Although the cooperation with Zhang Yalin has not been officially determined, Xu Hao told Huang Xin everything in detail.

After hearing Xu Hao's whole plan, Huang Xin was shocked beyond words. Together, Xu Hao had planned everything a few months ago. No wonder Xu Hao dared to launch new products in such a hurry!

"How are you sure Zhang Yalin will cooperate with you?" he looked at Xu Hao suspiciously. Huang Xin was clearly asking about the relationship between Xu Hao and Zhang Yalin.

With an embarrassed look at Huang Xin, Xu Hao felt that he had been caught in bed.

"In fact, if you carefully study Zhang's father and daughter, you will be very clear." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "Zhang is eager to transform now, otherwise Zhang Dejian will not increase capital and invest in Tianle beverage group many times in the past two years!"

"Isn't it a capital enemy for Zhang Yalin to cooperate with you?" Huang Xin was completely confused. Zhang Dejian is a shareholder of Tianle beverage group. As Zhang Dejian's daughter, why should Zhang Yalin cooperate with Dongping company?

"What is the enemy of capital? This is a strategic cooperation, which is good for both sides!" Xu Hao said hurriedly: "no matter how much money Zhang Dejian invests in Tianle beverage group, he will always be a shareholder and will not be the master of Tianle beverage group! This is not what Zhang Dejian wants!"

"Do you mean you want to give up the shares of Dongping company to Zhang Dejian?" after carefully pondering Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin asked.

"How could it be!" Xu Hao immediately said, "I will never let the shares of Dongping company go out! In fact, our cooperation with Zhang Yalin is very simple, that is, a simple OEM relationship! Zhang Yalin is responsible for production and we are responsible for sales. What direction Zhang Yalin will develop in the future is their own business, and we will not interfere!"

This time, Huang Xin understood. Zhangjia wants to start a new business, but it suffers from lack of channel resources. Now, Dongping company is willing to entrust Zhangjia with OEM products, which gives Zhangjia an opportunity to start a new business! Through this opportunity, Zhangjia can quickly complete the transformation. It is feasible for them to establish their own brand or completely take the OEM route in the future!

"I don't think your idea is so simple? You have no other purpose to provoke the relationship between Zhang Dejian and Tianle beverage group?" Huang Xincai doesn't believe Xu Hao is so simple. He must have deeper consideration in doing so.

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "what other purpose can I have? Do you think I have the idea of Zhang Yalin?"

"It's hard to say. Zhang Yalin is also a great beauty! Just like you, seeing that women can't walk, you may have colluded with Zhang Yalin long ago!" Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao discontentedly and said.

"Cough... Sister Xin, look what you said." Xu Hao quickly stood up and walked to Huang Xin. He wanted to pull Huang Xin's hand, but Huang Xin threw him away. "You stay away from me, and you're not afraid of your two little girlfriends being jealous!"

"Sister Xin, what are you talking about?" Xu Hao was completely speechless. Su Jing is his girlfriend, that's right, but Dong Yangfan is not! Although they already have a close relationship, from the current attitude of Dong Yangfan towards Xu Hao, the relationship between them may be better than that between passers-by.

Huang Xin didn't want to get entangled with Xu Hao on this matter and directly cut off the topic. "When can Zhang Yalin officially cooperate with us? Now the agents are about to blow up the company's phone. Shen Rong doesn't dare to start the phone!"

"Well... I'm afraid it will take a while." even if the two sides determine the cooperative relationship, we have to wait until Zhang Yalin talks with Tianle beverage group and completely buys Jiangcheng production base.


Zhang's father and daughter moved faster than Xu Hao thought. Early the next morning, Xu Hao received a call from Zhang Yalin and asked Xu Hao to meet.

"You have arrived in Jiangcheng?" Xu Hao asked in shock.

"We'll go to Jiangcheng in three hours, and then we'll meet and talk." Zhang Yalin said on the phone, "I hope you can convince my father to make the final decision!"

"Since your father is willing to come to Jiangcheng, it means that he has made a decision in his heart." Xu Hao smiled and said, "it's something strange that you rob people with me, Miss Zhang!"

Zhang Yalin thought about it and knew that Xu Hao was referring to Yang Zonglin. She immediately said, "Mr. Xu, you should rob talents with me, right? Mr. Yang is the general manager of our company. I just want to invite him back!"

Xu Hao doesn't want to keep pestering Zhang Yalin about this matter. It doesn't make much sense for them to argue about it. The final decision is still in the hands of Yang Zonglin!

After hanging up, Xu Hao prepared and went directly to the airport. Although Zhang Yalin and Xu Hao made an appointment to meet at the hotel, Xu Hao still had to make some gestures since he knew that Zhang Dejian was coming.

Seeing Xu Hao coming to meet her personally, Zhang Yalin was a little surprised.

Zhang Dejian saw Xu Hao and immediately came forward to shake hands with Xu Hao. After a brief greeting, they went to the hotel together.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't support Xiao Lin's mentioning this matter to me at first." looking at Xu Hao sitting opposite her, Zhang Dejian said, "however, when my daughter is old, she always has her own ideas. As a father, I can't control her all the time. Therefore, it's up to her!"

Xu Hao certainly knows that Zhang Dejian's remarks are just to make an excuse for himself. Otherwise, as a shareholder of Tianle beverage group, he openly supports his daughter's cooperation with competitors. How can he stand in Tianle beverage group?

"Miss Zhang wants to do her own business. It's OK for chairman Zhang to give her appropriate support." Xu Hao smiled and said.

Sitting next to Zhang Dejian, Zhang Yalin disdained and said, "I took my own shares in the company as collateral, and my father agreed to lend me money!"

This time, Zhang Yalin paid a lot of money. If the investment fails, Zhang Yalin can only honestly listen to Zhang Dejian's arrangement and gradually take over the family company.

"Since it's business, of course there must be business rules." Zhang Dejian looked at his daughter and said, "otherwise, why should I give you such a large sum of money?"

"OK, anyway, you always have a reason!" Zhang looked at Zhang Dejian impatiently, and Zhang Yalin said, "now you don't have any worries?"

"I have something else to talk to President Xu. You should avoid it first." Zhang Dejian suddenly said after looking at Zhang Yalin.

"I......" Zhang Yalin didn't expect that Zhang Dejian would let her avoid. She looked at Zhang Dejian discontentedly, and Zhang Yalin angrily turned and went out

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