After staying in the florist for more than two hours, Xu Hao took Su Jing and left. They went to dinner first and watched a movie.

"Will you go back to school tonight?" Xu Hao asked with a smile, holding Su Jing's hand.

As soon as Xu Hao finished asking, Su Jing's face turned red. They didn't dare to look at Xu Hao. They looked at their toes and said, "no, if you don't go back at night, you'll find me!"

I think of the little moves Xu Hao did when I saw the film today. Needless to ask, Su Jing also knows what will happen between her and Xu Hao once she agrees not to go back today!

Although she knows she loves Xu Hao very much, Su Jing is not ready to give herself to Xu Hao!

Seeing Su Jing's shy appearance, Xu Hao was helpless! Reaching out and gently touching Su Jing's head, Xu Hao said, "shall we go back or turn for a while?"

"Turn around a little longer." Su Jing summoned up her courage to look at Xu Hao. After that, she lowered her head shyly again.

Holding Su Jing's hand, they walked aimlessly in the street. Su Jing gently leaned against Xu Hao and snuggled in Xu Hao's arms. Xu Hao simply stretched out his hand and hugged Su Jing's shoulder.

"Let's go and sit there for a while?" Su Jing whispered, pointing out where the guide light couldn't shine.

Hey hey, with a smile, Xu Hao asked with a bad smile, "aren't you afraid I'll do something to you then?"

"You won't!" Su Jing said, holding Xu Hao's arm and walking quickly towards the dark place.

Looking for a clean place, Su Jing sits in front of Xu Hao and lies directly on Xu Hao.

This action is convenient for Xu Hao. Around Su Jing's waist, Xu Hao's hands are not idle! Soon, Xu Hao's bad hand reached into Su Jing's T-shirt and pushed Su Jing's bra up

"Hate, don't move!" Su Jing patted Xu Hao's hand gently, but she didn't really stop Xu Hao from doing bad things.

Two hands took advantage of Su Jing's small and exquisite crisp chest. Xu Hao's hands couldn't help but want to explore downward. However, Su Jing, who was just very obedient, suddenly grabbed Xu Hao's hand, shook her head and said, "no!"

He leaned over and kissed Su Jing's earlobe. Xu Hao asked, "why not?"

"Just can't!" Su Jing's attitude is very firm, "the top can, the bottom can't!" after that, Su Jing is shy and even the back of her neck is red. She doesn't dare to see Xu Hao again!

Under Xu Hao's repeated bad deeds, Su Jing has already been short of breath! If it weren't for the inappropriate place at the moment and Su Jing's resolute attitude, Xu Hao might have eaten Su Jing here!

"Xu Hao, let's go back, OK?" Su Jing was worried that if they stayed here again, she would probably make a fool of herself, so she couldn't help begging Xu Hao.

Xu Hao also knows that if he goes on like this, he may not be able to control himself at that time. After all, most men have poor concentration in this regard!

"Well, I'll let you go this time." Xu Hao said, holding Su Jing with soft legs to stand up and patted her little hip gently. Although Su Jing's ass is not as plump as Bai Yan and song Yuwei, it is also very warped.

"I hurt you and bully me every time." Su Jing glanced at Xu Hao and said. Seeing Su Jing's eyes like silk, Xu Hao almost didn't control it.

Drive Su Jing back to Dong Yangfan's apartment. Xu Hao wanted to send her up, but Su Jing couldn't save face. "I... I can go up myself. When I see you, Yangfan will laugh at me!"

"What can Dong Yangfan's chick laugh at you?" after seeing Su Jing, Xu Hao was about to go upstairs.

Su Jing naturally firmly disagrees and looks at Xu Hao with pitiful eyes.

Under Su Jing's offensive, Xu Hao soon compromised. Had to drive away under Su Jing's eyes!


On the way back, Xu Hao called song Yuwei and learned that song Yuwei was with Wang Yumin at the moment. Xu Hao was a little lost. Su Jing just started a fire. Xu Hao had planned to have a good in-depth communication with song Yuwei.

"What's the matter? Is there something urgent?" Song Yuwei asked hurriedly when she heard Xu Hao's sigh on the phone. Worried that the phone call with Xu Hao was heard by others, song Yuwei even quietly hid in the bathroom.

"Nothing, just miss you. Why don't I drive to you later?" Xu Hao asked tentatively.

As soon as Xu Hao said this, song Yuwei's face turned red. "Don't come! I'm here with my father. What's the matter with you? You go back to bed honestly. Do you hear me?"

When song Yuwei said this, it aroused Xu Hao's rebellious psychology, "do you think I'll come!" then Xu Hao hung up the phone, hit the steering wheel and went straight to Wang Yumin's house.

Put away her mobile phone. Song Yuwei hopes Xu Hao will come and is afraid that he will come. Even she couldn't understand this contradictory psychology.

Walking out of the bathroom, seeing Wang Yumin and his wife teasing Xia Xiaomeng, song Yuwei went over, looked at Xia Xiaomeng who was playing happily and said, "I haven't slept so late. Didn't I tell you that I can't disturb my grandparents to rest?"

"No! Is Xiaomeng playing with her grandparents?" Xia Xiaomeng said discontentedly, and then looked at Wang Yumin's wife.

"It's all right, it's all right. I'm not sleepy with your father. I'll play with her again." Grandma Wang likes Xia Xiaomeng in her heart. She's really closer than her granddaughter.

Looking at this posture, song Yuwei knew that Wang Yumin and his wife would not rest for a while. Worried about Xu Hao's rash intrusion in a moment, song Yuwei said, "Dad, mom, I just ate a little too much. I went out for a walk..." and looked at Xia Xiaomeng, who was playing happily, and asked, "are you going?"

Song Yuwei knows that Xia Xiaomeng is having a good time at the moment and will definitely not go.

Sure enough, as song Yuwei expected, Xia Xiaomeng was like an adult. She asked song Yuwei to come back early and concentrate on playing there again.

With a guilty look at Wang Yumin and his wife, song Yuwei hurried out.

As soon as she went out, song Yuwei dialed Xu Hao, "where have you been?"

"Sister Yuwei, didn't you say you wouldn't let me go? Why did you ask me where I was?" Xu Hao couldn't help teasing her and asked when he heard song Yuwei's voice.

Song Yuwei stamped her feet angrily, but there was no way. Xu Hao's temperament, she also knows something, "you don't say I'm going back!"

"It's almost at the entrance of the alley..." Xu Hao said, and began to slow down and prepare to turn in.

"Don't come in, I'll go." Song Yuwei said hurriedly, then put away her mobile phone and hurried to the alley

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