Xu Ting was slightly surprised to see the hot conversation between Xu Hao and Xu Hai. Her brother's character is naturally clear when she is a sister.

Holding a plate of washed fruit in front of them, Xu Ting asked, "what are you talking about, so happy?"

"Keep it a secret!" said Xu Hai, standing up and saying, "well, I'll go back to my room and rest. I won't be a light bulb for you." then Xu Hai walked towards the bedroom.

Looking at Xu Hao with a proud smile, Xu Ting asked, "what did you tell my brother?"

"Of course, he said some unspeakable secrets." Xu Hao pretended to be profound, and then turned off the topic and talked about some trivial things in life and work.

After having dinner at Xu Ting's house, Xu Hao sat down and chatted with Yang Xia for a while. Only under Xu Ting's repeated signals, he had to get up and leave.

Although extremely reluctant, Xu Ting sent Xu Hao downstairs at the urging of Yang Xia.

Starting the car, Xu Hao looked at Xu Ting standing not far away and asked, "don't you want to say something to me?"

"You... Pay attention to safety on the road." after that, Xu Ting turned and walked towards the stairs, leaving Xu Hao a gorgeous figure

Helpless shook his head, Xu Hao also drove away.


"This is the relevant information collected by Xiaoling..." as soon as Xu Hao arrived at the company, Huang Xin came to Xu Hao's office with a thick piece of information.

After receiving the information handed over by Huang Xin, Xu Hao checked it in detail, "Tianle drinks has purchased a large number of fresh oranges for many times?"

"Yes, it has exceeded their previous purchases. I estimate that they are storing a large number of oranges and are ready to give us a fatal blow when our orange juice is on the market." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth. I have to admit that Xu Hao's move is really too damaging. How can he deliberately be so shady!

"Tianle drinks are obedient." Xu Hao smiled and said, "shall we also make a gesture and buy some oranges?"

"The company has so much capital pressure now, how can there be any spare money?" with a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said: "anyway, the oranges in Wangzhuang village are about to enter the picking period. I believe Tianle drinks will not be invisible."

"OK." nodding, Xu Hao stopped talking about purchasing oranges. The company's capital flow is very tight now, and every penny should be used where necessary.

"Do you think we should add more fire?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao with a smile in her mouth.

Xu Hao was stunned at first, and then immediately understood Huang Xin's intention. Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked, "do you mean to do some publicity?"

"That's right! Otherwise, how can Tianle drink believe that we are going to launch orange juice drinks and compete with them?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said with a smile.

"Our orange juice drinks are really going to be introduced to the market. It doesn't hurt to advertise. Later, I'll contact Yang Si. Anyway, we have invested in advertising." Xu Hao is a reluctant owner. He spent millions of advertising expenses and has to pay tens of millions of advertising expenses.

"Be careful for a while. Yang Si comes to the door and tries his best to fight with you!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said wordlessly. People like Xu Hao are just pushing their luck. Yang Si has won him many advertising opportunities. Xu Hao is good and wants to take advantage!

"I can't help it? If I advertise in other places, I don't have to spend money." Xu Hao said reluctantly, and didn't feel that his approach was a little too much.

"Anyway, I have no problem. It depends on whether Yang Si will swear angrily." Huang Xin said, imagining Yang Si's appearance when he received Xu Hao's call, and couldn't help laughing.

After Huang Xin left, Xu Hao called Yang Si and said he wanted to add an advertisement.

"OK, it's easy to say everything. It's not much. Just invest another $5 million. I'll talk to the program team." Yang Si readily agreed, "you don't want to use me as a free labor force!"

"Cough... Yang Si, look at our close cooperative relationship. It's so vulgar to talk about money." Xu Hao has no money in his hand and has no confidence to speak. He can only play emotion cards, "you see, or you can help publicize for free?"

"Go to hell!" Yang Si couldn't help it completely. Xu Hao was pushing an inch. "Xu Hao, I have helped you fight so many advertisements for free. If I dare to make this request again, do you believe that the people in the program group can work hard with me? Don't you want me to die young?"

"Don't worry, in case you die young, I will certainly hold a memorial service for you." Xu Hao shamelessly replied to Yang Si, and directly gave Yang Si Yi a wish to curse.

"I......" Yang Si on the other end of the phone was obviously more shortsighted. She could hear that she was trying to suppress her temper. After a while, Yang sicai said, "my president Xu, you are also a big boss. Can you not be so stingy?"

"I'm not stingy. I'm poor! To tell you the truth, I still owe tens of millions to the bank. I can't afford to sponsor." Xu Hao knew Yang Si's character and simply cried poverty with her.

Yang Si was completely defeated by Xu Hao. "Mr. Xu, if you have no money, don't advertise. Well, I have something else to do. I won't tell you first!"

"Don't hang up, let's discuss..." Xu Hao said hurriedly, "why don't I provide your program group with a batch of drinks? You know, my drink is much better than similar drinks on the market!"

"Even if you provide more drinks, it's no use." Yang Si directly dismissed Xu Hao's little abacus. "It's really impossible for the program group to give in again. You know, how many advertisements I gave you in the early stage. The two main title merchants of the program group have opinions. That's a real big financier, and the program group can't afford to offend!"

"There's really no way?" Xu Hao is still making his last attempt.

Yang Si at the other end of the phone hesitated and said, "first, this is the last time I'll help you! You can't advance an inch!"

"Yang Si, I really love you! Come on, what do you need me to do here?" Xu Hao asked quickly.

"Send me the relevant information about the advertisement, and I'll arrange other things!" Yang Si hung up for fear that Xu Hao would ask for more. During this time, in order to advertise Dongping company, Yang Si almost became a volunteer propagandist of Dongping company!

After hanging up, Xu Hao sent the relevant information of the advertisement to Yang Si. However, Xu Hao was curious. How would Yang Si advertise Dongping company? Just now she said on the phone that the program team will never give in again!

If the program team doesn't agree, where will Yang Si start?

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