"Little bastard, tell me honestly. What's the relationship between you and Yang Si?" as soon as Yang Si and Xu Rui left, Huang Xin broke out, grabbed Xu Hao's ear and began to interrogate.

"Pain, pain, pain!" Xu Hao said hurriedly, "sister Xin, what do you think I have to do with Yang sinang? People are big stars. I'm a local boss about to go bankrupt. Can people like me?"

"That's right." Huang Xin nodded and agreed with this. However, soon, Huang Xin felt something wrong again. "If you have nothing to do with Yang Si, people can rush to help you? Pay back the endorsement fee of one yuan. Why don't you say she pasted money instead?"

"When they left, didn't we also send several boxes of drinks?" Xu Hao covered his ears with some grievances.

It's ok if Xu Hao doesn't say this. She's more angry when Xu Hao says this! Yang Si, such a famous star, will lack the money to buy drinks? Xu Hao, the little bastard, pretended to be generous and gave people several boxes of drinks. Even Huang Xin felt ashamed when he looked at it!

"Don't talk nonsense, I think today's things are strange from beginning to end!" Huang Xin snorted discontentedly, stamped his feet, and then sat down on the sofa.

When Xu haogang was ready to sit next to Huang Xin and persuade him well, Shen Rong suddenly appeared in Huang Xin's office.

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Huang, I just heard that the big star Yang Si has come to our company? Is it true?" Shen Rong said while looking around in Huang Xin's office. Unfortunately, he came a little late. Yang Si had already left.

Throwing the signed endorsement contract to Shen Rong, Huang Xin said, "look for yourself!"

"No!" after reading the endorsement contract, Shen Rong rubbed his eyes hard. How can it be untrue!

"Mr. Shen, to tell you the truth, I don't think it's true! However, I see what's more untrue..." looking at Shen Rong, Huang Xin said angrily: "you didn't see Yang Si's requirements for Xu Hao. It's called obedience..."

"Mr. Xu, from today on, you are my idol. It's great! Tell me how you won Yang Si, a beautiful star with a pure and beautiful girl?" Shen Rong can't care about his image at the moment. He just wants to know how Xu Hao did it! Over the years, there are not 10000 or 8000 people pursuing Yang Si, including all kinds of well-known second-generation. But these people can't get into Yang Si's eyes. How did Xu Hao do it?

"Cough... Mr. Shen, let's talk about this in private." Xu Hao coughed awkwardly and then changed the topic, "In the past two days, the news that Yang Si will endorse our company's products will spread, and Yang Si will also cooperate in some publicity. At that time, TV stations, newspapers and all kinds of online media will have relevant reports! With Yang Si's high popularity, I believe that our company's product sales will reach a peak soon!"

"Yes, yes, yes! How can I forget this! No, I have to go back and arrange it quickly." Shen Rong was excited and incoherent. Just turned and left Huang Xin's office, when Xu Hao was about to close the door, Shen Rong came back: "by the way, president Xu and president Huang, there are several agents who want to return goods today!"

"Back, all of them back!" looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said, "in two days, they will have to come back and beg us! At that time, if they don't lose their skin, they won't get the goods from me!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu! This time, I promise to let those agents know our strength!" Shen Rong said, excitedly leaving Huang Xin's company.

As soon as Shen Rong left, Xu Hao hurried to close the door of Huang Xin's office, then sat next to Huang Xin, politely handed Huang Xin a glass of water and said, "sister Xin, drink water!"

"Not thirsty." Huang Xin hugged her chest with both hands and stared at Xu Hao indifferently.

Seeing Huang Xin's guilty heart, Xu Hao hurriedly said, "sister Xin, you don't think I have anything with Yang Si? Heaven and earth conscience, we only met for the first time yesterday!"

"I want to believe that you have nothing to do with Yang Si, but how do you explain this?" said Huang Xin. As soon as she took the endorsement contract, she asked, "do you want to say that Yang Si was out of his mind, so he rushed to ask for a endorsement?"

"Cough... This certainly won't happen. Yang Si's brain should be normal!" Xu Hao explained awkwardly: "it's just, I..."

"What are you?" Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao and said, "I'm surprised. What does Yang Si like about you?"

"Sister Xin, why do you still hold on to this matter? What we should consider now is that when the publicity on Yang Si's side begins, our supply volume will be reduced! Now the production base in Chuncheng can't be put into production in at least three months, can we keep up with the production speed in Jiangcheng?" some speechless looked at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao quickly turned off the topic.

"I'm confused by your anger!" glancing at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "the reason why I was so angry was that I was worried that you would do something bad for the company! Well, now it seems that my worry is superfluous. Well, I have to arrange the production task quickly!" then Huang Xin stood up and prepared to slip away.

"Sister Xin, if you're jealous, you'll say you're jealous. Why do you find such a bad excuse?" Xu Hao said wordlessly. Then he stood up and hugged Huang Xin from behind. "Sister Xin, are you afraid that I'll be robbed by Yang Si?"

"Little bastard, let go of me quickly. This is the office!" was suddenly held by Xu Hao. Huang Xin's heart beat faster. She looked at the door of the office with some guilt.

"Sister Xin, don't worry, I've locked the door in advance." Xu Hao also saw Huang Xin's worry and quickly said. Then Xu Hao put his arm around Huang Xin's waist, followed Huang Xin's Willow waist, all the way up, and directly climbed to the peak in front of Huang Xin's chest!

Not to mention, Xu Hao, the little bastard, kissed Huang Xin's earlobe shamelessly! The earlobe is the most sensitive place on Huang Xin's body. When Xu Hao kissed Huang Xin, it seemed that there was an electric current, and there was a crisp feeling on her body.

Being so frivolous by Xu Hao, Huang Xin blushed. Biting her silver teeth, Huang Xin raised her foot, stepped on the instep of Xu Hao fiercely, and then said, "little bastard, let you tease me. Dare to tease me next time, believe it or not, I'll cut off your third leg!"

"Sister Xin, you are too cruel..." she looked at Huang Xin tearfully. Xu Hao couldn't even speak out in pain

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