After nearly an hour, brother Jun left the restaurant accompanied by several dog legs.

At this time, Xu Hao, who had been standing for almost an hour, felt that his legs were not his own. Dong Yangfan, who has been leaning on him, is even worse. He doesn't even have the strength to stand up straight. Her face is even more red. You can feel the temperature on her face from a distance.

Open the door of the storage room and they go out. After Xu Hao confirmed their safety, they hurried away from the hotel.

Dong Yangfan didn't recover until he got on the bus. Sitting on the co pilot with his head down, he didn't dare to see Xu Hao. His face was red and frightening.

Dong Yangfan startled Xu Hao and asked, "Yangfan, are you okay? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

"No!" Dong Yangfan said hurriedly. It seemed that he realized that his tone had just gone too far. Dong Yangfan said again, "take me back to my apartment. I'll be fine after I go back and have a rest!"

Looking at Dong Yangfan whose pretty face is still red, Xu Hao is still worried! However, since Dong Yangfan said so, Xu Hao can't say anything more.

"Su Jing just called you..." Xu Hao said while driving.

"Well, I see," said Dong Yangfan, looking for his mobile phone. After looking for it for a long time, Dong Yangfan remembered that his mobile phone seemed to have been left in the bar.

"What's the matter? I lost my cell phone?" Xu Hao asked, looking back at Dong Yangfan.

Shaking his head, Dong Yangfan said, "I should have left it in the bar. Forget it, take me back to my apartment first."

Although he didn't understand why Dong Yangfan was in such a hurry to return to his apartment, Xu Hao drove Dong Yangfan back to his apartment.

Originally, Xu Hao wanted to send Dong Yangfan up, but Dong Yangfan didn't agree with anything. It's quite different from the image of the careless woman man in the past, but it's a little awkward today.

"Yangfan, are you all right? I found something wrong with you!" Xu Hao asked, looking at Dong Yangfan. Dong Yangfan's behavior today is really abnormal.

"What's wrong? I'm fine!" Dong Yangfan said, running towards the door of the apartment.

"There's nothing wrong with this?" Xu Hao said wordlessly, looking at Dong Yangfan's back. If it were normal, Dong Yangfan should be pinching with Xu Hao at this time, not this shy look.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao didn't think so much. Watching Dong Yangfan enter the apartment, Xu Hao drove away.


Dong Yangfan ran all the way back to the apartment like a thief. After confirming that Su Jing was not in the apartment, he hurried back to his room, took a clean pair of underwear and rushed into the bathroom.

Change the slightly damp underwear. Dong Yangfan is secretly shy while washing!

"I'm really lost. How could I have such a reaction?" thinking so, Dong Yangfan couldn't help thinking of the feeling of leaning against Xu Hao in the sundry room. Although Xu Hao is not so pleasant, it seems quite comfortable to lean on him!

Thinking of this, Dong Yangfan hurriedly covered his face again. After washing her face with clean water, Dong Yangfan felt that the temperature on her face had dropped a little. However, her face was still red, as if she had just finished something shady.

Xu Hao naturally doesn't know what happened after Dong Yangfan returned to his apartment. After driving away from the apartment, Xu Hao called Su Jing, pretending to be surprised and asked, "Dong Yangfan is such a big man that he won't be lost? Why don't you call the apartment?"

"Yes, look at me, I'm confused!" Su Jing said, quickly hung up Xu Hao's phone, and then dialed the landline phone of the apartment.

Dong Yangfan, who was eliminating "criminal evidence" in the bathroom, suddenly heard the phone ring in the apartment, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat!

"Who? This is." Dong Yangfan washed his hands and went to the phone.

Just picked up the phone and heard Su Jing's voice, Dong Yangfan felt guilty for no reason. When she heard that Su Jing went to the bar to find her and didn't find anyone, Dong Yangfan quickly said, "I... I'm a little uncomfortable. I came back first. It seems that I left my mobile phone in the bar. When you come back, remember to bring it back for me."

"Are you all right?" Su Jing asked hurriedly when she heard that Dong Yangfan was not feeling well.

"It's all right, it's all right. Maybe he just didn't have a good rest." Dong Yangfan said with some guilt: "you don't have to come back. You just have time. You can stare at the decoration over there. I've made some modifications to the drawings. Have a look..."

"Well, well, I see. You can have a good rest. It's hard for you these days." Su Jing felt very guilty when she heard that Dong Yangfan was not feeling well because he didn't have a good rest.

"It's all Xu Hao's bastard who destroys the feelings between our sisters!" hung up the phone, and Dong Yangfan directly put all the responsibility for this matter on Xu Hao's head. Thinking about what happened in the storage room, Dong Yangfan was ashamed and ashamed immediately.

After dealing with the "criminal evidence" in a hurry, Dong Yangfan took another hot bath before lying in bed.

Just lying in bed, Dong Yangfan couldn't sleep! His mind was all in the sundry room, and Xu Hao felt holding her. Although lying in bed, Dong Yangfan felt as if he had a pair of hands around her waist and put his head on her shoulder.

Vaguely, Dong Yangfan could feel the breath Xu Hao breathed! The unique smell of men made her blush, heartbeat and shy.

"Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao is your best friend's boyfriend. Don't think nonsense!" Dong Yangfan warned himself not to think nonsense in this tone, but his brain was out of control.

It was the first time that Dong Yangfan had such close contact with a man when she was so big. The feeling that made her palpitate was like a magic spell. She wanted to forget it, but she couldn't forget it at all!

"Finished, finished, this time completely finished!" Dong Yangfan hid in the quilt and strangled Xu Hao's heart. She didn't know what her inner feeling was at the moment, but as soon as she closed her eyes, Xu Hao was all in front of her. Intuition tells her that this is not a good thing!

Although Dong Yangfan said he was fine, Su Jing was still a little worried. After dealing with the bar in a hurry, he rushed back with Dong Yangfan's mobile phone.

Pushing open the door of Dong Yangfan's bedroom, Su Jing was shocked to see Dong Yangfan's little face blushing. She hurriedly asked, "are you okay, Yangfan? Do you have a fever? I'll take you to the hospital..."

"No, no, I'm fine." Dong Yangfan said hurriedly, "Why are you back? Is the bar okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything over there." Su Jing nodded quickly. Just looking at Dong Yangfan's red face, she was still a little worried

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