will show up again! This kind of free advertising, Xu Hao is naturally happy to see its success. He wants to report them every day in China!

After the signing ceremony, Zhou Jiaqiang held a special on-site office meeting to give a green light to the approval procedures of Dongping Industrial Park.

"Mayor Zhou, are you afraid of me running away?" Xu Hao said jokingly when he looked at Zhou Jiaqiang.

"When the industrial park officially starts, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, can't we?" Zhou Jiaqiang smiled at Xu Hao and said. As long as the industrial park on Xu Hao's side is officially started, Zhou Jiaqiang is not afraid of Xu Hao's repentance.

Hearing Zhou Jiaqiang's words, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing.

However, Xu Hao did not know that his progress was going smoothly. However, on the other side of Jiangcheng, an attack against Dongping juice company was about to begin. The signal of this attack is the signing ceremony between Xu Hao and Chuncheng

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