"Sister Xin, you go back. I'm really fine." hearing that Huang Xin said he would stay with him, Xu Hao hurriedly said, "besides, the company can't live without you. If you don't rest well at night, how can you go to work tomorrow? These days are the key time!"

"Don't worry, it won't delay the company's affairs." he smiled at Xu Hao. Huang Xin pulled the chair beside the sick bed and said, "I'll sleep here at night."

"How can I do that?" Xu Hao naturally couldn't bear to let Huang Xin spend the night in his chair.

"All right, all right, why are you so wordy." Huang Xin waved her hand impatiently and said, "it's not that the hospital bed is tight. Let's not make trouble for the hospital!"

Looking at Huang Xin's firm tone, Xu Hao can't say anything.

After lying in bed for a while, Xu Hao suddenly felt a burst of urine, "sister Xin, please call a nurse for me."

"What's the matter?" hearing Xu Hao say so, Huang Xin thought what happened to Xu Hao's feet and asked nervously.

Some embarrassed looked at Huang Xin. Xu Hao said, "I... I want to go to the bathroom!"

After Xu Hao said this, Huang Xin also blushed. He glared at Xu Hao, picked up the crutch beside the sick bed and handed it to Xu Hao, "don't bother other people's nurses about this kind of thing, I'll take you!"

"This... How inappropriate this is," said Xu Hao awkwardly. However, finally, at Huang Xin's insistence, Xu Hao had to agree.

Send Xu Hao to the door of the men's bathroom. After all, Huang Xin has no good intention to follow in, "OK, you go in. Call me if you have anything!"

"Sister Xin, don't you send me in?" Xu Hao asked deliberately after seeing Huang Xin with a red face.

"Little bastard, do you want to die?" he glared at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin blushed. This little bastard never forgets to flirt with her.

Seeing Huang Xin's murderous eyes, Xu Hao quickly ran into the bathroom.

After solving his personal problems, Xu Haocai went out of the bathroom.

He helped Xu Hao back to the ward. After the nurse changed Xu Hao's medicine, Xu Hao lay down.

"Sister Xin, why don't you go back first? I'm asleep and there's nothing wrong?" Xu Hao said again when he saw Huang Xin carrying a chair and really preparing to make a living in the chair for the night.

"All right, go to sleep with you and get back to work as soon as possible. You can't leave all the important tasks of the company to me alone." he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Huang Xin said.

Some speechless looked at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao had to close his eyes.

Lying in the hospital bed, Xu Hao couldn't sleep. When Xu Hao opened his eyes, he found that Huang Xin didn't sleep, so he sat in a chair.

"Sister Xin......" Xu Hao tentatively called Huang Xin.

Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked, "what's the matter? Going to the bathroom again?"

"No, No." Xu Hao said hurriedly, "well... I think the hospital bed is actually quite wide. Why don't you come up and squeeze with me?"

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin had intended to hit Xu Hao, but looking at the truth in Xu Hao's eyes, Huang Xin put down her raised hand, "OK, you're a patient. You should have a good rest."

He sat up and looked at Huang Xin. Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, why don't you go back and rest? Otherwise, I won't rest. I'll accompany you!"

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you!" glanced arrogantly at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said, "didn't the doctor say you should have a good rest?"

"Look at you sitting like this, I can't sleep either." Xu Hao said helplessly.

Huang Xin didn't beat Xu Hao in the end. However, when she went back to rest, Huang Xin was a little worried. After all, Xu Hao was injured and she had an unshirkable responsibility. After hesitating for a while, Huang Xin said, "go inside."

"Ah?" Xu Hao was stunned and didn't understand Huang Xin's meaning!

"I told you to lie inside!" Xu Hao glanced discontentedly, and Huang Xin had taken off her suit and coat.

"Good, good, good!" said Xu Hao, hurriedly moving inside and leaving a place for Huang Xin.

Slowly lying on the hospital bed, Huang Xin said, "remember, if you dare to move, I will keep you from getting out of bed all your life!"

"Cough... Sister Xin, I didn't expect you to be so wild!" Xu Hao said with some embarrassment. I can't get out of bed in my life. Maybe who can't get out of bed at that time!

"Little bastard, you owe me a beating again, don't you?" turned his head and looked at Xu Hao. Huang Xin said discontentedly.

Quickly shut up, Xu Hao no longer tangled with this topic.

The hospital bed was small, and now there was a beautiful woman like Huang Xin around, and Xu Hao couldn't sleep.

While Huang Xin didn't notice, Xu Hao moved to Huang Xin. Seeing that Huang Xin didn't seem to respond, Xu Hao moved to Huang Xin again, and their bodies were close together.

Xu Hao was excited to find that Huang Xin had not responded. Boldly stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Huang Xin's Willow waist!

This time, Huang Xin finally responded, "little bastard, you give me enough!"

"Sister Xin, so you didn't sleep?" Xu Hao said awkwardly. However, Huang Xin didn't take his hand, and Xu Hao naturally wouldn't take his hand back.

"Stop talking nonsense and go to bed!" Huang Xin said this and stopped talking to Xu Hao, but he didn't refuse Xu Hao's hand around her waist.

Holding Huang Xin's waist from behind, Xu Hao and Huang Xin's bodies stick closely together. After a while, Xu Hao was brave again, one hand slowly down, and soon touched the beautiful leg wrapped by silk stockings under Huang Xin's skirt.

Huang Xin's breath suddenly shortens a lot, but she doesn't open her mouth to stop Xu Hao's action. This can't help but make Xu Hao excited. The restless hand also extends into Huang Xin's skirt along the hem of the skirt and climbs up the plump buttocks wrapped in silk stockings

Just as Xu Hao was about to unbutton Huang Xin's shirt, suddenly a weak little hand pressed his hand. Xu Hao was stunned. When Xu Hao was ready to act again, he suddenly felt that the elastic band of Xu Hao's sick suit pants was pulled. At the moment of Xu Hao's doubt, a small hand reached into Xu Hao's sick suit pants

"Sister Xin, you..." Xu Hao came to Huang Xin's ear in surprise and asked.

Huang Xin didn't speak, but the slightly cold little hand had held Xu Hao's part

The excitement Xu Hao felt at the moment can hardly be described in words.

Under this extreme stimulation, Xu Hao soon disarmed and surrendered. Huang Xin turned back and glared at Xu Hao, quietly got up from the hospital bed, sorted out the clothes messed up by Xu Hao, and ran to the bathroom with a red face

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