Just out of the mysterious space, Xu Hao's mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao had a headache. "President sun, how did you think of calling me?"

"Look at the text message!" Sun Xiaowen only said three simple words and hung up the phone.

"Inexplicable..." listening to the busy tone on the phone, Xu Hao was speechless. What happened to sun Xiaowen's little skin?

Xu Hao was stunned when he opened the text message: Jiangcheng International Hotel, room 3208, room card at the front desk.

"Sleeping trough, is there something wrong with this woman?" Xu Hao was completely speechless. Did sun Xiaowen get involved with him? Thinking of this, Xu Hao smiled bitterly again. If I had known this, I shouldn't have teased sun Xiaowen.

Call sun Xiaowen. Xu Hao had planned to explain this to sun Xiaowen, but he found that sun Xiaowen's phone had been turned off. It seems that the little girl decided to let him go.

Xu Hao shook his head reluctantly. If he didn't go to Jiangcheng International Hotel, he couldn't decide what kind of moth would happen to sun Xiaowen's little skin!

With the wild fruit picked, Xu Hao first took a detour to Yimei health club, handed the red fruit to Liang Hongyu, asked him to find someone to test whether it was edible, and then turned the car around and went to Jiangcheng international hotel.

After getting the room card at the front desk, Xu Hao went straight to room 3208.

Although holding the room card in his hand, Xu Hao knocked on the door first.

"Don't you have a room card?" Sun Xiaowen asked and opened the door.

Seeing sun Xiaowen standing at the door, Xu Hao was completely stunned!

Sun Xiaowen wore a translucent gauze sling nightdress, which was empty. Under the thin nightdress, the plump towering is particularly attractive. The flat belly, slender and symmetrical legs, white and tender thighs are naked, and the delicate little feet don't wear slippers. They step directly on the wool carpet in the house

Staring at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao swallowed his saliva very indecently! Sun Xiaowen appeared in this dress, which was unexpected to him!

Seeing that Xu Hao wanted to eat her alive, sun Xiaowen shyly turned around, and the round hip under the nightdress tilted up a beautiful arc, which made Xu Hao's blood surge up.

Hurriedly followed him in, and Xu Hao turned around and closed the door. At this time, Xu Hao had time to look at the layout of the room. The room should have been carefully decorated. There were attractive pink everywhere. The headlights in the house were turned off, and only a few pink wall lights were on, adding an ambiguous atmosphere.

Sun Xiaowen had got into the quilt and covered her head with a quilt. Watching the quilt fluctuate slightly with sun Xiaowen's breathing, Xu Hao can also feel sun Xiaowen's tension at the moment.

"Cough..." he coughed twice, and Xu Hao said, "well... You brought me today..."

"Everything is at the head of the bed!" before Xu Hao finished speaking, sun Xiaowen's voice came out of the quilt, "I hope you keep your word!"

Hearing sun Xiaowen's voice, Xu Hao's eyes swept over the head of the bed. Seeing the condoms and lubricants at the head of the bed, Xu Hao was embarrassed!

"Well... Can you show your head? Let's talk first." Xu Hao said with some pain. It's really weird for them to talk like this.

After a while, sun Xiaowen showed her head from the quilt, but she quickly retracted her eyes to Xu Hao.

"In fact, I just joked with you about what happened before. Don't take it seriously..." whether sun Xiaowen could hear it or not, Xu Hao said it all, "I don't provide fertilizer for your Sun family because of the needs of the company's development. You should have seen the news that Dongping company has built a new production base in Chuncheng... The annual output is larger than here, so it needs more fertilizer. After Chuncheng is fully operational, the fertilizer in Jiangcheng can continue to be provided to you!"

"Really?" when she heard Xu Hao say that she could continue to provide fertilizer to the sun family, sun Xiaowen seemed to grasp the life-saving straw and suddenly opened the quilt. Seeing Xu Hao's gaping appearance, sun Xiaowen suddenly woke up, screamed and covered herself with the quilt again

"Well... I'll go out first..." Xu Hao said, stood up, turned and walked out.

Hearing the footsteps of Xu Hao going out, sun Xiaowen carefully opened a corner of the quilt and confirmed that Xu Hao had really gone out. Sun Xiaowen came out of the quilt with a red face.

Seeing the almost transparent yarn suspender pajamas on her body, sun Xiaowen wanted to find a seam to drill in! Originally, she finally summoned up enough courage to let Xu Hao's muddy ball succeed, but the muddy ball suddenly came out!

Taking her clothes into the bathroom and looking at her beautiful body in the mirror, sun Xiaowen's heart is slightly lost! Can't she attract the muddy ball? Otherwise, why would the muddy ball be indifferent to herself?

Although it is said that sun Xiaowen doesn't like men, it can't be denied that sun Xiaowen is an extremely sexy woman! Whether it's slender thighs, soft waist or round and full peaks

A touch of shyness flashed across her face. Sun Xiaowen dressed as fast as she could, and then walked out of the bathroom!

However, when she went to the door of the room and wanted to call Xu Hao in, sun Xiaowen hesitated! She really doesn't know how to face Xu Hao later! Thinking of asking Xu Hao to see her unbearable side, sun Xiaowen wanted to find a place to hide.

Finally, sun Xiaowen didn't summon up the courage to open the door for Xu Hao, but sent a text message to Xu Hao to let Xu Hao in himself.

Xu Hao, who had been standing in the aisle for most of the day, couldn't help laughing when he received a text message from sun Xiaowen! The little girl's skin was so bold before. Now she's shy!

Opening the door with a room card, Xu Hao turned on the headlights of the room as he walked in. Suddenly, the original room full of ambiguous atmosphere became much brighter.

Seeing sun Xiaowen sitting at the head of the bed, Xu Hao walked over.

"Do what you just said count?" before Xu Hao sat down, sun Xiaowen suddenly looked up at him and asked.

Xu Hao was stunned and knew that sun Xiaowen asked about restoring fertilizer supply to the sun family.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "of course! Otherwise, who will sell so much fertilizer I produce? Others are not as generous as your Sun family!"

Seeing the bad smile on Xu Hao's mouth, sun Xiaowen couldn't help but lower her head shyly.

There was a deep silence between the two again.

"Can I ask you something?" suddenly, sun Xiaowen looked up again and looked at Xu Hao with a trace of plea in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll take today's event as never happened. Heaven knows, you know, I know!" Xu Hao knows today's event, which is also extremely embarrassing for sun Xiaowen! Naturally, he wouldn't hurt a girl with such a thing.

"Thank you!" looking at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen said solemnly, "and... And I like women, and I hope you keep it secret for me! You know, our Sun family is an extremely traditional family, I..."

"Don't worry, Miss Sun, I'm not that talkative person!" Xu Hao nodded again.

"Thank you!" after sun Xiaowen said thank you again, she fell into silence with Xu Hao again.

Now in this atmosphere, Xu Hao was embarrassed to stay, so he stood up and left. Sun Xiaowen naturally has no good intention to stay with Xu Hao. After all, what happened today is also extremely embarrassing for her!

Remembering that it was all caused by Xu Hao's muddy ball, sun Xiaowen was angry again for no reason!

Xu Hao didn't breathe until he got out of the hotel. Although sun Xiaowen doesn't like men, it doesn't prevent men from liking her! Xu Hao believes that it is difficult for any man not to be impulsive after seeing sun Xiaowen's dress!

"This little girl's skin, courage is not ordinary!" he shook his head helplessly, and Xu Hao drove away from Jiangcheng international hotel.

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