Until he was called out of the Yimei Health Care Centre, Xu Hao still had not recovered from his shock. Isn't it too fast for Tang Jing to turn hostile? He said he was going to kick him out, then he was going to kick him out without a shred of face!

"Just you wait, you'll have to beg me one day." Pointing his middle finger hatefully at the Yimei Health Care Centre, Xu Hao turned and left.

Returning back to the orchard, Xu Hao roughly told Bai Yan about the situation when she met Tang Jing. Looking at Bai Yan who was continuously enjoying herself, Xu Hao said in a helpless manner: "Aunt Bai, I have already been chased out, why are you still happy?"

"Miss Tang didn't beat you out, consider it having recovered already." Bai Yan smiled enough and brought a gust of fragrance into the air. She walked to Xu Hao's side and sat down next to him, and said: "Say, why don't you go talk about cooperation like this? If it's someone else, why would they cooperate with you? At the very least, you have to have products! "

After thinking about it, Xu Xiang understood what Bai Yan meant. Indeed, if Tang Jing agreed to cooperate with him on something that she had nothing to say, then that would truly be strange!

However, growing vegetables was the result of Xu Hao's thoughts these few days. Compared to the orchards, the vegetables had a shorter maturity period and a faster fund turnover. It was very suitable for Xu Hao's snowball plan.

Originally, Xu Hao wanted to work together with Tang Jing in one move, to sign a contract first and make use of Tang Jing's money to earn more money. Now it seemed that his plan was to fail, and he still had to walk the road step by step.

"Aunt Bai, you're more familiar with Jiangcheng. Can you help me find out where the land is being contracted from? I plan to build a Vegetable Base …" Xu Hao outlined his plans.

Hearing that they needed to set up Vegetable Base, Bai Yan hesitated for a moment, and said: "Hao, if you want to start a business, I will give you my ten thousand support. "But planting vegetables …" Because the climate of Jiangcheng was suitable, many farmers did their own garden. However, because everyone was doing it, the competition was also big. Furthermore, the vegetables weren't that valuable, so Bai Yan thought that it wasn't a good way to start a business.

"Aunt Bai, the Vegetable Base that I have set up this time is the same as your orchard, they are also for the high end of the market. Otherwise, I would not have gone to Tang Jing to discuss cooperation. " Looking at the worried Bai Yan, Xu Hao reached out, put his arm around her shoulders and patted her shoulders.

Being startled by Xu Hao's actions, Bai Yan quickly pulled away from him without leaving a trace, and said a little embarrassedly: "Alright, I'll listen to you. After a while, Aunt will go and find out if there are any suitable lands. "


Just as he walked to the entrance of the residential complex, Xu Hao saw that Yao Ruili's car was parked there. After pausing for a moment, Xu Hao walked straight towards Yao Ruili's car.

Before Xu Hao could get close to Yao Ruili's car, Yao Ruili's bodyguard opened the door. Looking towards Xu Hao, Hu Qiang said: "Mr. Xu, my boss has been waiting for you for a long time."

"President Yao, since you're here, come down and chat." Hearing Yao Ruili's name, Xu Hao's heart was immediately set ablaze. Yao Ruili had already looked for trouble twice. Since Yao Ruili had come today, then Xu Hao did not plan to let him go back so easily.

Pushing the car door open, Yao Ruili in his western suit and leather shoes walked out.

"Mr. Xu, long time no see …" Yao Ruili said as he extended his hand out to shake hands with Xu Hao.

Seeing Yao Ruili's hypocritical look, Xu Hao's anger started to rise. The resentment he had accumulated a few times before suddenly exploded. Xu Hao did not care if Yao Ruili's bodyguard was by his side, and directly waved his fist, hitting Yao Ruili's face.

"I hate hypocritical people like you the most! "If we have the ability, we'll face each other in the face. Then we'll know how to play tricks …" Xu Hao's fists were extremely heavy, and after two punches, Yao Ruili was almost unable to stand steadily.

At this time, Yao Ruili's bodyguard Hu Qiang finally regained his senses. Just as he was about to step forward and subdue Xu Hao, Xu Hao immediately turned around and punched towards his face. This punch of Xu Hao's used the greatest strength, yet Hu Qiang was unable to block it. After being punched in the face by Xu Hao, he fell straight down!

"Xu Hao, what are you doing?" At this moment, Yao Ruili finally realized how terrifying Xu Hao was. Standing close to him, he looked at Xu Hao with a strong and weak expression, and said: "Do you know that beating someone up is illegal?"

It was fine that Yao Ruili did not say anything, but when he said those words, Xu Hao became even angrier. Everyone had the qualifications to say that, but he, Yao Ruili, did not. The first time, he got someone to smash his house, and the second time, the delinquent he arranged for was even more ruthless! If not for his strength suddenly increasing, he would probably have been beaten up by these hooligans last time.

"Bastard, you still dare to mention this …" Xu Hao said, grabbing onto Yao Ruili's collar, pushing him into the car, "You still know Royal Law? The last two times you tried to find someone to set me up, why didn't you mention the laws? " As Xu Hao spoke, he punched Yao Ruili once more on the stomach!

Just as Xu Hao was about to continue fighting, Hu Qiang tightly held him from behind, and forcefully separated Xu Hao and Yao Ruili.

Seizing the chance, Yao Ruili immediately called the police.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene. Seeing that the police had arrived, Yao Ruili heaved a sigh of relief, pointed at Xu Hao and said: "Xu Hao, this time I want you to stay in prison for eight or ten years, I am your son!"

"If I had a son like you, I'd shoot you right in the face!" Xu Hao did not care about the female police, and directly spoke to Yao Ruili.

"Be quiet." Liu Yuling who was executing her mission could no longer hold herself back, and shouted at Xu Hao with a cold face. The first impression Xu Hao gave her was not good, so she was very sure that Xu Hao was the one who started all this trouble. In terms of emotions, she naturally leaned towards Yao Ruili a little.

Hearing the policewoman's rebuke, Xu Hao couldn't help but turn and look at her. Seeing Liu Yuling dressed in police uniform, Xu Hao could not help but take a few more glances. The unique tight charisma of the uniform fully revealed her curvy body, especially the pair that stood up under the uniform, which was even more captivating. There was a trace of anger on her slightly immature face, but it was even more adorable. The combination of the valiant and valiant uniform and the sexy and exquisite body gave Liu Yuling an indescribable charm.

Sensing Xu Hao's aggressive gaze, Liu Yuling bellowed once again. She immediately took out the handcuffs and tortured Xu Hao, "Brother Wang, please drag the person onto the carriage."

"Alright." A slightly older male police officer immediately ran over and dragged Xu Hao to the police car. On the other side, Yao Ruili was revealing his identity to the police and recounting his crimes!

Originally, Liu Yuling meant for Yao Ruili and Hu Qiang to go to the hospital to do an examination first, but Yao Ruili insisted on going to the hospital to record his statement first. Right now, he wished that he could immediately send Xu Hao to jail, and it would be best if he could never come out again!

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