Huang Xin's speed is very fast. In just two days, he has poached nearly 70 skilled workers from the production base of Jiangcheng subsidiary of Tianle beverage group. Moreover, the number is rising further.

Yang Zonglin is now mute and eats Coptis chinensis. He can't say it. In the competition in the sales market, the advantage gained by Tianle beverage group in the form of price war has disappeared. Now, the dominant Dongping company has begun to dig their skilled workers again!

Once the production base has problems again, Yang Zonglin, the general manager of Jiangcheng subsidiary, will be the first. Yang Zonglin managed to become the head of an independent subsidiary step by step from the bottom management. He didn't want to ruin his great future.

"Mr. Yang, do we also improve the treatment of workers to deal with the digging operation of Dongping company?" Du Jian, the HR Director of Jiangcheng subsidiary of Tianle beverage group, looked at Yang Zonglin and asked.

"Is there only one way to raise wages?" Yang Zonglin looked at Du Jian angrily and asked loudly, "you are the personnel director. It is your duty to stabilize the front-line workers! Instead of blindly coming to me to increase the wages of the workers!"

Jiangcheng subsidiary is a subsidiary controlled by Tianle beverage group. Tianle beverage group has high profit requirements for them. If this assessment cannot be completed, Yang Zonglin, the general manager of the subsidiary, will be replaced at any time! Now it is difficult to meet the profit requirements. Du Jian proposed a raise again, which makes the profitability of Jiangcheng subsidiary worse?

Du Jian is also very helpless. He is the personnel director, but he is not an immortal. He can't control the minds of the workers! What the workers want is to support their families. Whoever gives more money will go to work!

Moreover, in order to save money, Jiangcheng subsidiary did not sign formal labor contracts with these workers, so many workers really can go if they want to!

After waving his hand, Yang Zonglin asked Du Jian to go out first. He really couldn't figure out how Tianle beverage group suddenly became what it is now? Is it because of the advertising of Dongping company? However, there are many advertisements of Tianle beverage group!

Although he was embarrassed, Yang Zonglin still had the cheek to call Xu Hao and ask Xu Hao out for dinner.

Xu Hao was surprised to receive Yang Zonglin's invitation, but he agreed. After making an appointment with Yang Zonglin about the time and place, Xu Hao hung up.

Hearing that Xu Hao was going to have dinner with Yang Zonglin, Huang Xin showed a meaningful smile.

"Sister Xin, your smile means a lot." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said with a smile.

"Yang Zonglin is a very good management talent, but it's a pity..." at this point, Huang Xin didn't go on. However, Huang Xin also knows that it is almost impossible to invite Yang Zonglin to join Dongping company at this time. However, it is necessary to get closer to Yang Zonglin.

"Sister Xin, you are suitable for coordinating the overall situation. As the person in charge of the production department, someone has to shoulder the responsibility." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao also said his positioning for Yang Zonglin.

"It's still too early. Yang Zonglin is a very proud man. To say the least, even if he leaves Tianle beverage group, Yang Zonglin has many companies to choose from, and we should not be in his consideration." Huang Xin smiled bitterly and said. The goal of people like Yang Zonglin is either to go to industry leading enterprises or top 500 enterprises. A small company like Dongping is unlikely to get into the eyes of Yang Zonglin.

Although Xu Hao and Huang Xin have no hope of poaching Yang Zonglin at this stage, Xu Hao is still willing to talk to Yang Zonglin!

When he came to the restaurant agreed with Yang Zonglin, as soon as Xu Hao entered, Yang Zonglin stood up and waved to Xu Hao.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu," Yang Zonglin said politely as soon as he saw Xu Hao, and then invited Xu Hao to sit down.

After greeting Yang Zonglin, Xu Haocai sat down. They didn't go straight to the subject, but talked about some unimportant topics.

While chatting, Yang Zonglin said with a bitter smile, "president Xu, you're tough enough this time. You've basically beaten Jiangcheng subsidiary half to death this time! If you keep chasing and beating, we'll really have no way to live!"

"If one road doesn't work, go another way. I believe Mr. Yang is not the kind of person who goes to the dark one way." Xu Haoyi pointed out. He believed that Yang Zonglin was a wise man and understood the meaning of his sentence.

"Thank you for your appreciation, but I still want to try again." Yang Zonglin politely refused Xu Hao's invitation.

Xu Hao was not angry, but raised his glass and said to Yang Zonglin, "no matter when, my side is open to Yang Zonglin!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xu." Yang Zonglin also quickly raised his glass.

Just as the two were clinking glasses, a discordant voice sounded: "it turned out that President Xu and President Yang are eating here! Recently, you two have fought to the death in the market. I didn't expect that President Yang and president Xu have such a good private relationship!"

Looking back at Yao Ruili, Xu Hao said, "whose dog ran out and bit people here?"

"Xu Hao, keep your mouth clean!" Yao Ruili pointed to Xu Hao, but Yao Ruili knew he couldn't beat Xu Hao and didn't dare to really provoke Xu Hao.

"President Yao, what a coincidence." Yao Ruili's investment company is also a shareholder of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng subsidiary. In addition, Yao Ruili has the childe of Yanjing Zhao family behind him, so Yang Zonglin still respects Yao Ruili very much.

"Mr. Yang, you should find out who pays you. Don't be the kind of person who eats inside and eats outside!" after seeing Yang Zonglin, Yao Ruili turned angrily and left.

Seeing the embarrassment on Yang Zonglin's face, Xu Hao didn't know what to say. Simply pick up a glass of wine and take a sip.

After sitting down, Yang Zonglin said, "let president Xu see a joke..."

"Yao Ruili is at most a small shareholder of Jiangcheng subsidiary. As the general manager of the subsidiary, President Yang, you still look at Yao Ruili's face?" Xu Hao asked puzzling when he looked at Yang Zonglin.

He smiled awkwardly. Yang Zonglin said, "there are some things behind this. It's troublesome. I can't speak clearly in a few words!" and Yang Zonglin looked at Yao Ruili's table.

Xu Hao also saw Yao Ruili's table. Xu Hao was shocked when he found that the person eating with Yao Ruili was Qi Longde.

"President Xu also knows president Qi?" Yang Zonglin asked tentatively when he saw that Xu Hao's face had changed.

Nodding, Xu Hao asked, "how did Yao Ruili mix with Qi Longde?"

"Qi Longde is one of the major shareholders of Tianle beverage and holds more than 10 shares of Tianle beverage group." Yang Zonglin smiled and said: "but Qi Longde only invests in Tianle beverage group, but never interferes in the operation of the company. His focus is still in the real estate industry!"

Xu Hao didn't listen to what Yang Zonglin said behind him. He only grasped one key point: Qi Longde is the major shareholder of Tianle beverage group. Under such circumstances, can we do something through Qi Longde?

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