At the dinner table, Xu Ting seemed to spit out all the unhappiness in her heart in recent years, and ran on Shen Guizhen at the dinner table. Shen Guizhen can only be careful to lose her smiling face and dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Although Yang Xia did not introduce Xu Hao's relationship with Xu Ting, since Xu Hao came to the door, there must be something interesting between them. In a big way, Xu Ting will be the boss of the company after that. How dare Shen Guizhen offend her?

Listening to her daughter run on her sister-in-law Shen Guizhen, Yang Xia gently pulled Xu Ting's clothes and motioned Xu Ting not to go too far! Yang Xia is also very clear about her sister-in-law Shen Guizhen. There is no need to worry about such people.

Because of what happened before, Shen Guizhen and Yang Huan didn't want to eat. After a hurried meal, Shen Guizhen and Yang Huan said goodbye on the grounds that there were still things at home.

Xu Ting changed her disgusting attitude and took the initiative to keep Shen Guizhen and Yang Huan. Just, at the moment, how can Shen Guizhen and Yang Huan have the face to stay?

Seeing that Shen Guizhen and Yang Huan had left, Yang Xia couldn't help scolding Xu Ting, "you dead girl, how can you talk to your cousin and your aunt? Don't do this in the future!" although there were complaints in her words, from Yang Xia's tone of voice, she was still very happy to breathe today.

"Mom, I know." Xu Ting looked at Yang Xia and said.

At this moment, Xu Hai, who lay down after coming back, also came out of the room. After saying hello to Xu Hao, he shouted that he was hungry! Xu Hai was a patient, and just after the operation, Yang Xia hurried to cook porridge for him alone.

Sitting in the living room, Xu Hao and Xu Ting chat with Xu Hai. Xu Hao was surprised to learn that Xu Hai was also a student of Jiangcheng University. "You are also a student of Jiangcheng University. Should you graduate soon?"

"Well, I'll graduate next year." Xu Hai looked at Xu Hao curiously, nodded faintly and said. He can see that his sister Xu Ting doesn't seem to like Xu Hao very much, so he has a colder attitude towards Xu Hao.

At this time, Yang Xia, who was busy cooking porridge in the kitchen, also came out and couldn't help talking about the fun of eating before. Although Yang Xia's temperament is weak, it doesn't mean she has no temper! Shen Guizhen has always pressed her. Today, she is very proud. Naturally, she can't help talking to her son.

Hearing that Xu Hao is the boss of his cousin Yang Huan, Xu Hai couldn't help looking at Xu Hao more, but he was more alert to Xu Hao!

"Come on, take the medicine first." looking at the time, Xu Ting took the medicine out of Xu Hai's room, handed it to Xu Hai and asked him to take the medicine.

After chatting with Xu Ting's family for a while, Xu Hao said goodbye. Hearing that Xu Hao was leaving, Yang Xia quickly asked Xu Ting to send Xu Hao off.

Thinking that Xu Hao indirectly made her family proud today, Xu Ting got up and sent Xu Hao downstairs.

Xu Ting never spoke after Xu Hao. Xu Hao wanted to talk about it, but seeing Xu Ting walking with her head down, she didn't speak in the end.

"Well, you go back, I'll go." after arriving downstairs, Xu Hao said to Xu Ting.

Looking at Xu Hao, Xu Ting opened her mouth and said, "thank you today!"

"Thank you for what, I still had a meal at your house today!" Xu Hao said with a smile, thinking that Xu Ting was talking about sending Xu Ting's family back.

"You know what? Over the past few years, my aunt praises her son every time she sees someone, and also scolds my mother and belittles me and my brother..." looking at Xu Hao, Xu Ting's eyes are a little wet, "anyway, it makes our family proud today!"

"So that's the case. Why don't I often come to your house for dinner?" Xu Hao asked brazenly when he got close to Xu Ting.

Amused by Xu Hao's words, Xu Ting took a step back and deliberately said with a straight face, "Why are you so thick skinned? No one has taken the initiative to mention rubbing rice!"

"Then why don't you invite me to your house?" Xu Hao said shamelessly as he looked at Xu Ting.

After looking at Xu Hao, Xu Ting blushed and said, "I don't want you to come to my house for dinner! Well, I'll go back and pay attention to safety on the way." after that, without waiting for Xu Hao to speak, she turned and walked towards the unit door.

Looking at Xu Ting's back, Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head, started the car and prepared to go back to the apartment in the industrial park.


As soon as he got out of the elevator, Xu Hao saw song Yuwei holding Xia Xiaomeng's hand standing at the door. Seeing Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng breaks free from Song Yuwei's hand and runs towards Xu Hao.

"Brother Xu Hao, you are back!" Xia Xiaomeng rushed into Xu Hao's arms and said coquettishly.

Holding Xia Xiaomeng tightly, Xu Haoman said apologetically, "Xiaomeng, brother Xu Hao didn't bring you a gift. I'll make it up for you next time, okay?"

"OK! Not only Xiaomeng's gift, but also aunt song's gift. Aunt song misses you these days!" Xia Xiaomeng tilted her head and looked at Song Yuwei.

Song Yuwei was so red faced by Xia Xiaomeng's words that she came over to hug Xia Xiaomeng who lay in Xu Hao's arms!

Xia Xiaomeng hugged Xu Hao's neck and said she didn't want song Yuwei, which made song Yuwei cry and laugh.

Following song Yuwei into the room, Xu Hao wants to talk to song Yuwei alone, but Xia Xiaomeng has been relying on him, which makes Xu Hao unable to get away!

The sofa at Song Yuwei's home is relatively soft. As song Yuwei sat down, Feng's hips fell deeply into the sofa, making the fabric of the nightdress tight, showing a round and plump thigh outline.

Song Yuwei didn't notice that Xu Hao was looking at her plump thighs and looked at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said about Xinhong real estate company, "Xiaomeng can't live without people's care now. I think when the old community project is completed, I'll let Bainiu be the general manager of the company and take over the company's affairs in an all-round way. You have to help me talk about it at that time..."

Listening to song Yuwei's meaning that she is retiring, Xu Hao can't help looking at Song Yuwei in shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Song Yuwei lifted the beautiful hair on her forehead behind her ears and said with a smile: "I think I still have to devote more energy to take care of Xiaomeng, and I'm willing to stay with Xiaomeng! Anyway, the company is on the right track, and has done two major projects in Jiangcheng one after another, and the reputation is enough. I can trust Bainiu's ability, and I don't worry about handing over the company's affairs to him!"

"It's your business. I'd better not get involved." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "however, I don't think brother Bai Niu will agree. You should know his temper! If he doesn't agree, it's useless for you to say anything!"

"That's why I asked you to be a lobbyist." Song Yuwei smiled and said, "anyway, I'll entrust you with this thing. If you can't do it well, I'll let Xiaomeng ignore you again!"

Seeing song Yuwei's lovely appearance, Xu Hao wanted to ask: do you still care about me? Just in front of Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao didn't mean to ask after all.

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