After the opening ceremony, Su Jing busily greeted the customers in the shop, and Sun Xiaowen and Yang Qian took a look at the situation in the shop, and then prepared to leave. Su Jing was busy with work so she did not have time to greet the two of them.

"Mr. Xu, if there's nothing else, why don't we go to the teahouse across the way and have a cup of tea?" Originally, Xu Hao had planned to hide for a while after seeing Sun Xiaowen and Yang Qian, but Sun Xiaowen stopped him.

Since Sun Xiaowen had already taken the initiative to call him that, it was no longer appropriate for Xu Hao to continue pretending to be stupid. Walking towards Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao wore a smile on his face, and his attitude was extremely friendly as well. "I'll take care of it later."

"Sure." Sun Xiaowen was not polite with Xu Hao, but his tone was not friendly.

The three of them came to the teahouse. After sitting down, Sun Xiaowen did not hold back and ordered a pot of Pu'er tea that was over a thousand years old. With a smile on her face, she looked at Xu Hao. The provocation was obvious.

Even though Xu Hao clearly knew that Sun Xiaowen was taking revenge on him, he could only smile bitterly. Could it be that he would be able to shake off his sleeves and leave?

"I don't know much about tea, but for such an expensive tea, it should be decent." Xu Hao said with a smile, then looked at Sun Xiaowen and asked: "I wonder what Miss Sun has to say to me?"

"Mr. Xu, our contract has been signed for a long time, right? When will your flower earth be redeemed? " Sun Xiaowen said indifferently. Although his tone was calm, it was still a tone that Xu Hao could not refute.

"This …" Xu Hao naturally did not want to give the flower soil to the Sun Family so readily. After all, twenty bags of flowers and soil only cost five hundred thousand, so this price was completely unattractive to Xu Hao.

"Mr. Xu, this is our first time working together, I think we should double the number of flowers and soil, right?" Before Xu Hao could speak, Sun Xiaowen spoke again. Furthermore, the moment he opened his mouth, he immediately demanded that the number of flowers and soil should be doubled.

"Miss Sun, you are being a bit unreasonable." Looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said: "When we signed the contract, we agreed on it, 20 bags per year, not even a bit more!"

"But, back then you didn't call me little lady Sun Xiaowen either, right?" Picking up the teacup, although Sun Xiaowen still had a faint smile on her face, but Xu Hao could tell that Sun Xiaowen was angry from hearing her.

Xu Hao was speechless, this little girl actually went on and on about the past, this was simply going too far! Just that, this matter was indeed Xu Hao's fault, who asked him to talk about others behind his back, and let them hear about it?

"How about this, I'll give you five more bags of flowery soil, no money." Xu Hao looked at Sun Xiaowen and said: "This extra five bags of flower dirt can be considered as my apology to the Miss Sun. "Not more!"

"Deal!" Originally, Xu Hao thought that Sun Xiaowen would bargain with him, but he did not expect this girl to scheme against him. As soon as he finished speaking of his conditions, Sun Xiaowen agreed immediately.

Although he knew that he had been tricked, Xu Hao had no other choice. Looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said: "Tomorrow, I will send the flower soil over to Su Jing's shop. You two can send someone to fetch it yourselves."

"In that case, that's for the best." Sun Xiaowen stood up as she said that: "My company still has matters to attend to, so we will be leaving first. Thank you Mr. Xu for the tea!" After Sun Xiaowen finished, he walked out of the teahouse with Yang Qian.

"Little girl, I'll take care of you sooner or later!" Looking at Sun Xiaowen's back figure, Xu Hao hatefully said. Last time when Sun Xiaowen was drinking, Xu Hao was soft-hearted and lowered the requirements of the contract. This time, he conceded against Sun Xiaowen! Could it be that Sun Xiaowen was using her own character's weakness to trick him?

Thinking about it this way, Xu Hao could not help but have a better impression of Sun Xiaowen. It seemed that she had a reason for taking over the family's business at such a young age! Compared to Sun Xiaowen, her business skills were much worse!

After exiting the teahouse, Xu Hao bought thirty woven bags and directly returned home. Since he had promised to give Sun Xiaowen some soil, then Xu Hao could not go back on his words.

Carrying the woven bags into the mysterious space, Xu Hao spent about an hour to fill the thirty woven bags full and then brought them out one by one. After doing all this, Xu Hao was so tired that he couldn't even straighten his back.

"It's really inconvenient for this crappy building to not have an elevator." Xu Hao said helplessly. They went downstairs to find a van that was pulling goods. After Xu Hao discussed the price with his master, he asked for his master to help him move the goods.

Giving his master a satisfactory price, his master very happily helped Xu Hao move the flower soil in the knitting bag.

He called Su Jing and told her to send some flowers and dirt to her later. Su Jing naturally agreed to it.

Seeing Xu Hao move so much dirt over all of a sudden, Su Jing was so shocked that her small mouth opened wide. She looked at Xu Hao and asked, "This … These... Is it all that flowery soil? "

Nodding, Xu Hao instructed his master to move all the flower soil into the shop, then pulled Su Jing to the side and said: "Inside this bag, twenty-five bags of flower soil are for the Golden Age Flower Chain, the remaining five bags are for you. "However, you can't just directly sell yourself to them. I have an agreement with the Golden Age Flower Chain. If we go against it, I'll have to compensate them with a lot of money …"

"Alright, I understand. I'll use all of this flowery soil myself. I definitely won't sell it." Su Jing was not an idiot. Xu Hao had taken such a huge risk to make her pay, wasn't that just helping her? How was it possible for her to do something that would harm Xu Hao?

"Although she's a silly girl, her brain is still quite sharp." Thinking about how Su Jing immediately understood her meaning, Xu Hao said those words with satisfaction.

Pouting with her mouth, she looked at Xu Hao with some dissatisfaction. Su Jing said: "You're the silly girl!" Finishing her words, she turned around and went back to her work in the shop.

"Heh, this silly girl …" Xu Hao was instantly speechless. In the past, whenever he called Su Jing the foolish girl, Su Jing would always accept it silently.

Seeing Su Jing's angry look, he could not really be angry, right? With that in mind, Xu Hao walked over, and said with a smile: "Hey, Su Jing, you're not really angry, are you?"

"I'm not angry." Although she did not sound angry on the outside, she was still busy, not caring about Xu Hao at all.

"I'm not angry. Then why don't you give me a smile?" Xu Hao wanted to tease Su Jing on purpose. Under normal circumstances, Su Jing's pretty face would definitely turn red, but this time, Su Jing directly ignored Xu Hao and went to the other side of the flower shop.

This time, Xu Hao was stunned, the so called abnormal things must have happened because there was something going on!

Hurrying to Su Jing's side, Xu Hao deliberately teased Su Jing. Taking a deep breath, he said, "It's so fragrant!"

It would have been better if Xu Hao hadn't said it, but once he said it, Su Jing immediately started crying …

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