Looking back, when Zhang Yue was about to scold Xu Hao, she found that her own actions were too angry. At this time, Zhang Yue is bending down and lying on the edge of the door panel of the toilet compartment, with her ears close to the door, listening to the movement outside. The buttocks pout back high. Xu Hao sits on the toilet. Zhang Yue's buttocks are almost sticking to Xu Hao's face!

With a white look at Xu Hao, Zhang Yue simply straightened up.

Seeing Xu Hao staring at her all the time, Zhang Yue blushed. Thinking of the pleasure brought by the moment when Xu Hao touched her hip, Zhang Yue's eyes were a little blurred.

Staring at Xu Hao mercilessly, Zhang Yue dared not make a sound. In the toilet, Huang Mei was still talking to her daughter Su Jing, and all her voice reached the ears of Xu Hao and Zhang Yue.

"You really haven't talked to Xu Hao?" Huang Mei obviously didn't believe her daughter's words and asked her daughter again.

Su Jing was impatient when Huang Mei asked, "Mom, how many times do you want me to say it? I said no, it's no! If you ask again, I'll find Xu Hao to open a room tomorrow!"

"Dare you!" Huang Mei said hurriedly, "girls should learn to respect themselves, but they can't be cheap for men..."

Listening to the dialogue between Su Jing and Huang Mei, how embarrassed Xu Hao is. In the bathroom, Zhang Yue's face showed a curious expression. He came up to Xu Hao and asked in a low voice, "you two really haven't had that?"

Zhang Yue was wearing a thin cashmere sweater with a V-neck. As soon as he bent down, the neckline naturally swung down. Xu Hao could easily see into Zhang Yue's neckline. Looking at the pair of snow-white, Xu Hao swallowed his mouth very indecently.

Noticing Xu Hao's expression, Zhang Yue bowed her head and immediately realized that she was gone. He stood up fiercely. As a result, he didn't stand firm at his feet. He directly touched the partition board of the bathroom and made a "bang".

This sound is particularly harsh in the open bathroom. Zhang Yue's heart jumped out of her throat. He covered his chest with his hands and dared not move.

Huang Mei and Su Jing in the toilet suddenly stopped talking. After a while, Su Jing couldn't help complaining: "it's all your fault. What's wrong with asking! How difficult it is to be heard!" she said, and Su Jing quickly walked out. Then came the sound of Huang Mei going out.

Until this time, Zhang Yue was relieved.

Just thinking of pulling Xu Hao out together, Zhang Yue suddenly heard the sound of high-heeled shoes. She turned back quickly. As a result, she just met Xu Hao standing up. Their bodies collided. Xu Hao sat on the toilet again, and Zhang Yue fell into Xu Hao's arms.

Suddenly, the four eyes were opposite. Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yue's eyes and issued a wolf like greed.

As a mature woman, Zhang Yue naturally knows the meaning of men's eyes. After looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yue made a warning gesture to signal Xu Hao not to mess around.

It's just that at this time, Xu Hao can't take care of so many with the strength of wine. He directly grabbed Zhang Yue's Willow waist with both hands and kissed Zhang Yue's sexy lips

At this moment, Zhang Yue's brain was blank. She didn't expect Xu Hao to really dare to do so! After a short absence, Zhang Yue also stretched out her hand, hugged Xu Hao's neck and responded to Xu Hao's intimacy

Across the thin cashmere sweater, Xu Hao's hand directly climbed Zhang Yue's towering mountain. Zhang Yue, who sat on Xu Hao's leg with his legs crossed, sang slightly in his mouth

At this time, the woman who came to the bathroom's mobile phone rang, startling Xu Hao and Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue stood up with the fastest speed and sorted out the wrinkled clothes made by Xu Hao.

Meimu glanced at Xu Hao, and Zhang Yue whispered, "aren't you afraid to ask Su Jing to know?"

Xu Hao smiled. As soon as she was about to stand up, Zhang Yue quickly stretched out her hand to keep Xu Hao away.

Looking at the opportunity, while there was no one in the bathroom, Zhang Yue pulled Xu Hao out of the bathroom. Zhang Yue blushed as if she had done something shady.

He glared at Xu Hao fiercely. Zhang Yue said, "I'll go first. You'll go in five minutes!" after that, Zhang Yue left this place of right and wrong like a thief.

Xu Hao walked to the crossing, stood in the smoking area and smoked a cigarette. After calming his mood, he returned to your box again.

Seeing Xu Hao coming back, Su Jing said discontentedly, "why did you come back so long? My mother thought something had happened to you!"

Xu Hao naturally dare not say that he met Zhang Yue in the bathroom. They also had some shady things. He had to smile awkwardly. Xu Hao said, "smoking is not allowed here. I went outside to smoke a cigarette!"

"Smoking is bad for your health. Don't smoke much in the future!" Su Jing said hurriedly when she heard that Xu Hao went out to smoke.

Huang Mei also said, "yes, I don't know what's good about that cigarette. All of you men are addicted to smoking!"

"You don't understand. Men don't smoke. It's less fun to live!" Su Dajiang quickly retorted. However, smoking is forbidden in Zhang Yue's restaurant, so although Su Dajiang wants to smoke, he can only endure it!

"By the way, you haven't said what you want to do when you get a shop in the food street?" Su Dajiang asked again, looking at his daughter. Just when they talked about this topic, Xu Hao came in and just interrupted. So now Su Dajiang asked again.

Xu Hao is also curious. Su Jing is so busy with her studies now. Does she still have time to open a shop?

Seeing that her parents and Xu Hao were looking at her, Su Jing bowed her head and said, "can't you let me have some privacy?"

"I'm your mother. What privacy do you want in front of me?" Huang Mei said, staring at Su Jing and motioning her to explain quickly.

Forced by her parents, Su Jing had to honestly explain: "I want to partner with Yangfan to open a bar in the food street! Anyway, Yangfan knows people, and she will run the bar at that time!"

Xu Hao was completely speechless when he heard that Su Jing was going to open a bar and handed it over to Dong Yangfan's chick! If you were someone else, maybe you could manage the bar well, just because of the girl's temperament of Dong Yangfan? Don't turn this bar into her private wine cellar!

"The girl who lives with you? Isn't she younger than you?" some looked at Su Jing suspiciously, and Huang Mei continued to ask.

Nodding, Su Jing said, "Dong Yangfan, someone in her family runs a bar, so we don't need to worry about it at that time. Naturally, someone will help us fix the bar!"

"Now that you've made up your mind, I won't say much. But one thing, the bar can't have any messy projects. This is the bottom line!" Su Dajiang said, looking at Su Jing.

"Dad, where do you want to go!" Su Jing said coyly to Su Dajiang: "we just want to find a place suitable for student gatherings!"

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