After the work in Chuncheng was officially on track, Xu Hao, Bai Yan and others went back to Jiangcheng!

When Bai Yan and others came back, Huang Xin specially organized several executives of the company to meet Bai Yan! This time, Bai Yan and others set up a Chuncheng production base in Chuncheng and made great achievements. Now it has taken over the pressure of the company's production, so that Jiangcheng can finally take a breath!

"I suggest that we all respect our great hero Bai Yan for this first glass of wine." Huang Xin took up his glass and suggested.

We naturally have no objection to this first cup of wine to Bai Yan and others. We all know how hard Bai Yan and others worked in spring city during this period! In particular, it is amazing that Bai Yan can officially put the Chuncheng production base into production in such a short time!

Seeing that everyone raised their glasses to propose a toast to her, Bai Yan said with some embarrassment: "I just did what I should do. Without your support, we wouldn't go so smoothly in Chuncheng. Let's drink this first glass of wine together!"

Today everyone's interest is very high, so they drink wine without restraint. They drink a lot. The original plan to go to KTV later can only be cancelled!

After everyone left one after another, Bai Yan and Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao, who was already drunk and unconscious. They were worried!

"Don't you send me there?" Huang Xin suggested after seeing Bai Yan! First, the place to eat is close to Huang Xin's current residence. Second, Huang Xin is worried that Xu Hao has drunk too much and no one will take care of him. Don't worry!

"OK, I'll send him back with you!" Bai Yan thought and nodded! Can't Huang Xin take Xu Hao back alone? Besides, if you don't send Xu Hao back in person, Bai Yan won't rest assured!

After much effort, the two women finally got Xu Hao to Huang Xin's residence in the dormitory of the beverage factory!

Throw Xu Hao to Huang Xin's bed. Both women are tired and collapse! Sitting on the sofa powerlessly, they didn't even have the strength to move their fingers! Xu Hao, who was lying in bed, was already shouting loudly.

"We should throw him on the road." listening to Xu Hao's cry, Bai Yan said with a fake anger, biting her silver teeth.

"Don't... if you really throw it on the road, sister Bai, you have to die of heartache!" Huang Xin joked with a smile. From the day she met Bai Yan, Huang Xin saw Bai Yan's unusual concern for Xu Hao! Of course, Huang Xin didn't think about that. After all, Xu Hao has always called Bai Yan Bai aunt.

Bai Yan thought that Huang Xin had seen through her relationship with Xu Hao and hurriedly said, "who will love him! I just look at his pity. Besides, Xu Hao was brought up by me from childhood..."

"Sister Bai, why is your face red?" listening to Bai Yan's explanation, Huang Xin turned her head and looked at Bai Yan. She couldn't help laughing and asked.

Bai Yan's eyes flashed a little flustered and hurriedly said, "you also said me. Look at your face. Isn't it particularly red? Who doesn't drink too much?"

With Bai Yan's explanation, Huang Xin has no doubt about him! Standing up, Huang Xin said, "sister Bai, why don't you stay with me today? I don't have the strength to send you back! Besides, it's convenient for you to stay and take care of Xu Hao."

After thinking about it, no one has lived in her residence for more than a month. Now she has to clean up when she goes back. Bai Yan nodded and agreed! It's just that Huang Xin is so small here. How can he sleep at night?

"Xu Hao sleeps like a dead pig. You're still worried about what he can do to us? Let you sleep in the middle at that time. I'm afraid Xu Hao doesn't dare to fool around!" Huang Xin, who is drunk, seems to have lost a lot of ability to think about problems! Of course, Huang Xin is more out of her trust in Bai Yan's identity! I thought there was Bai Yan. Even if Xu Hao went too far, he had to put those careful thoughts away.

Bai Yan's pretty face turned red and Huang Xin almost saw the flaw! At that time, let her sleep in the middle. Isn't it a sheep's mouth into a tiger's mouth? However, let Huang Xin or Xu Hao sleep in the middle, which is even more impossible! So, in the end, she can only sleep in the middle!

Nodding, Bai Yan agreed to the proposal! However, she still has some drums in her heart. She knows how bastard Xu Hao is! What if the little bastard plays a scoundrel? Thinking of this, Bai Yan was inexplicably flushed and flustered.

"Sister Bai, I'll take a bath first." Huang Xin found out the clothes to change and went into the bathroom.

Listening to the pattering sound of water in the bathroom, and looking at Xu Hao snoring in the bedroom, Bai Yan walked into the bedroom like a virtuous little wife, first took off Xu Hao's shoes, and then helped Xu Hao take off his clothes.

People who drink too much wine tend to get hot. Bai Yan naturally can't bear to let Xu Hao sleep in clothes!

Take off all the clothes on Xu Hao, leaving only a pair of underwear. Bai Yan blushed, hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover Xu Hao, and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner in the bedroom. Then she blushed and walked out of the bedroom.

After taking a bath, Huang Xin went out of the bathroom in her pajamas, wiped her hair and asked Bai Yan to take a bath!

When Bai Yan takes a bath, both of them are sleepy, so they are ready to go to bed! Although we had a good discussion before, Bai Yan and Huang Xin were still a little embarrassed when they really wanted three people to sleep in a big bed. Huang Xin, in particular, is blushing and bleeding!

"Elder sister Bai, lie down first." Huang Xin said shyly, pushing Bai Yan gently. At this time, it's not good for Xu Hao to throw it on the sofa in the living room?

"It's all right, let's cover a quilt and let Xu Hao cover a quilt alone!" although Bai Yan is a little shy in her heart, she is much more calm than Huang Xin. The most important thing is that she has had the closest relationship with Xu Hao. If Huang Xin wasn't here today, she wouldn't even mind sleeping in the same quilt with Xu Hao!

After Bai Yan spread the quilt and lay down, Huang Xin lingered in the past and lay down. Fortunately, there is a Bai Yan in the middle. In addition, they don't share a quilt with Xu Hao, which doesn't make Huang Xin so shy.

"Sister Bai, don't you take off your clothes?" Huang Xin asked with some doubt when she saw that Bai Yan was still wearing long clothes and trousers.

Bai Yan blushed, looked at Huang Xin who was only wearing a thin Pajama and said, "it's better! Why don't you wear it like this? After all, you still have to pay attention to sleeping in a bed!"

"I can't sleep in long clothes and trousers!" Huang Xin shook her head with a smile and said, "besides, I'm afraid Xu Hao can't do anything with sister Bai! Moreover, you see, he sleeps like a dead pig. Maybe he won't wake up tomorrow morning!"

Huang Xin said so, and Bai Yan no longer insisted. After seeing Xu Hao sleeping, Bai Yan yawned and said, "well, let's sleep too. Today we drink too much and can't open our eyes!"

Huang Xin nodded, yawned, then turned off the light and soon fell asleep

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