"Come on, let's talk outside." Xu Hao said. He walked out of the strawberry shed with Zhang Yalin and stood on the ridge. Xu Hao said, "look at this Strawberry Garden. It took us less than two months to complete the construction!"

"It's impossible!" Zhang Yalin retorted immediately. The ripening cycle of strawberries is about 50 days. Xu Hao said that his Strawberry Garden was built in less than two months, which is impossible.

"Do you know why I only plant strawberries in Jinma town and dare to launch a high-profile offensive against Tianle beverage group?" Xu Hao asked when he looked at Zhang Yalin.

When Xu Hao asked this, Zhang Yalin was also a little puzzled. How many strawberries can a person produce in a year in the Strawberry Garden in Jinma town. With so many strawberries, I'm trying to impact the hegemony of Tianle beverage group. This is a fool's dream!

"To tell you the truth, I'm not optimistic about your impact on Tianle beverage group." looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yalin said mercilessly: "I know that Dongping company is threatening and seems to be able to roll everything! However, after all, this is only an appearance, and Tianle beverage group is not as fragile as it appears. Even, it is no exaggeration to say that you launched an offensive against Tianle beverage group, some of which hit the stone with eggs."

"Your metaphor is very vivid. Many people say that we hit stone with an egg." Xu Hao did not refute Zhang Yalin's words, because he has heard a lot of such arguments. The reason why these people come to this conclusion is that they don't know Dongping company! When they know Dongping company, they won't say such ignorant words.

"What? Do you think what we said is wrong?" Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao, a little questioning.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "do you know the growth cycle of Dongping No. 1 strawberry?"

"Your new product has shortened the growth cycle?" asked Xu Hao and Zhang Yalin in shock. If you can shorten the growth cycle, Dongping company can make money by selling fruit even if it can't make profits from fruit juice drinks! It can even use this high-quality variety to reap a lot of benefits from seeds.

"To be exact, the growth cycle of Dongping No. 1 strawberry variety is only one week!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao stretched out a finger, "now, do you think I have the capital to shake Tianle beverage group?"

Now it's Zhang Yalin's turn to be shocked. The new strawberry that can mature in only a week means that the raw material supply capacity of his Strawberry Garden is seven or eight times that of others! It also means that his cost is more than ten times lower than others! So, even by means of price war, he can bring down Tianle beverage group!

"It's impossible!" Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao and said incredulously, "it's unheard of to mature in a week."

"I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing. If you don't believe it, you can ask Professor He Mingwei of Jiangcheng University. He is an expert in this field and won't lie to you." Xu Hao can understand Zhang Yalin's shock. After all, few people will believe this.

"How did you do it?" now, it's Zhang Yalin's turn to be silly.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Hao smiled and said, "now, do you want to cooperate with me?"

"How to cooperate?" Zhang Yalin became interested. She rushed this new strawberry, and Zhang Yalin had the intention to cooperate with Xu Hao.

"It's very simple. Our production capacity is not enough." looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said: "when the news of our new product launch reaches the headquarters of Tianle beverage group, I think your Jiangcheng company will start to abolish its staff. After all, from this moment on, your Jiangcheng company is a complete failure!"

Although Zhang Yalin was unwilling to admit it, she had to accept this fact. The purpose of Jiangcheng company was to block the growth of Dongping company. Unfortunately, Dongping company gradually grew up in the collision with Tianle beverage company again and again. Now it has the strength to directly challenge Tianle beverage group. At this time, the existence of Jiangcheng company is gone It makes too much sense.

Based on Xu Hao's understanding of Tianle beverage group, most of them will abolish Jiangcheng company. Therefore, he proposed to cooperate with Zhang Yalin at this time. Only Zhang Yalin was able to accept all the equipment and personnel of Jiangcheng company at this time.

As soon as Xu Hao finished speaking, Zhang Yalin understood what he meant. Xu Hao is eyeing the personnel and equipment of Jiangcheng production base!

"It's very difficult. Before the group makes the decision to abolish Jiangcheng base, it will certainly evaluate Jiangcheng company and gradually sell assets..." Zhang Yalin doesn't beat around the bush with Xu Hao and said bluntly: "even if your Dongping company is willing to buy at a high price, Tianle drinks will never sell to you. So, give up!"

"Who said I would buy it? I have no money." Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yalin and smiled helplessly.

Zhang Yalin was even more puzzled when she heard that Xu Hao didn't want to buy the relevant equipment of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng company. Is it difficult? Xu Hao also wanted Tianle beverage group to give him these equipment? Isn't this a fool's dream?

"Mr. Xu, don't beat around the bush with me. Wouldn't it be better for us to have an honest talk with each other?" Zhang Yalin really couldn't guess Xu Hao's intention, so she just asked directly.

Xu Hao smiled and said, "it's actually very simple. Even if I have such a sum of money, Tianle beverage group will not sell me Jiangcheng production base! Therefore, I can't buy Jiangcheng production base!"

"Who will buy it?" Zhang Yalin asked immediately.

"You!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "you Zhang are not only rich, but also a shareholder of Tianle beverage group. In this regard, there is no obstacle for you to buy the production base, as long as the board of directors passes!"

"Why should I buy it?" Zhang Yalin asked immediately. Jiangcheng production base is now an extremely heavy burden. If they can't receive orders from Tianle beverage group, what else can they do besides losing money?

"If you don't buy it, how can we cooperate?" Xu Hao pointed out his intention directly.

Shocked, Zhang Yalin covered her mouth with her hand and said, "it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible! I won't do such a thing! My father can't agree!"

Zhang Yalin finally understood what Xu Hao meant by cooperation. The so-called cooperation is to let Zhangjia come forward and buy Jiangcheng production base, and then do agent processing for Dongping company! In this way, Zhang Yalin's father will be no one in Tianle beverage group!

"If you don't ask, how can you know it's impossible!" Xu Hao smiled and said, "I'm still waiting for Miss Zhang's good news!"

Looking at Xu Hao's confident appearance, Zhang Yalin hesitated. Would his father really agree to this cooperation plan, which would make his father lose his voice in Tianle beverage group!

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